Coordination Connections: Building Transportation Capacity in Rural Areas with Public & Private Partners
November 30 | 2:30 pm ET | Virtual
Participants will hear from Chuck McCarthy, Mobility Manager at the Mountain Ride Transportation Resource Center, discussing their journey to re-establish a rural transportation system in northwest Colorado. They will share steps taken to provide education and information in light of a large provider discontinuing service, his leadership and involvement in the Regional Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC), a recently completed gap analysis, and their collaborative work to attract public and private transportation services to their area. Josh Massey of CarePool, which provides services in Wisconsin, Tennessee, Colorado and Kansas, will discuss their experience as a private provider working with Mountain Ride, and why they ultimately decided to provide service to northwest Colorado.
Transportation Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Initiative: Lunch and Learn Series
December 8 | 12:00 pm ET | Virtual
Please join us for our next Transportation DEI Lunch and Learn Webinar on Wednesday, December 8 from 12:00-12:45 pm ET. This session will feature Monica Jones, Chief Equity Officer, Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA), who will discuss how COTA is addressing transportation equity from the board room to the bus stop. Attendees will hear about the challenges, successes and strategies in creating diverse and innovative solutions to meet the needs of underrepresented populations and the importance of transportation providers establishing an equity and inclusion presence, both within their organization and in the communities they serve.
Lunch and Learn sessions are designed to be brief informational webinars that allow participants to learn about promising practices in transportation equity. In case you missed our October 19th Lunch and Learn focused on Tribal Transit, you can access the slides and recording here.
Join Us for NADTC's Office Hours: Marketing Community Transportation Services
December 15 | 2:00 pm ET | Virtual
The NADTC office hours are focused on enhancing training and technical assistance opportunities and offer further opportunities to interact with your peers, topic experts and NADTC staff.
On December 15 from 2:00-3:00 pm ET, NADTC’s office hours will focus on innovative marketing strategies to help transportation programs serving older adults and people with disabilities publicize and promote their transportation services, and will include a short presentation by Danny Schnathorst, Outreach Coordinator at Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Agency (HIRTA). If you are interested in sharing your marketing and outreach strategies or would like to learn more about ways to promote your transportation services, please join us for this interactive discussion.
Attendance will be capped at 30 participants to foster a small group discussion, so if you are interested in participating, please register as soon as possible to reserve your space! RSVP to
National Advisory Committee on Transportation Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Member Spotlight: David Moxley
The NRC-ANE’s mission is to help Alaska Native elders live fully in their community of choice, they also develop and disseminate resources that support positive aging in Alaska. Their target audience include native elders, family members, caregivers, Title VI Aging Services Directors and the general public. Available resources include videos (many related to traditional native recipes and foods); podcasts, reports on caregiving, dementia; posters, articles and manuals.
In the coming months, NADTC will highlight one of the best practices featured in the Best Practices Compendium, all of which are based on the work of grant projects supported by NADTC from 2017-2019.
This month’s Best Practice Showcase, Access to Healthy Food, describes the approaches of three former NADTC grantees to address hunger and provide better access to healthy food in their communities.
Meeting the Transportation Needs of Diverse Older Adults and People with Disabilities
This past year, NADTC released a Transportation Trends Report which reviews trending topics in transportation from 2020. The Trends Report provides an overview of what’s happening in the industry and important transportation issues in communities across the U.S. This month, we are focusing on the transportation needs of diverse older adults and people with disabilities.
This informational brief highlights the work of local transportation programs that are working on ways to address the transportation needs of diverse older adults and people with disabilities. November's spotlight also includes information on current research findings and recommendations for moving the needle forward in addressing the transportation needs of these populations.
Call for Sessions Now Open for the 2022 USAging Annual Conference and Tradeshow
The Call for Sessions is now open for the 2022 USAging Annual Conference and Tradeshow—which will be held in person July 10-13, in Austin, Texas. USAging is accepting proposals in diverse topic areas like transportation, social isolation, livable and dementia-friendly communities, Title VI Aging Services programs and more! Showcase your best practice transportation programs and ideas for the “Enhancing Independent Living Through Transportation Innovations” track by submitting your proposals by Wednesday, December 15, 2021.
November is National Family Caregiver Month
Every day, millions of Americans provide essential care, medical assistance and transportation to their loved ones. These acts of love, commitment, and compassion enable their family members to receive the support they need to live a life with dignity. This has been especially true throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, during which Americans of all ages have made substantial sacrifices to keep family members safe and healthy. During National Family Caregivers Month, we recognize the important role of our Nation’s family caregivers and thank them for the invaluable and instrumental care they provide.
To learn more, visit the Administration for Community Living's website.
Older Driver Safety Awareness Week: December 6-10
Join the national conversation on Twitter and Instagram by using #ODSAW21.
FTA announced the availability of $3.5 million in FY 2021, in the competitive grant opportunity, Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility FY2021 Notice of Funding. Funding will support projects that improve access to vital services for older adults, people with disabilities and low-income communities. FTA’s Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility (ICAM) pilot program, part of FTA’s Access and Mobility Partnership grants, supports public transportation projects that improve state and regional coordination. Application Deadline: December 6, 2021.
FTA released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and availability of $2 million for the Enhancing Mobility Innovation Program to support innovations that encourages integrated fare payment systems and user-friendly software for on-demand public transportation. Eligible applicants include providers of public transportation, private for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, state or local government entities, or other organizations such as research consortia, and institutions of higher education. Projects must be submitted through by 11:59 pm ET on January 11, 2022.
New applicants are invited to submit proposals for the FY 2022 AmeriCorps Seniors - American Rescue Plan Senior Demonstration Program (American Rescue SDP) funds. Applicants are required to address one or more of the following Focus Areas: Disaster Services, Economic Opportunity, Education, Environmental Stewardship, Healthy Futures, and Veteran and Military Families. Please note this funding opportunity is available to those who do not currently have an active grant with AmeriCorps Seniors. Application Deadline: Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 5:00 pm ET. Please contact for additional guidance.
NADTC Information and Referral Services
NADTC Technical Assistance Specialists are here to assist you and answer your questions about a variety of topics related to transportation for older adults and people with disabilities, ADA-accessible services and related issues. Call us at 866.983.32220 or email us at to start a conversation today.
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center
Washington, DC
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is a program funded by the Federal Transit Administration and administered by USAging and Easterseals with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living.