Registration still Available for our Building Skills for Successful Transportation Program Delivery Course!

NADTC will give each registrant access to the module materials and recordings using our Learning Portal on Moodle! Each participant will be notified to set up a Moodle user profile, which will grant access to the course materials, recordings and have the ability to provide feedback after each of the live sessions, so please be on the lookout for this notification once you have registered.

NADTC's newest virtual course, Building Skills for Successful Transportation Program Delivery, aims to improve skills needed to develop accessible materials and collect data from surveys and other available tools for your transportation program. You will learn how to use that data to engage the community to improve services ensuring customers' needs are being met.
Each of the four modules is designed for participants to build skills from one session to the next, learning directly from industry leaders who will present examples from their experience working in the field.

  • Creating Accessible Documents | April 13, 2-3:30 PM EST
  • Developing Effective Surveys | April 20, 2-3:30 PM EST
  • Using Data to Enhance Services | April 27, 2-3:30 PM EST
  • How to Meet the Needs of Your Community | May 4, 2-3:30 PM EST

This live course is open to public, private, and non-profit transportation and human services providers, city/county employees and anyone involved in the development of materials and community engagement for the use of their transportation programs.

If you have any registration questions, please contact
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center 
 Washington, DC | 866.983.3222 
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is a program funded by the Federal Transit Administration and administered by USAging and Easterseals with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living.