Join NADTC for a Deeper Dive into Diversity and Transportation
Join NADTC on November 1 at 2:00 pm ET for the release of the full report of its National Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Survey of older adults, younger adults with disabilities and caregivers from historically marginalized and underserved communities across the U.S. NADTC will share major survey findings, additional data analysis and explore next steps in documenting the transportation experiences of this important population.
There’s Still Time to Join Our October 28 Office Hours Call!
Our next Office Hours call, which will focus on ways to better serve customers with dementia, will be held on October 28 from 2:00-3:00 pm ET. Participants will hear from dementia care educator, skills-building coach and community speaker, Heather Comstock on accommodating people with dementia through the mindful use of "cognitive communicative ramps." Attendance will be capped at 30 participants, so RSVP to Carrie Diamond to claim your space!
Best Practice Showcase
In the coming months, NADTC will highlight one of the best practices featured in the Best Practices Compendium, all of which are based on the work of grant projects supported by NADTC, 2017-2019.
This month’s Best Practice, How Section 5310 Supports Community Transportation Innovations, includes a snapshot of the Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program and describes how former grantees use this funding to improve transportation accessibility in their communities.
National Advisory Committee on Transportation Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Member Spotlight: Robin Phillips
Robin Phillips is the Executive Director of the National Rural Transit Assistance Program. National RTAP is a federally funded Technical Assistance Center creating rural and tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, collaboration and free training and transit industry materials.
“The NADTC Diversity Committee has been a great opportunity to engage with isolated or under-represented communities and focus on transportation. National RTAP is in the process of understanding needs and operational strategies for engaging with diversity in rural and tribal environments. We focus on training and technical assistance, so we bring an operational interest to the table. This group has helped me appreciate what diversity, equity and inclusion can look like in a broad spectrum of ways,” said Phillips.
Let’s TACL Coordination Twitter Chat Recap
NADTC, along with the National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT) participated as moderators for the #LetsTACLcoordination Twitter Chat hosted by National RTAP on October 20, 2021. The chat focused on challenges, solutions and resources for transportation coordination. Visit the chat summary to learn more about resources and initiatives from participating organizations and individuals. Don't forget to visit the Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library for more resources on transportation coordination!
A Fixed-Route Response to Assisting Local Communities During the Coronavirus Pandemic
This summer NADTC released a Transportation Trends Report, which reviews 2020’s trending topics in transportation. The Trends Report provides an overview of what’s trending in the industry and important transportation issues in communities across the U.S. This month, we are focusing on how fixed-route systems responded to assisting local communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
While 2020 was in many ways unprecedented, many transit agencies continued to excel at what they do best—move people. In this spotlight, NADTC highlights how several large urban transit agencies stepped up to assist their communities during these trying times.
Funding Opportunity: American Rescue Plan Additional Assistance FTA announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity for $2.2 billion in competitive grant funding for transit systems demonstrating additional pandemic-associated needs. Applications must be submitted electronically through Deadline: November 8, 2021
Funding Opportunity: Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility FY2021 Notice of Funding FTA announced the availability of $3.5 million in Fiscal Year 2021 competitive grant funding for projects that improve access to vital services for older adults and people with disabilities, and in low-income communities. FTA’s Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility (ICAM) pilot program, part of FTA’s Access and Mobility Partnership grants, supports public transportation projects that improve state and regional coordination. Deadline: December 6, 2021
Resource: The Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination (TACL) Library is an easy-to-use public library of coordination resources across a diverse range of transportation technical assistance centers and the Federal Transit Administration. This quarter, TACL will feature NADTC resources focused on cost allocation, coordination efforts to meet unmet transportation needs in rural areas, medical and human service transportation.
NADTC Information and Referral Services
NADTC Technical Assistance Specialists are here to assist you and answer your questions about a variety of topics related to transportation for older adults and people with disabilities, ADA-accessible services and related issues. Call us at 866.983.32220 or email us at to start a conversation today.
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center
Washington, DC
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is a program funded by the Federal Transit Administration and administered by USAging and Easterseals with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living.