March 2024

  • NADTC Planning Grants
  • TA Spotlight
  • Celebrate Volunteers
  • Deafblind Training Video

  • Equity Action Plan: Update
  • FTA Low/No Grants
  • FHWA Active Transportation Grants


Planning Grants Coming Soon! NADTC is working on a new planning grant opportunity, targeted to rural and tribal communities. Check out the projects from previous grantees and make sure to watch for an eAlert from us soon!

NADTC Technical Assistance

TA Spotlight

Meredith Bratton, Program Associate, joined NADTC in the Fall of 2023. Meredith provides technical assistance to transportation professionals and assists with questions about a variety of topics related to transportation for older adults and people with disabilities, ADA accessibility and other related topics. If you have any questions, please call 866.983.3222 or send an email to to start the conversation!

Happening Next Month

NADTC Celebrates Volunteers!

National Volunteer Week, April 21-27, is an opportunity to recognize the impact that volunteers have on our communities and celebrate their generosity to assist those in need.

NADTC has available on our website publications on numerous aspects of volunteer transportation, including guidance on how to start a volunteer program in your community. In addition, our Every Ride Counts Campaign includes promotional materials focused on recruiting volunteer drivers. 


NADTC wants to hear about your successes or innovative ways of providing services within your area. As part of this effort, NADTC hopes to share the amazing things happening in communities across the country. Check back each month for a new topic!

Tell us about your volunteer transportation program!

U.S. DOT Resources

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) recently updated its Equity Action Plan, which emphasizes the importance of equal access to transportation options throughout the country. Among the updates, U.S. DOT will be creating ways for grantees to measure community impact, and public engagement in the transportation planning process.

Partner Resources

Sound Transit, Seattle WA, created a new training video to assist drivers and customer service professionals when working with deafblind riders. The video was made in partnership with Lighthouse for the Blind and the DeafBlind Service Center of Seattle, as well as passengers and staff.

Funding Opportunities

FTA announced $1.5 billion available for the Low- or No-Emission Program to support state and local efforts to buy or modernize buses, improve bus facilities, and advance workforce development efforts. Applications are due April 25.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced a new competitive funding opportunity, Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP). This grant encourages communities to plan, design or construct safe and connected active transportation networks, to support walking, biking and rolling connections to school, work, local businesses, recreation or healthcare. For more information, FHWA is hosting an informational webinar on April 9, applications are due June 17.

Where to Find Us

APTA Mobility Conference

April 28-May 1 | Portland, OR

Transit Retreat

May 21-22 | Erie, PA

Nat. Lifelong Respite Conference

May 21-23 | Albany, NY

INFORM USA Conference

May 20-23 | Grand Rapids, MI

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National Aging and Disability Transportation Center 

 Washington, D.C. | 866.983.3222 

The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is a program funded by the Federal Transit Administration and administered by USAging and Easterseals with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living.