NADTC Funding Announcement
Equity and Accessibility: Transportation Planning Grant Program
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity, Equity and Accessibility: Transportation Planning Grant Program. Planning grants provide an opportunity for communities to consider current and future needs, engage older adults and people with disabilities in planning, and develop a written plan of action.
Applicants are required to select one of two focus areas for their planning projects, as follows:
Transportation Equity & Inclusion: Addressing the Transportation Needs and Preferences of Diverse Older Adults and People with Disabilities.
COVID-19 Recovery: Addressing the Unique Transportation Needs and Preferences of Older Adults and People with Disabilities to Impact Social Isolation.
NADTC plans to award up to 10 planning grants of up to $20,000 each for approximately five months. Contingent upon the availability of future funding and the achievement of specific milestones, awarded planning grantees will be given the opportunity to implement one or more priorities identified in their plans, to be funded at $50,000 each in FY 2022.
Only local and regional public transportation, aging or disability governmental or nonprofit organizations may apply. Recipients of the Federal Transit Administration’s Section 5310, Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program, are encouraged to apply.
All applications must be submitted via the NADTC Grant Application Portal.
Critical dates for the 2021 Grant Opportunity include:
- July 15: Request for Proposals Published on NADTC Website
- July 23: NADTC Grant Application Portal Opens
- July 27 at 3 pm Eastern time: Zoom Meeting for Prospective Applicants
August 6: Mandatory Letter of Intent to Apply Is Due. Applications will not be accepted without a Letter of Intent on file.
- August 27 at 11:59 pm Eastern time: Applications are Due
The Request for Proposals, as well as other related information, is available on the NADTC website. Please contact Melissa Gray at with any questions.
Infobrief: Planning for Sustainability of Grant Projects
NADTC has released a new Infobrief, Planning for Sustainability of Grant Projects. Sustainability is an essential, and often times required component of any grant funded project from the start, and is especially true for grant programs with a limited timeframe or those providing start-up funding for a pilot project. A plan for sustainability is often required for grant applications, and while funding is one component, there are other factors in sustainability besides money. This document provides a checklist of considerations for grant project sustainability, including examples of grantees who have had success in these particular areas.
NADTC's Annual Trends Report Released
Each year, the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center publishes a Trends Report highlighting emergent topics in transportation. The report provides overviews of transportation issues and challenges facing the transportation industry, including examples of how solutions are being implemented in communities across the United States.
The selected topics grew out of the work of NADTC staff over the past year, including applied research, conversations and interaction with transit providers and other professionals in the field assisting older adults and people with disabilities.
- Volunteer Driver Programs in the Age of COVID-19
- Transportation for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- A Fixed-Route Response to Assisting Communities During a Pandemic
- Meeting the Transportation Needs of Diverse Older Adults and People with Disabilities
- Medicare Advantage Transportation Programs
- Inclusive Planning for Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities
Individual topic spotlights from the full report will be released throughout 2021 and will be made available for download on our website.
Announcing the Launch of NADTC's New and Improved Website!
We are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website! Our goal with this updated website is to provide visitors with an easier way to navigate and learn about NADTC resources and services and to browse information based on their own choice. The updated website gives better access to Who We Are, Training and Events, Programs and Initiatives, Every Ride Counts, Blogs, as well as an improved homepage and landing pages.
We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, announcements and more in the Blogs and News section. Visit us today at and explore the new changes. You can also sign up for our monthly newsletter for the latest NADTC news.
National Advisory Committee on Transportation Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Member Spotlight: Larry Curley and Desiree Lapahie, National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA)
Larry Curley is the Executive Director of the National Indian Council on Aging, and one of the drafters of the Older Americans Act Title VI legislation. Along with Mr. Curley, Desiree Lapahie also represents NICOA on the Diversity Committee. NICOA is a non-profit organization founded in 1976 to focus on aging American Indian and Alaska Native elders. Programs include workforce training, elder equity, family caregiving needs and tribal long-term services and supports.
NICOA hosts the American Indian Elders Conference every other year. The conference will take place August 1-6, 2021 in Reno, Nevada. The conference consists of educational presentations from tribal, state and federal organizations as well as a diverse network of aging service partners who provide information and updates on aging services, health care, civic engagement and economic development in Indian Country.
NADTC Recognized in 2021 National Mature Media Awards Program
NADTC was a winner in the 30th annual National Mature Media Awards Program. The program, presented by the Mature Market Resource Center, a national clearinghouse for the senior market, recognizes the nation’s finest marketing, communications, educational materials and programs designed and produced for older adults.
The free and online NADTC Photo Gallery received a Silver Award in the Web-Based Resource/Tool category.
The entries were judged by a distinguished panel of mature market experts from across the United States for overall excellence of design, content, creativity and relevance to the senior market.
NADTC's Annual Photo Contest Launches August 2
Photo: Milwaukee County Transit System, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
NADTC is excited to launch our fifth annual Photo Contest on August 2. We are seeking photos that illustrate the diverse populations your transportation program serves in your community and the importance of mobility connections for older adults and people with disabilities.
NADTC will award first, second and third place winners plus honorable mention winners. All winning applicants will be displayed on NADTC's website, social media channels and publications.
Submissions are due September 9, 2021. For more information about the contest, prizes, rules and a full listing of categories, please visit our website.
Coordination Connections Webinar Series:
Statewide Coordination Bottom Up, Top Down
July 29 | 2:00-3:00 pm ET | Webinar
Please join us for the first in the Coordination Connections webinar series, Statewide Coordination: Bottom Up, Top Down, July 29, 2-3pm ET. NADTC is launching our Coordination Connections series featuring two members of the NADTC Coordination Advisory Committee. Amy St. Peter is the Deputy Executive Director of the Maricopa Association of Governments, and will discuss how local and regional transportation coalition work grew into a statewide coordination effort. Denise Jess is the CEO/Executive Director of the Wisconsin Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired, and will discuss the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Non-Driver Advisory Council of which she is co-chair, and how this group is working statewide to affect change on the ground.
The Coordination Connections series is designed to highlight coordination activities and successes from the state and local perspective. These webinars are part of the NADTC Coordination Campaign which is directed by the Coordination Advisory Committee. This committee consists of 12 professionals from the private and public sectors who will provide direction to NADTC as tools, resources, case studies, promising practices and informational and educational pieces are developed.
Coordination Connections Lunch and Learn: Transportation Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access
August 5 | 12:30-1:15 pm ET | Webinar
Please join us for our Lunch and Learn webinar on Thursday, August 5, from 12:30 – 1:15 pm EST. This webinar, connecting NADTC’s Transportation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Coordination Connections initiatives, will feature Quincy Brown, co-founder of We All Rise Consulting. Mr. Brown will discuss strategies for engaging traditionally marginalized and underserved populations in transportation planning, ultimately leading to coordination best practices.
Lunch and Learn sessions are held every other month and are designed to be brief and informational, allowing participants to learn about promising practices in transportation equity. Coordination Connections is a series of webinars highlighting best practices in coordination efforts including planning, coordination, and public participation. This Lunch & Learn webinar covers the intersection of equity and coordination.
NADTC's Virtual Office Hours - Volunteer Driver Programs: Recruitment and Retention
August 17 | 2:00-3:00 pm ET | Webinar
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) office hours are focused on enhancing training and technical assistance opportunities and offer further opportunities to interact with your peers, subject matter experts and NADTC staff.
Join us on August 17 at 2:00 pm ET for NADTC’s offices hours focused on volunteer driver recruitment and retention for programs serving older adults and people with disabilities. There will be a short presentation by Virginia Salem, Administrator of Northern Essex Elder Transport, Inc., a non-profit volunteer driver program serving older adults in fourteen communities of the Merrimack Valley in Massachusetts followed by peer sharing. If you are interested in sharing your volunteer driver recruitment strategies or would like to learn more about innovative strategies for volunteer driver recruitment and retention, please join us for this interactive discussion.
Attendance will be capped at 30 participants to foster a small group discussion, so if you are interested in participating, please register as soon as possible to reserve your space! RSVP to
Grants and Funding Information
Are you looking for information on federal grants and other grant opportunities? NADTC's Grants and Funding webpage highlights recent grant funding opportunities and provides helpful links to additional resources.
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Areas of Persistent Poverty Program
The Federal Transit Administration announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for $16.3 million in competitive grant funding for projects that help lift communities out of poverty by supporting transit service improvements in underserved communities. FTA’s Areas of Persistent Poverty Program supports planning, engineering and technical studies or financial planning to improve transit services in any areas experiencing long-term economic distress, in rural and urban communities alike. It can also fund low and no emissions transit vehicles and associated infrastructure. Applications are due, August 30, 2021.
One-Call/One-Click: Training Opportunity
The National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM), a technical assistance center funded by the Federal Transit Administration, is seeking to grow the number of communities providing centralized transportation information by providing a remote, free training on developing One-Call/One-Click (OC/OC) systems. It is requesting that states, multi-state regions, or tribal nations play a role in supporting this training for their local communities.
Survey: Technical Assistance Coordination Library
The Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL) Task Force is conducting a survey to better understand how users are accessing and using TACL in an effort to best meet the needs of those seeking transportation coordination resources. Please take this brief survey to help improve TACL.
Addressing Social Isolation Among Older Adults
The National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM), a technical assistance center funded by the Federal Transit Administration, is seeking to facilitate ground-breaking collaborations among state-level agencies within a single state or tribal nation who are interested in working together to address the positive role of transportation in reducing social isolation among older adults. It will offer to facilitate, and potentially provide pilot funding for, a project involving these agencies. For more information click here, or contact
Survey: Put the Brakes on Human Trafficking
The U.S. Department of Transportation human trafficking initiative, Put the Brakes on Human Trafficking, in partnership with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) and United Against Slavery (UAS) are conducting a National Outreach Survey for Transportation. This comprehensive survey was designed to learn from the frontline transportation industry workers in the United States. Survey results and additional research will help increase the understanding of how public transportation was used in the exploitation and trafficking of individuals.
NADTC Information and Referral Services
NADTC Technical Assistance Specialists are here to assist you and answer your questions about a variety of topics related to transportation for older adults and people with disabilities, ADA-accessible services and related issues. We welcome your questions by email, at or by calling our toll-free number at 866.983.3222.
To learn more about our Information & Referral and Technical Assistance offerings, please visit the Contact Us page of our website.
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center
Washington, DC
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is a program funded by the Federal Transit Administration and administered by Easterseals and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living.