NAIBAhood News - February 15, 2024

In this edition:

Bookseller Beach Retreat

General Managers Strategy Session

Children's Book Buyer Retreat

New Bookseller Bonus

Publishers Book Your Ads NOW

Publicity Speed Dating Opportunities in 2024

Publicity Speed Dating Grant


Swipe Fee Reform

February Book Lists

2024 Leadership Mini-Courses

IPC Indie Press Month

NAIBA Dinners at Wi2024

Professional Booksellers Upcoming Courses

2024 NAIBA Book Buzz

2024 NAIBA Register & Save the Dates

NAIBAhood Notes

Around the NAIBAhood

Career Center

What We Are Reading

Bookseller Beach Retreat

Who: Any bookseller who wants a busman's holiday

What: Tours of two bookstores in beach towns just before the season opens

Where: Rehoboth Beach and Bethany Beach, DE

When: Monday & Tuesday, May 6 & 7

Why: Why not?

This is an event for 30 NAIBA members. Login and register here.

General Managers Strategy Session

Our first Store/Operations/General Managers Strategy session will be hosted by Benedict Tanner, general manager of Main Point Books in Wayne, PA. For our first meeting, we'll be having a broad discussion about all the ways the role of "manager" works in our bookstores. Join us for a lunch break with your peers from across the region!

Register Here

Pro-tip: register now for the Fall session, and get it on your calendar.

1 Spot Left for Children's Book Buyers Retreat

Join us for the annual NAIBA and NEIBA Book Buyers Summit. This year's event is meant for children's book buyers only. Space is limited to just 15 NAIBA buyers, and there are just three seats left. Only one buyer per store may attend and your store must be a current member of NAIBA.

Sunday & Monday, February 25-26, 2024

Beekman Arms, Rhinebeck, NY

Click here for details and registration.

Publishers Book Your Ads NOW


Time for our RAMP Summer Catalog. Reserve yours now!

Publishers: Only 1 ad spot remains. Reserve your ad here. Reservations due March 1, 2024.

Bookstores: Orders due March 15. Projected catalog delivery to stores is May 8.


Ramp Holiday Catalog orders are open. Reserve yours now!

Publishers: Reserve your ads here. Reservations due June 15, 2024.

Bookstores: Orders open when Summer Catalog orders close.

Publicity Speed Dating Opportunities in 2024

(Booksellers: Choose just one. Publishers: Welcome at all events. Event Management is open only to current Event Management students.)

NVNR Virtual Publicity Speed Dating 02/29

NVNR's first Publicity Speed Dating event of 2024 will be hosted on Zoom on February 29th. This is an opportunity for booksellers to meet publicists and share all the unique events they host in their store. This virtual event begins at 9:30 AM and ends at around 4:00 PM, with a lunch break. Publicists will receive access to the publicity kits and a complete list of stores attending.

Cost for booksellers to attend is $35.00. Booksellers can sign up for either a morning or afternoon session, but space is limited so only one spot per store is allowed. After you register, you will be contacted with your assigned specific time slot. (Booksellers: This is only a 30 minute commitment that day.) All times are Eastern Standard.

Your store must have a publicity kit to share with publicists, and must be a current member of SIBA or NAIBA to participate. See the NAIBA and SIBA websites for inspiration in creating your own publicity kit.

Register here: NAIBA (log in is required)

Publishers: Tell all your publicists about this and send them here to register.

Bookseller Registration for Virtual Publicity Speed Dating

NAIBA In-person Publicity Speed Dating 03/26 Gotham Comedy Club, NYC

Nothing compares to the time spent face-to-face passionately discussing a store events program and finding the perfect fit for authors. In fast-paced (15 minutes with each store) rounds of meetings (up to 25 in just this one day) booksellers and publicists can find the perfect spot for authors. 

Booksellers: There is a nominal $35 fee to attend. Open only to NAIBA members.

Publicists: This is a free event for publicists. You are welcome to split an assigned table between publicists / imprints or double up for greater impact.  

Register for In-person Publicity Speed Dating (Booksellers & Publishers)

PBS Event Management Publicity Speed Dating

Publicity Speed Dating for the Professional Booksellers School Event Management students is Wednesday, May 8th. This is a virtual event and only open to current Event Management students. Presentations will begin at 9AM.

Publicists: This is a free event for you. Login is required to register to attend.

Publicists Register for Virtual Event Management Publicity Speed Dating

NAIBA Publicity Speed Dating Grant

NAIBA would like all our members have access to the in-person Publicity Speed Dating, and we understand that travel, store coverage, and associated expenses can make it feel prohibitive. NAIBA is granting four $500 grants to cover those for four stores. Please submit your request below. The four winning stores will be notified by the end of February so they can make plans to attend the March 26 event at the Gotham Comedy Club in New York City.

Applicants must be:

  • A current NAIBA member
  • The store must be five years old or younger (opened 2019 or later)
  • Store was never represented at an in-person publicity speed dating event

Apply by February 19.


NAIBA’s advice column for booksellers.

It was a busy week for all those attending Winter Institute 2024 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Eileen and Kit thoroughly enjoyed seeing and talking with the many NAIBors who were there! It was exciting to have so many booksellers from all types of stores sharing ideas, stories, and supporting each other.

We spotted a few things that made us very happy...

NAIBA store owners and booksellers at dinner together on Monday evening. What an amazing, supportive group!

The Professional Booksellers School's exhibit table that was constantly busy all three days of conference!

Have some NAIBA photos from Wi24? Send them to along with details or captions and see them featured in our newsletter!

Candice, the official mobile hype unit, sporting flags and building enthusiasm for the Professional Booksellers School and our New Voices New Rooms annual conference!

Yours in Reading,


Don't forget to click the button below to submit a question. If you’d like to offer further advice to a question posted previously, reply to

Submit a Question

Swipe Fee Reform

We need you to call or email your Senators today and urge them to support the Credit Card Competition Act – leadership has promised a hearing on the bill, but opponents are working overtime to have the bill quashed.Currently, the Senate sponsors of the Credit Card Competition Act are trying to get a hearing on the bill, which would be a huge important step toward getting a vote on this important legislation, as it would shine a light on all the myths the banking lobby has been spreading in an attempt to derail the bill.

Don’t wait. As you read this, the banking lobby is walking the halls of congress, doing its best to keep CCCA off the legislative calendar.

We need you to please email – or even better, CALL – your U.S. Senators and demand that they support CCCA, legislation that will bring about much-needed competition to the credit card market.

The CCCA would require the largest banks in the U.S. to enable a second processing network on credit cards they issue, creating competition over fees, security and service that would save retailers – and their customers – an estimated $15 billion a year. Today, Visa and Mastercard control over 83 percent of the U.S. credit card market.

Act Now

February Book Lists

Running Press and Black Dog & Leventhal: Educate and Inspire with these Books for Black History Month

Ingram: Black History Month Essential Titles

Simon & Schuster: Black History is...

Penguin Random House: All Ways Black

Astra Publishing House: Biographies, Picture Books & Graphic Novels for Kids Ideal for Black History Month

Sourcebooks: Celebrating Black Voices

Scholastic: Share Black Stories 2024 Merchandising Kit

Quarto Kids: Celebrate Black History Month!

Sourcebooks: Black Authors, Illustrators, & Content

Lee & Low Books: 6 Titles to Celebrate Black Women's History

Hachette: Black History Month

Macmillan: Macmillan Celebrates Black History Month 2024

HarperCollins: Black History Reads

Haymarket Books: Books for Black Liberation

Callisto: Black History Month Heroes, Leaders & Self Care

Rowman & Littlefield: Essential Reads for Black History Month

Charlesbridge: Books by Black Authors

Charlesbridge: Black History Month

Indie Playlist: Black History Month

2024 Leadership Mini-Courses

In partnership with Whole School Leadership, the Professional Booksellers School is offering a series of three Portal to Leadership courses. These mini-courses will be on Wednesdays from 3-4 pm ET/ 2-3 pm CT / 12-1 pm PT and will happen in March, May, and September. Each 3-week course delves into leadership principles to help bookstore owner & managers be better leaders, and learn to build trust and a sense of belonging among their staff and community. Each course is built around a book on leadership, and will feature discussion with the author and practice applying concepts in theory and practice.

Learn more and register here.

IPC Indie Press Month

IPC is thrilled to be soft-launching their new Indie Press Month promotion with an Indie Display Contest and a social media campaign. Five indie bookstores will receive $50 in co-op and one indie bookstore will win $500!

Everything you need to know is available on their website, so check it out now!

Professional Booksellers School Upcoming Courses

Basic Bookselling

Join the Wait List

Bookstore Finances

Opens 03/04/2024

2024 NAIBA Book Buzz

You can register for the rest of our 2024 NAIBA Book Buzz events and find out about all the exciting new titles. Booksellers, make sure to select each month! Book Buzz is from 10AM-11:30AM on the first Wednesday of each month from January-June. Each Book Buzz you'll hear about top titles & items from four of our publishing & vendor NAIBors. Attendees receive specials & swag & giveaways.

Our January 3rd Book Buzz Recording & Edelweiss links:

Chesapeake & Hudson, BQB/WriteLife Publishing, Macmillan, Sourcebooks

Our February 7th Book Buzz Recording & Edelweiss links:

Catapult/Counterpoint/Soft Skull Press, Chesapeake & Hudson, North Star Editions, Scholastic

March 6th we will feature more Chesapeake & Hudson, Callisto, Astra Publishing, and Catalyst Press!

Register for NAIBA Book Buzz

2024 NAIBA Register & Save the Dates - Some Links Still to Come

General Managers Strategy Session: 02/20/2024

NVNR Publicity Speed Dating (Virtual): 02/29/2024

Ingram Warehouse Tour: 03/11/2024

NAIBA at Noon: Publisher Problem Solving: 03/18/2024

Publicity Speed Dating (Live): 03/26/2024

Frontline Booksellers Strategy Session: 04/08/2024

Owners Retreat: 04/11/2024

NAIBA at Noon: Pubeasy/Pubnet: 04/22/2024

NVNR Genre Buzz: 04/25/2024

Bookseller Beach Retreat: 05/06-07/2024

Event Managers Strategy Session: 05/16/2024

NAIBA at Noon: Edelweiss 360: 05/20/2024

NAIBA at Noon: Owner Compensation: 06/17/2024

NVNR Annual Conference: 08/08-11/2024

NAIBA at Noon: TikTok: 09/16/2024

General Managers Strategy Session: 09/18/2024

Event Managers Strategy Session: 09/26/2024

Frontline Booksellers Strategy Session: 10/07/2024

NAIBA at Noon: 10/21/2024

Owners Retreat: 10/17/2024


Publisher Promotions
Indie Bestsellers

NVNR 2024

Booksellers are invited to nominate their favorite sales representatives for the Sales Rep of the Year Award from Publishers Weekly. They welcome nominations for outstanding telephone and house representatives as well as independent sales reps. Please include an example of the rep’s commitment to excellence, as well as contact information, including your name and industry affiliation. (Previous winners cannot be considered.)

Take the 2024 ABA Annual Membership survey

Sign up for Every Child a Reader's Children's Book Week 2024.

Your store could be featured on USA Today! The USA Today Books Page spotlights an independent bookstore each week. ABA member bookstores can pitch their bookstore to USA Today. Good Luck!

AMIBA invites you to sign on as a partner to promote their 2024 Choose Black-Owned Campaign. Let's inspire our communities to support black-owned businesses and celebrate diversity in our local economies. Partners will receive:

  • A listing on Choose Black Owned website.
  • Weekly emails with ideas on how to promote this campaign through February.
  • Event marketing templates — including press releases, social media posts, and other materials.

Fly Paper Products Literary Gift Company is hosting a fundraiser for BINC through sales of their 'Indie Bookstore’ candle through April 27, 2024 - Independent Bookstore Day. 

Wholesale Information Wholesale – Fly Paper Products



NAIBA has a dedicated Discord server for member store owners and booksellers to communicate. Current members can contact to request the access code.NAIBA has a podcast! NAIBAhood Bits will cover the top five news stories each week. You can find it on Spotify, Spotify for Podcasters, and on Apple Podcasts. Please share this information with all of the staff in your bookstore!

NAIBA wants to share your fantastic ideas! It could be an event, program, process, or hack - any special trick or trade you do brilliantly that could benefit others in our region is welcome! Your idea could be featured in an upcoming NAIBAhood News and/or on our website. Submit your idea here.

NAIBA has a community on Edelweiss with NAIBors already in it. We invite all stores and booksellers to join us there. If you would like to be a part of the NAIBA Edwelweiss community, please email with your Edelweiss account name and email and we will take care of it.

NAIBA is undertaking a wage survey to gather figures for our region. This information will help owners and booksellers know if their store’s compensation is in line with their local area. Booksellers, please take a few minutes and fill out the survey now.

^If you are a bookseller in need, please click here for Binc's assistance.^

Around the NAIBAhood

1 Congrats to Another Chapter Bookstore on their upcoming Grand re-opening this weekend!

2 Gert says hi to every bookseller at Browseabout books and has interesting nicknames for them!

3 You can never go wrong with a Bernie meme, this one from The Nonbinarian Book Bike.

4 Politics and Prose hit 50K folllowers on Instagram...congrats!

5 Fun graphic from A Likely Story Bookstore about reading during the Super Bowl.

6 Congrats to Ida's Bookshop on this feature about their recent crowdfunding success.

7 The Dog Eared Book shared what everyone was really thinking on Valentine's Day.

8 Just look at those perfectly placed books on the display table at Black Rock Books!

9 Oprah's Book Club shared a list of Black-Owned Bookstores that several of our stores are on!

10 Nice event recap from Midtown Scholar Bookstore.

11 Excellent Lunar New Year Recs from East City Bookshop.

12 Not from the NAIBAhood, but a fun video that talks about working at a library. You could easily adapt it to working at a bookstore, and I want to see your videos, so please do it!

Harvard Book Store is looking for a General Manager to help lead one of America’s prized

independent bookstores into its next chapter. Click here for details and application process.

HarperCollins is seeking a Sales Support Associate. Click here for details and application process.

House of Books, a boutique literary bookstore located in Kent, CT, is seeking a Marketing Director to join the team! Click here for details and application process.

Baltimore Read Aloud, a pop-up independent bookstore, seeks Pop-up and Event Booksellers for their offsite events. Click here for details and application process.

Greenlight is hiring an Events & Marketing Manager. Click here for details and application process.

Midtown Scholar Bookstore seeks a book cataloguer for their rare-and-collectible-books division. Click here for details and application process.

ML Books, Inc. is looking for a bookstore or bookselling company either to take over the company or to incorporate its operations into their own business. Click here for more information.

Book buyer for hire! If you are in need of help with your book buying so you can focus on all the other aspects of running a bookstore, click here for details.

House of Books, in CT, is hiring a Children's Specialist to be the store's point of contact and front-facing employee in directing and growing our Little House of Books brand. Click here for details and application process.

What We Are Reading



Nathan Hill




City of Laughter

Temim Fruchter

(Grove Press/IPS)


Kathy Ellen

Little Stories

Of Your Life

Laura Pashby

(Quadrille Publishing/Chronicle Books)



 Our Hidden Conversations: What Americans Really Think About Race and Identity

Michele Norris

(Simon & Schuster)


eileen signature
Eileen Dengler
Executive Director
Elliott batTzedek
Member Manager

Kathy Ellen Davis

Social Media Maven

Kit Little
Executive Administrator
Keep Your Staff In The Know!
Encourage everyone on your staff to sign up for our NAIBAhood News as well as our Booksellers newsletters. They will be up to date on industry developments, upcoming events, and new/future release titles and programs that the publishers are excited about!
516-333-0681| 2667 Hyacinth Street, Westbury, NY 11590|
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