Submit Your Entries to NADTC's Annual Photo Contest
ButterFLi, Los Angeles, California
Manatee Co. Area Transit, Florida
The NADTC 2022 Photo Contest has officially begun! We are seeking photos that shine a light on how your transportation program meets the needs of older adults and people with disabilities in your community.
This year's contest features categories covering a broad range of topics:
  • Racially and ethnically diverse populations using transportation
  • Youth and Young Adults with disabilities using transportation
  • Volunteer Transportation
  • Tribal Transportation
  • Transportation riders using technology that supports transportation access or accessible mobility
Entries must be received by 11:59 PM ET on September 30, 2022. Please visit to review the contest rules and complete an application. If you have any questions, please contact us at
Office Hours: Transportation and Social Engagement
Wednesday, September 28 | 1:00-2:00 PM EST
In partnership with the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC), engAGED: The National Resource Center for Engaging Older Adults will host a September Office Hours on transportation and social engagement. Participants will hear from NV Rides on how its network of volunteer driver programs helps older adults stay socially engaged and connected. engAGED and NADTC will also highlight resources to support your social engagement and transportation work. The call will include time for group discussion and allow attendees to exchange ideas, resources and tips. Attendance will be capped at 30 participants, so RSVP as soon as possible to claim your space!
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center 
 Washington, DC | 866.983.3222 
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is a program funded by the Federal Transit Administration and administered by USAging and Easterseals with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living.