NAMI-CO News | November 2021
NAMI Oregon Annual Conference
Save the date! NAMI Oregon’s 2021 Annual Conference and Membership Meeting will be held online from 12-3 pm on Saturday, Nov. 6. This is a free event.

Register today by clicking here!!

Zoom sign-in information will be emailed in advance of the program. Thanks to Janssen and Columbia Bank for your support!

CLICK HERE to view the agenda
NAMI Central Oregon - Welcome New Board Members!
We are excited to announce that we have two new individuals joining our NAMI Central Oregon Operational Board:
Kally Elliot and Art Lehman!

Please join us in welcoming these two, we are excited to have them join us and we feel they are going to be a wonderful addition to our team. Below is a little bit about them and why we feel they can bring great things to NAMI Central Oregon!

Kally Elliott: 
In my early thirties, shortly after my third child was born, my husband experienced a mental health crisis. Having very little experience with mental illness, I was thrown into a whirlwind of fear, grief, and confusion trying to secure appropriate care for my husband and wondering if our life as we knew it was over. What saved our lives at this time was the extraordinary loving care of our friends and family. Literally, holding us up, feeding us, praying with and for us, driving kids to school, and cleaning our house, this community of support was vital to helping us through this crisis.
Without my husband’s determination to be mentally healthy and the support of our community our experience of this crisis could have turned out so differently. Having experienced the importance of a supportive community, especially in crisis and in the months after, I am excited to be a board member of NAMI Central Oregon. 
Creating communities of care, educating, and working to de-stigmatize mental illness goes hand in glove with the work I already do as a Pastor of Community, Spirituality, and Care at First Presbyterian Church, Bend. Ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA), I’ve been a pastor since 2004 serving in various ministries and churches in Knoxville, Tennessee, Long Island, New York, and Bend, OR. Creating and sustaining community has been central to all of my professional work.
Our family moved to Bend, OR in January 2019 and hope to make central Oregon our home for many years. We love to hike, ski, swim, and do all the outdoor activities one does when living in central Oregon! My husband and I have four children who keep us busy as we enjoy watching them play sports, coaching their teams, and just being parents to these amazing humans.
Art Lehman: 

I’m Art Lehman. I live here in Bend Oregon and am retired. I’ve had a career ranging from being a licensed psychotherapist to workshop leader and public speaker to fitness club owner to corporate and entrepreneurial endeavors. I have always connected with issues on mental health through family issues and with my former careers. Looking over the span of my life and careers it has been disappointing the pace to which the mental health system has moved forward. It dawned on me recently I’m either part of the problem or the solution. I strongly believe that advocacy and education are pillars for transformation. I see NAMI as a grassroots advocacy and education organization as a perfect fit for me to participate and contribute. I look forward to beginning the work! 


Help NAMI #ReimagineCrisis
Last year, mental health advocates successfully pass the bipartisan National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020. This law requires that in July 2022 a nationwide three-digit number, 988, will be available to connect people in mental health and suicidal crisis to needed services.
In order for 988 to work effectively, our Communities will need to #ReimagineCrisis and put key services in place to respond to any person in crisis: 24/7 local crisis call centers, mobile crisis teams and crisis stabilization programs.
It will take advocates using their voices at the federal, state and local level to ensure anyone in crisis – in any community across the country – gets the help they need, when they need it.
But we can’t do this without your voice.
Register TODAY for free virtual events during REIMAGINE: A Week of Action to Reimagine Our National Response to People in Crisis, taking place November 15-19, to learn how you can help.

Throughout the week of action, you’ll:

  • Hear stories of lived experience and hear different perspectives about the impact of our current crisis system
  • Learn more about an effective crisis response system – and what we need to do to achieve it
  • Be able to contact your policymakers on ways they can help make crisis services available to everyone in your community.

Deschutes County Stabilization Center celebrates one year of 24/7 operating hours!!

In October, the Deschutes County Stabilization Center celebrated the one year milestone of being open for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
The Stabilization center continues to be a success and much needed resource for our Central Oregon communities. Please join us in congratulating and thanking them for all the hard work they put in, day in and day out to support our mental health needs!!

To learn more about the Stabilization Center, CLICK HERE
Did you know you can help NAMI next time you shop online at Amazon? When you shop through, Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to NAMI Oregon.

How does it work? On your first visit to AmazonSmile, before you begin shopping, you'll need to enter "NAMI Oregon" into the search bar where it says "pick your own charitable organization." Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation to NAMI Oregon.

Stay connected to learn more about upcomming classes!
COVID - 19
We're Growing

NAMI-CO is committed to providing hope and support to all who need it, and to keeping our programs free.

Help us make a bigger impact in Central Oregon by supporting our work today.

Become a member of NAMI today and show that mental health is something we all need to care about.

Subscribe to the latest mental health updates, participate in an online discussion group, learn how to advocate in your community, and add your voice to the mental health movement.

Looking for a way to help your local community?

Become a volunteer!

NAMI-CO relies on volunteers to help run our programs, and we're looking for a few more helping hands. All volunteer positions are currently virtual.
NAMI Central Oregon Support Groups
All meetings, classes, and support groups have moved online. NAMI-CO virtual support groups are open to anyone.

Please download the free Zoom app on your phone, tablet or laptop. Once you have the app, at the meeting start time, click on the event link and your app will open, then click on "join the conversation."

Family Support Groups

Bend Family Support Group: 3rd Tuesday of Every Month. 5:15PM - 6:45PM. Contact Bud Manley
Bend Family Support group: Every last Thursday. 5:15-6:45.
Contact: Catherine:        
Zoom Meeting Registration:

Redmond Family Support Group: First Saturdays. 10:00-11:30AM.
Contact: Linda        

Connections and Peer Support Groups

Bend Connections Peer Support Groups: Every Monday. 7:00 - 9:00PM.
Contact Marcia at (541) 480-8269

Connections: Thursdays. 10:30AM.
Contact: Janet Marie- 541-408-8675 or Joe at (541) 640-9069 - standby

NAMI Oregon

NAMI Oregon Helpline remains operational. Call 503-230-8009 or 800-343-6264. Or email at Callers receive live assistance from 9 am to 5 pm weekdays.

NAMIOR Covid-19 Resource and Information Guide in PDF format.
Download the guide at:
Talk it Over (parent support group online meetings) is for all family members of a child, teen, or young adult with a behavioral disorder which meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. This is a free public service provided by NAMI Oregon, with support from the Providence Foundation. Click here to sign up.          
NAMI Oregon support groups are available online. For complete list:
Other Resources
NAMI National Website: Navigating a Mental Health Crisis 

NAMI National has a helpful new tool, a guide to navigating a mental health crisis. Please take the time to visit to explore the resources they have available for access. Some topics to explore could include their information on medications and their NAMI Blogs. The NAMI Blog is our way of getting tips, research, information and messages of hope to you.
Crisis Help
If you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health crisis, call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
If you are 55 or older and feeling isolated or just want to have a friendly conversation, call the Senior Loneliness Line at 503-200-1633.

If you are 21 or younger and want support for any problem, big or small:

  • call YouthLine at 1-877-968-8491 or text teen2teen to 839863.

Other Helpful Supports

Parent Warmline: 833-732-2467
Parent Warmline is a program from Reach Out Oregon. If you or a family you are working with are feeling the pangs of isolation and is dealing with a child with heightened behavior needs this may help. The service is not dependent on insurance and is not payor specific; meaning that they can have OHP, Commercial or no insurance and still be able to use the number.
Here is the link to their website
The David Romprey Oregon Warmline: 800-698-2392
Who should call the Warmline? Anyone needing support may call our Warmline to speak to a trained peer.
Friendship Line/Warm/Hotline: Call (800) 971-0016
For 60 yrs+ or living with a disability, call IOA Connect at (415) 750-4111 or fill out an intake form online at
Hearing Voices: Online Support group: Providing a space for families and friends to discuss navigating the experience of supporting loved ones who may hear voices, have visions or a variety of other non-consensus experiences and beliefs. Mondays 5PM. Email facilitators: Cindy Marty Hadge & David Adams at
FirstStep app –     

Suicide Bereavement Support: Contact Alison Sorenson ( at (541) 610-9500 or Herb Baker ( at (503) 708-3047 for more information.

Wise Warriors Suicide Prevention: Contact Margaret Kuehn at (503) 402-2857 for more information.
Drug Addiction Family Support Group- Life Raft

Central Oregon Resource Map: Resources on this map include, but are not limited to, handwashing stations, public restrooms, and food resources.