Language Matters: Transportation DEI Lunch & Learn

Wednesday, December 7 | 12-12:45 PM EST

Join us December 7 to hear from Jess Mauer, Executive Director of the Maine Council on Aging, who will discuss the importance of using language that is sensitive to diverse populations when doing outreach and advertising transportation programs. The presentation will include guidance for preferred terminology and its importance in addressing DEI for transportation programs.

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NADTC Announces Implementation Grants to Address Equitable and Accessible Transportation

ICYMI: NADTC has awarded $490,000 to implement innovative projects for equitable and accessible transportation to meet the needs of vulnerable and underserved populations, especially older adults and people with disabilities. Seven grantees were selected from among the nine transportation planning grants funded by NADTC in 2021.

To learn more about these projects, visit our website.

NADTC Resources

Blog: Making Strides Toward Transportation Equity

November's blog, Making Strides Toward Transportation Equity, presents highlights from an NADTC panel discussion held at the USAging Conference in July 2022. Transportation providers in Austin, TX talked about how they came together to ensure they were providing equitable access to transportation services.

NADTC's Learning Short: Effective and Interactive Communication

NADTC's latest Learning Short will help you to engage in effective and interactive communication with people with disabilities. Learn how your system can effectively discuss reasonable modifications, resolve ADA accessibility issues, and make your transportation operations stronger.

Visit our Website

Every Ride Counts 

ICYMI: We know that volunteer transportation programs have an urgent need for volunteers, so NADTC has expanded its Every Ride Counts campaign to include new messages and materials to help programs around the country recruit volunteer drivers. We encourage you to use these thoughtfully crafted messages and materials to promote your organization’s volunteer driver program!  

Need Help Writing Your Transportation Survey? 

Sample transportation survey questions have been posted on NADTC's website to assist your agency to create surveys that elicit feedback on your transportation programs. The questions, derived from the participants in the NADTC Skills Building Course earlier this year, have been vetted and are categorized for ease of use. You can downloaded the files into a PDF or Excel formats and adapted as needed to fit your program.

To access the sample questions and find additional information on how to write good survey questions visit the Building Skills for a Successful Transportation Program course webpage or the NADTC Learning Center.

Happening Next Month

Older Driver Safety Awareness Week!

Held annually during the first week of December, Older Driver Safety Awareness Week aims to promote older drivers’ safety and the importance of transportation to ensure older adults remain active in their community. While older drivers tend to be safe drivers, they are also an at-risk population, in part due to physical, visual and other age-related issues.

The Clearinghouse for Older Road User Safety (ChORUS) provides professionals and individuals with resources to encourage and address safety among older drivers; including ways to identify unsafe driving behaviors and to help an older driver plan for driving retirement. 

Click here to read our December blog on Older Driver Safety!

Partner Updates and Resources

Risky Business II: Insurance for Non-Profits and Small

Transportation Agencies

December 14 | 2-3 PM EST

Moderated by National RTAP, and co-sponsored by NADTC and AASHTO, this webinar will provide non-profit organizations that offer transportation and small public transit agencies with information and tips about insuring their assets. Participants will also learn about volunteer insurance and insurance pools for small organizations.

Register Now!

FTA has announced a two-year waiver of the Buy America domestic content requirement for commercially produced, non-ADA accessible vans and minivans used in public transportation, due to the unavailability of compliant parts.

For more information regarding this waiver, please visit FTA's website.

NADTC Information and Referral Services

NADTC Technical Assistance Specialists are here to assist you and answer your questions about a variety of topics related to transportation for older adults and people with disabilities, ADA-accessible services and related issues. Call us at 866.983.32220 or email us at to start a conversation.

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National Aging and Disability Transportation Center 
 Washington, DC | 866.983.3222 
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is a program funded by the Federal Transit Administration and administered by USAging and Easterseals with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living.