August Advisory Board News

Greetings Marketing,

Welcome back to the new school year! NAF looks forward to helping support your goals to create more impact for students. More than 112,000 students across the nation benefit from the NAF approach, and now our network is even bigger to share in and learn from — we're welcoming 35 new NAF academies this school year!

Planning Resources

Now is an ideal time to finalize your board’s planning for the 2023-24 school year! Strategic planning helps your academy and board to make practical WBL plans that better prepare students for future success. NAF has several resources to help with this process, including a Work-Based Learning Plan and Calendar template and a Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda template.

Need support? Feel free to reach out to your assigned NAF Portfolio Manager or Darrell Kain at for support in helping you plan or support your goals for the 2023-2024 school year. 

Network Spotlights

Coolidge AOHS Academy Director, Masaley Kargbo, Darrell Kain, and Marquis, recent AOHS graduate.

Action Collaborative for Black Men in Medicine

Washington D.C. advisory board member, Clarence Fluker, who works for the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) connected NAF to their Action Collaborative for Black Men in Medicine. In July, individuals and organizations across the country interested in increasing the representation of Black men applying to and matriculating through medical school came together to discuss opportunities and solutions. Coolidge Academy of Health Sciences was highlighted for its innovative work, and we were able to connect with several national diversity, equity, and inclusion leaders in this space. AAMC will host a free Virtual Medical School Fair on October 17-18 for high school and undergraduate students. Check it out!

Igniting Aspirations

NAF Advisory Board member and Limbic Systems Inc. CEO, Marullus Williams, delivered the keynote speech at CareerWise DC's celebration of the completion of the first apprenticeships.

Launched in 2020, CareerWise DC is a modern youth apprenticeship program that prepares Washington D.C. high schoolers for competitive, high-wage careers in IT, finance, and more. Become inspired to support students; learn about CareerWise DC.

NAF Advisory Board Champion

Congratulations, Audrey Hamernik!

Let’s celebrate Audrey Hamernik from New York who was awarded the NAF Advisory Board Champion award at NAF Next this summer. Audrey is the Deputy Mayor of Depew, NY, and acts as the liaison between Depew High School AOF students and the surrounding network of business and industry leaders. She has provided students many work-based learning and community impact opportunities, including helping to open a local community center.

If you'd like to recognize an advisory board member for their innovative work, consider nominating that person for the Advisory Board Champion award in the spring of 2024!

It was great to celebrate our expanding network and see so many of our educators and advisory board members at NAF Next in Phoenix, sharing best practices across the NAF network and bringing in tremendous energy. If you weren't able to join us this time, you can check out our NAF Next 2023 highlights, and add us to your calendar for when NAF Next 2024 heads to Orlando on July 8-11.

NAF News

Introducing NAF's Outcomes-Driven Work-Based Learning

National Intern Day 2023: The NAF Student and Alumni Internship Connection

Join NAF's Industry & Community Partners LinkedIn Group

Connect with other professionals on NAF’s Advisory Board and our partners to celebrate, advocate for, and share work-based learning opportunities for high school students.

Join the LinkedIn Group

Darrell Kain

Director, Advisory Board Activation | @NAFCareerAcads

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