As Budget Negotiations Continue, Listen to
NAMI-NYS Discuss the Need for Insurance Parity and Psychiatric Beds and Help Us Keep the Pressure on the Legislature to Increase Access.

TAKE ACTION: Send an Updated Letter to Speaker Heastie, Senate Leader Stewart-Cousins and the Assembly Insurance Committee.

Participate in the latest rounds of OMH Community Engagement Sessions

Make sure you register for next week's Know Your Rights event.
This is a different letter on insurance with additional targets, so even if you have previously sent a letter on insurance, please take a moment to also send this updated letter. It is imperative that we keep the pressure up.
Listen to NAMI-NYS Discuss Critical Access Issues
on the Capitol Pressroom
Click here to listen to NAMI-NYS Senior Director, Government Affairs, Matthew Shapiro discuss the need for insurance parity and hospital beds on today's the Capitol Pressroom radio show.
Help Ensure Insurance Coverage of Mental Health Issues by Telling the Legislature to Include Much Needed Reforms in the Final Budget Bill

NAMI-NYS's leading advocacy priority is increasing access to mental health supports and services for all New Yorkers. NAMI-NYS has long fought to strengthen insurance parity laws to ensure that psychiatric issues receive the same type of coverage as physical issues. We know that lack of coverage coupled with the high cost of psychiatric care presents a major barrier to recovery oriented services. We need your voice to help eliminate this barrier.

Governor Hochul has introduced sweeping reforms to strengthen parity laws, ensure network adequacy and coverage expansion. NAMI-NYS applauds the Senate for including these important measures in their one-house bills. However, we are extremely disappointed the Assembly has failed to adopt these much-needed reforms.

Governor Hochul has made insurance reforms a priority now we must tell the Assembly to make insurance reforms a priority, while telling the Senate it need remain a priority.

Governor Hochul is seeking to remedy some of the most critical barriers facing New Yorkers with behavioral health challenges, these crucial reforms include:

·     Part II, subpart A would ensure that school-based mental health clinics are reimbursed at the Medicaid rate for services provided to children and youth covered by commercial insurance. 

·     Part II, subpart B prohibits insurers from performing preauthorization or concurrent reviews for the first 30 days of mental health treatment for adults in an in-network inpatient hospital or crisis residence licensed or operated by OMH, except where the insured meets designated clinical criteria or is receiving care in a facility designated by OMH in consultation with DFS and DOH. In addition, the proposal would require utilization review determinations for mental health conditions to be made using evidence-based, age-appropriate clinical review criteria approved by OMH in consultation with DFS and DOH  

·     Part II, subpart C would require state-regulated commercial insurance coverage for services provided via telehealth by Article 31, 32, 26 and 16 of mental hygiene law providers, reimbursed at the same rate as is reimbursed when delivered in person but not necessarily the Medicaid government rate 

·     Part II, subpart D authorizes insureds to bring legal actions against state-regulated commercial insurers to address state law parity violations. 

·     Part II, subpart E assures state-regulated commercial insurance coverage for detox or maintenance treatment of SUDs including all buprenorphine products, methadone, long-acting injectable naltrexone, or medications for opioid overdose.

·     Part II, subpart F would require the state to update Network Adequacy standards that Medicaid and commercial plans must abide by.  

Join Governor Hochul and NAMI-NYS
 in fighting for access and insurance reforms!!!
This is a different letter on insurance with additional targets, so even if you have previously sent a letter on insurance, please take a moment to also send this updated letter. It is imperative that we keep the pressure up.
Increasing Mental Health Access Through Insurance Reforms is of the Highest Importance to NAMI-NYS. Learn How we are Discussing this Issue and Make Your Heard!!!
During the legislative session NAMI-NYS has stressed the importance of these insurance reforms and the important role they play as a foundation to many of the other initiatives Governor Hochul has introduced to increase access to mental health care.

Click here to listen to today's segment from the Capitol Pressroom.

Click here to see watch and read NAMI-NYS discuss these issues on Capital Tonight.

Click here to listen to NAMI-NYS discuss the importance of insurance reforms with the Sanctuary for Independent Media.

Click here to read the press release NAMI-NYS put out asking if: "Governor Hochul is working to increase access, why is the legislature trying to impede access?" Which features quotes from advocacy partners including Families Together in NYS, In Our Own Voices and the Pride Center of the Capital Region.
This is a different letter on insurance with additional targets, so even if you have previously sent a letter on insurance, please take a moment to also send this updated letter. It is imperative that we keep the pressure up.
Make Your Voice Heard at the Latest Round
of OMH Community Engagement Sessions
OMH has announced the remaining locations for Community Engagement sessions in Central New York, the North Country, and Mid-Hudson. OMH is collecting valuable information from providers, advocates, people and families with lived experience, community members, and county leadership.

During these sessions OMH will discuss the mental health priorities outlined in Governor Hochul’s 2023 State of the State plan and Fiscal Year 2024 Executive Budget and ask for your feedback on how to best make the new opportunities work for your community. Your input will be integral in OMH’s planning process for these historic resources aiming to expand housing, outpatient programs, school-based clinics and hospital services, and increase insurance coverage for mental health services.

Please see the dates and locations below and register in advance for the session that works for you. The evening and morning sessions in each location cover the same content; both are offered to ensure we reach as many people as possible. The session will begin with a review of the initiatives by OMH leadership and then we will break into groups for focused discussion.

Syracuse – Onondaga Community College, Storer Auditorium, 4585 W Seneca Turnpike 
6:00PM-8:00PM - Tuesday, April 18, 2023
9:00AM-12:00PM - Wednesday, April 19, 2023
North Country
Watertown – Ramada Inn by Wyndham, 21000 State Route 3   
6:00PM-8:00PM – Wednesday, April 19, 2023
9:00AM-12:00PM – Thursday, April 20, 2023
Plattsburgh – Clinton Community College, Stafford Building Theatre, 136 Clinton Point Drive
8:30AM-11:00AM - Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Valhalla – SUNY Westchester Community College, Gateway Davis Auditorium, 75 Grasslands Road
6:00PM-8:00PM - Wednesday, April 26, 2023
9:00AM-12:00PM - Thursday, April 27, 2023

Click here to register.
Register tor Next Week's Know Your Rights Event
Click here to register for Tuesday evening's Know Your Rights event detailing the 988 Mental Health Crisis Line and other services New York State has introduced to reimagine crisis situations and ensure there is a mental health response to a mental health crisis.

We'll also discuss next steps towards reimagining crisis including Daniel's Law and Handle With Care. Register Today!
