(April 2020)
In This Issue:

  • Sales Idea
  • The Latest From Washington
  • NAIFA-Florida President’s Message
  • Coronavirus Resource Info Now Available on the NAIFA-Florida Website
  • Congress Enacts CARES Act
  • 2020 Financial Advisors Sales Symposium is Canceled - 2021 Date Set
  • 2021 Legislative Day on the Hill Set for March 8-9
  • NAIFA-Florida CE Opportunities
  • NAIFA-Florida Governance
  • Citizens and Covid-19 Agent Alert and Document
  • Plans Change for Golf Tournaments at Three Local Associations
  • Welcome New & Returning Members!
Three Ways to Generate Conversations

by Mike Schultz, President, RAIN Group, www.rainsalestraining.com

1.      Ask for referrals : Too many financial advisers and bankers assume that their clients, friends, family, and network will refer them to others without prompting. If you do this, you might get a few referrals, but you'll miss out on a huge opportunity to generate new conversations.

Start by being more proactive and request referrals. Most people don't think about the connections they have. It's as simple as asking, "Do you know anyone else who might benefit from something similar?"

2.      Lead with value: When reaching out to your network and potential buyers, don't lead with a capabilities pitch. Instead, lead with an offer of something valuable.

Offer to evaluate their current portfolio and make suggestions. Offer to share research you or your company recently conducted. Offer to share best practices in asset allocation you've discovered from your work with others in similar situations.

Whatever your offer, make sure it adds value to the buyer in the initial meeting itself. Do this and you'll generate far more conversations.

3.      Succeed with selling financial services on LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a powerful tool for financial sellers. We recently found that 82% of buyers look up providers on LinkedIn before replying to their outreach efforts . Make a good first impression with a complete profile, professional picture, and messaging geared toward your clients. If the last time you used LinkedIn was to land a job, it's probably not communicating what you want.

LinkedIn is also a great way to connect with potential clients and generate meetings. Find connections through your network. Join groups and ask and answer questions. Send messages to your connections to stay top of mind and strengthen those relationships.

Most of all, adhere to Tip #2—lead with value. Each time you reach out to someone on LinkedIn, make sure your message offers something of value.
Another Coronavirus Bill Is Coming – Could Impact Retirement Savings

by Dani Kehoe, Counsel to NAIFA

Even in times of stay-at-home orders and fear of sickness (personal, societal, and economic), work on Capitol Hill continues. Most of it is remote work, but it’s intense nevertheless. It looks like we have another “rescue bill” coming—possibly within two to three weeks. And the programs in the most recent rescue bill (the CARES Act) are beginning. Here’s a summary. Read More
Pandemic Highlights Value of Association, Agents and Advisors

By Joseph Chalom, CLU, RICP, LUTCF, LACP
Covid-19 forced all of us to make changes to our daily lives. Working in offices transitioned to working remotely. Face to face meetings transitioned to phone and virtual meetings. Travel has ground to a stop.
NAIFA stepped up to the plate and advocated for several issues making it easier for members and their clients, and they’ve created several town hall meetings sharing valuable tips and resources from top producers on how to manage your practice during this crisis. Click on the following link for more information:  https://advocacy.naifa.org/news .
I am most proud of all of you who are reaching out to your clients to address concerns and reassure them that we will make it through this crisis together. Your humanity will be rewarded through stronger relationships with your clients.
Kudos to NAIFA-Florida team members Diana Shipley and Ashlee Jessup for all they do for our association. Kudos to NAIFA-Broward President Michele Friedlander, NAIFA Tampa Bay President Patrick Garrabrant and NAIFA-Broward Member and Florida State Representative Rick Stark for contributing ideas to help our association and our clients this past month.
Idea Incubator
NAIFA-Florida members are dedicated and passionate people who care about making a difference in the lives of our clients and future clients. NAIFA-Florida exists to advocate for you and your clients. You are our greatest asset. I know you have great ideas to share on how to make NAIFA-Florida even better. I look forward to reading your best idea. E-mail your idea to idea@naifa-florida.org .
Review us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/NAIFAFlorida and follow us on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/NAIFAFloridaTV/feed . Spread the word about the importance of membership face to face and on social media.
I am proud to be in the financial services profession and even prouder for being a member of NAIFA-Florida. Together we make a difference!
Members are encouraged to visit the NAIFA-Florida Coronavirus Resource Center on the association’s website – for complete information. Designed specifically for insurance and financial advisers, the Center includes a variety of information and resources, including Small Business Administration (SBA) notices regarding financial assistance. Of interest in the Center, is a link to the Florida Department of Health coronavirus dashboard where you can click your zip code to see how many confirmed cases there are. Go to “Tracking”, then click the top link – “Florida’s COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard”. Visit www.naifa-florida.org , or click here to access the Coronavirus Resource Center .
Congress Enacts CARES Act, a $2 Trillion Bill to Rescue the Economy

Issues: Retirement Savings, Small-Medium Business Loans
On March 27 the House of Representatives followed up on the Senate’s March 25 passage (by a 96 to 0 vote) of H.R.748, the CARES Act. The House passed the $2+ trillion bill by a voice vote. The bill’s goal is to rescue the economy and the millions of Americans struggling with the virtual nationwide shut down of most commerce as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
The law is stuffed with billions of dollars in loans, grants and direct payments to help individuals, people who have lost their jobs, small and medium sized businesses, big businesses especially hard hit by the coronavirus crisis, medical care providers, and states and localities battling the crisis. Below is a list of the CARES Act’s programs that may be of particular interest to NAIFA members and/or their clients. Read More .
The NAIFA-Florida Board of Directors, led by President Joe Chalom, last week voted unanimously to cancel the 2020 NAIFA-Florida Financial Advisors Sales Symposium (July 16-17, at The Reunion Resort, Orlando) – due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak. The Board determined that it appears all of us will still be dealing with the virus for the next several weeks and probably the next several months, causing certain hesitancy for members to register for, or attend, any event(s) where large groups of people are assembled.
NAIFA-Florida staff has been working very closely with The Reunion Resort in terms of canceling the two-day symposium for 2020, and we’ve been able to reschedule for 2021. So mark your calendars for July 15-16, 2021 – for the NAIFA-Florida Financial Advisors Sales Symposium! 
Webinar Series for 2020
In place of the 2020 Symposium, NAIFA-Florida staff is putting together a week-long (July 13-17) series of one-hour Zoom webinars featuring nationally-recognized speakers who will offer top sales ideas and sales motivation. Watch for more information as details are completed.

Mark your calendars for March 8-9 for the 2021 NAIFA-Florida Legislative Day on the Hill in Tallahassee. Once again, all members are invited to attend and visit with your state legislators -- in group fashion – to discuss issues and legislation important to our industry. Our lobbyist Tim Meenan always stresses the importance of a very strong showing at DOH, to demonstrate the strength of NAIFA-Florida before our elected officials at the capitol. Prior to your appointments with legislators, Tim will review the most important bills and talking points, and their impact on our industry and on our careers! Our Legislative Day on the Hill cocktail reception and dinner is always popular – allowing time to catch up with friends and fellow members. Watch for complete registration information this fall. Remember, mark your calendars for Monday-Tuesday, March 8-9, 2021.

While many of our members may not choose to be in the office, or otherwise are self-isolating at home, we realize that your Florida DFS continuing education requirements are still in place. Please see below for a list of virtual CE and professional development opportunities – so you’re able to stay compliant during this challenging time.
Kaplan Educational – Online Classes for NAIFA-Florida Members -- 15% discount
A corporate partner, Kaplan Educational is offering NAIFA-Florida members their Total Access CE package at a 15% discount – only $33.15! It’s the most economical and efficient way to satisfy CE requirements for both  Life & Health  and  Property & Casualty . This package is geared for the self-study learner who wants to earn CE over a longer period of time:
·        365 days of unlimited access to Kaplan’s unmatched library
·        Immediate results with instant exam scoring
·        The ability to retake exams as often as needed
·        Interactive CE tracking system
·        Printable certificates
·        CE submission to one state

 Click here for more information on NAIFA-Florida CE Opportunities .

NAIFA-Florida Seeking Board and Committee Chair Candidates for 2021
Your 2020 NAIFA-Florida Governance Committee, chaired by Immediate Past President Shelita Stuart, has begun its work of securing nominations for statewide Board members and Committee Chairs - to be elected for the 2021 calendar year. The Committee is encouraging members from across the state to consider Board/Committee Chair service and has opened up the nominations process to any and all applicants who would be interested in serving.
The Board/Committee Chair positions as list below are open to nominations for 2021. If you, or any NAIFA member(s) you know, have an interest, please complete the appropriate form(s) (linked below), as indicated. Once completed, return the forms to Shelita Stuart ( shelitas@waldeninsurance.com ) or NAIFA-Florida CEO Tom Ashley ( tom.ashley@naifa-florida.org ) . The deadline for returning the forms is Monday, June 1, 2020.
1)      Vice President - (one-year term) Candidate must be an active member for at least three (3) years, and have previously served as either a state Director-at-Large, a Chair of a Standing Committee, or any other position on the NAIFA-Florida Board for a minimum of one (1) year. Those serving in this position agree to move up to President-Elect, then up to President. (Review the Candidate Eligibility document  ; complete & return the Executive Committee Board Member Candidate Questionnaire ). 
For each position below, please review the Candidate Eligibility document ; then complete & return the Board Member Candidate Questionnaire .
2)       Legislative Chair -- (one-year term)
3)      Director-at-Large -- (two-year term)
4)       Volunteer Membership Co-Chair - While not a Board or standing Committee Chair position, the current chair is looking for a co-chair -- and possible successor for 2022 -- to assist with Membership in 2021. (No need to complete the questionnaire, but simply let Shelita or Tom know of your interest.)

Citizens has the utmost concern for the health and safety of our policyholders, employees, agents, adjusters and vendors. We are closely monitoring the latest developments related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) health risk and will follow guidance from public health officials and government agencies as we make ongoing assessments about how best to support our customers, employees and the larger Florida community through this public health crisis.


Three of NAIFA-Florida’s local associations had scheduled charity golf tournaments in the month of April, but plans have changed for each one due to the Covid-19 virus.

           The three golf tournaments are:

1)      NAIFA-Tampa Bay . Originally scheduled for Monday, April 6. To be rescheduled at a future date.
2)      NAIFA-Central Florida . Originally scheduled for Friday, April 24, but has been tentatively rescheduled for Friday, June 5. Registration at 7:30 a.m., Shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. Dubsdread Golf Course, 549 W. Par St., Orlando. $125 per golfer, or $425 per foursome. Includes breakfast and post-tournament buffet. Sponsorships available. Benefits The Russell Home for Atypical Children. Click here for registration form.
Want more info? Contact Cal Thompson at cal@thompsonifs.com or 407-701-9916.
3)       North Suncoast – an Affiliate of NAIFA . Originally scheduled for Friday, April 24. To be rescheduled at a future date.
Welcome New and Returning Members!
NAIFA-Florida would like to welcome thirteen new members and four returning members to the association – from March 12 to April 8. Current members, please feel free to extend a personal welcome to these new and returning members! Click here for the complete list, to be found on the NAIFA-Florida website.