February 21st, 2019

In This Issue
QUOTE of the WEEK:

"Our message on research is this-if we can have a moon shot to cure cancer, then why not a Mars Shot  to find new answers for mental illness!" We won't stop until this vision becomes a reality."-NAMI CEO Mary Giliberti

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Make Your Voice Heard!!!

Greetings NAMI-NYS members and loyal readers, we're excited to bring the latest edition of the NAMI-NYS E-News. This edition not only features NAMI-NYS members projecting their voices for advocacy and awareness but contains several opportunities for you to make your voice heard through advocacy as well links to make a proposal for a session at the 2019 NAMI-NYS Education Conference and nominate someone for a What's Great in Our State award. 

Remember, we want to hear from you and the work your affiliate is doing. Please email stories to  Matthew@naminys.org  and send save the date notices to  Christine@naminys.org .
 NAMI-NYS Holds Off the Mask
Meet the Models Party

On Friday, February 15th, NAMI-NYS held the kick-off event for our upcoming Off the Mask fundraising and awareness event. Off the Mask, taking place on Friday, May 10th at the Hearst Media Center in Albany, will be a unique gala event featuring a fashion show and art display, all designed to raise awareness of mental health and the work NAMI-NYS does to provide education, support and advocacy. 

The kick-off Meet the Model party took place at GlennPeter Diamond Centre and allowed the public and event sponsors to meet many of our fashion show models (all of whom are raising funds for NAMI-NYS) and learn more about the important work NAMI-NYS does in communities across New York State. Click here to see photos of the event taken by Chris Milian photography on Facebook. 

We want to thank Maya McNulty and Melissa O'Reilly for organizing Off the Mask, all our models, sponsors, the amazing staff at GlennPeter led by  Jeff Wise and Paula Piero and everyone who joined us for this festive evening.  

Don't miss your chance to be a part of this one of a kind event to benefit NAMI-NYS. Visit the Off the Mask website, to buy tickets to the event, become a sponsor or support the fundraising efforts of one of our models.We look forward to seeing you on May 10th to Off the Mask and end the silence on mental health issues.  

NAMI-NYS Participates in the NYS
Asian, Black and Puerto Rican Legislators Caucus
Legislative Conference

NAMI-NYS's Matthew Shapiro with (clockwise from upper right) Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray, Assemblywoman Yuh-Line Niou and NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli 

The New York State Asian, Black and Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus held their annual legislative conference weekend February 15-17th. NAMI-NYS board member Ceceile Green and Associate Director, Public Affairs Matthew Shapiro participated in the conference. The conference gave NAMI-NYS a unique opportunity to talk to government leaders, learn about issues impacting multicultural communities and discuss how NAMI-NYS can partner with government and other community leaders to address the stigma of mental health in multicultural communities and be a bridge for gaps in psychiatric services. 

Action Alert
Your Voice is Needed on Key Issues

As we reported last week, NAMI-NYS held our 2019 Legislative Action Day on February 12th. While a blizzard may have impacted attendance for the day it did not silence our advocacy voice. NAMI-NYS still made more than 50 meetings and we need you to continue to project our advocacy voice to advance our 2019 Action Agenda and create a more mentally healthy New York State. Here are two opportunities to make your voice heard:

Send a pre-written letter to NYS Legislative Leaders: Click here to send a pre-written letter to key NYS legislative leaders encouraging them to support the initiatives contained in our 2019 Action Agenda. Our goal is to generate more than 2,000 letters and we can only do this with your help. Please share this campaign with friends, family, coworkers and on social media. This is a crucial budget session and we really need to ensure that legislators hear are voice.

Urge Your Senator to Pass the HALT (Solitary Confinement) Bill!
We believe the Senate may vote on this bill that has long been a part of the NAMI-NYS Action Agenda as early as tomorrow and are urging you to take action to see it passed.
We are on the brink of having the bill passed in the Senate - but we need a big push NOW or it won't happen.
Please call your Senator TODAY.
1.  Click here  to find the name of your State Senator.
2.  Call the Senate at 518-455-2800, ask for your Senator's office and leave the following message with their staff:  
"Hi, my name is ____ and I'm a registered voter calling from (your locality) to urge the Senator pass the HALT Solitary Confinement Act as is without watering down any of its protections . We are counting on you to end the torture of solitary confinement."

You can also click here to watch a video on this issue.

Submit a Session Proposal for the 
2019 NAMI-NYS Education Conference

Strengthening Our Voice will be taking place October 25-27 at the Albany Marriott. We are excited to build on last year's success and continue to grow the conference with increased focused tracks,
Make a What's Great in Our State Nomination

NAMI-NYS is once again proud to serve on the steering committee for What's Great in Our State-A Celebration of Children's Mental Health Awareness. Each year since 2010, an interagency state-level committee made up of representatives from state child-serving agencies, mental health advocacy organizations and family/youth run organizations has planned this annual celebration. The event has recognized individuals, localities, agencies and programs that best exemplify the selected theme. The event is an opportunity to highlight positive work in New York State to promote the mental health of children, youth and young adults.
This year's theme is Building Bridges for Change: Supporting the Mental Health of Children, Youth and Young Adults. We plan to celebrate on Tuesday, May 7 in Albany (location to be determined). The event program is under development and will feature workshops, awardee recognition luncheon, a keynote and other speakers, and offer an opportunity to celebrate those working hard to produce positive outcomes for children, youth, young adults and families.
NAMI-NYS encourages our readers to make a nomination. This year's award categories are:
  • Youth/Young Adult
  • Family/Caregiver
  • Lifetime
  • Systems of Care Community
  • Organization or Community Group
  • School 
Click here for a nomination form which has further information on the categories. The deadline to submit is February 25th.

NAMI Mid-Hudson Ending the Silence at Ellenville High School
NAMI Mid-Hudson continues to lead the way in offering Ending the Silence presentations. Their most recent offering was at Ellenville High School. Pictured above are young adult presenter, Annabel Banks and lead presenter, program coordinator, Jo Ann Brown.

NAMI Capital Region Participates in the Amazing Race to Recovery at Crossgates Mall   

Robin McNary Cole, Mary Beth Honsinger and Christine Rickeman

On Saturday, January 26th Crossgates Mall in Albany hosted the Amazing Race to Recovery, sponsored by the mall and the Colonie-Guilderland Rotary Club, The Amazing Race to Recovery raised awareness about the opioid epidemic and funds to support second chance opportunities and a Community Recovery Center in Albany.

NAMI Capital Region participated in the event and provided information on mental health and dual diagnosis issues. 

Congratulations to the Newest NAMI Metro Family to Family Teacher Training Graduates

NAMI-NYC Metro recently held their latest Family-to-Family training led by Pam Solomon and Cheri Caiella. We want to congratulate and thank our newest batch of Family-to-Family trainers.  Left to right, back row: John Clark, Lisa Schumacher, Frances Green, Luis Marrero, Zulma Marrero, Larry Bryant; front row: Terry Clark, Cheri Caiella (Trainer), Pam Solomon (Trainer), Andrea Attias.

Lord & Taylor Partners With NAMI

Over the weekend of January 18-21, the department store Lord & Taylor partnered with NAMI to raise awareness and funds for mental health.  The store sold 20% coupons, with all donations going to NAMI, both the national headquarters and the local affiliates.  The store staff were so welcoming and enthusiastic, we are looking forward to a continuing partnership!

NAMI CEO Mary Giliberti Reflects On The Growth Of The Mental Health Movement In 2018  

NAMI CEO Mary Gilliberti with NAMI-NYS Affiliate Leaders
 at the 2018 Education Conference

In a video to NAMI members, CEO Mary Giliberti discusses the many successes over the past year, including the increase in NAMI brand awareness, significant legislative accomplishments, calls for research and new support programs and services.

Giliberti also outlines the work NAMI has done to advocate for better mental health coverage through Medicaid, her involvement with the  Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee, and increased calls for more research in collaboration with universities, pharmaceutical companies and government agencies that guide these efforts.
"Our message on research is this-if we can have a moon shot to cure cancer, then why not a Mars Shot to find new answers for mental illness!" said Giliberti.  "We won't stop until this vision becomes a reality."

Click here to watch the video.

New York News
New York Mental Health Lawyer States:
We Need More Housing for People With Mental Illness

Renowned mental health attorney Carolyn Reinach Wolf, of the New York law firm of  Abrams, Fensterman, Fensterman, Eisman, Formato, Ferrara, Wolf & Carone, LLP., recently wrote an article in Psychology Today detailing the mental health housing situation. As she explains, "U nfortunately, there is a severe lack of housing alternatives for people with mental health issues. My clients have spent years on waiting lists for the few programs that provide appropriate supervised housing with necessary supportive services."

Click here to read more.

Funding housing programs with full mental health wraparound support services is a leading advocacy priority for NAMI-NYS. This is why we are proud to be a part of the Bring it Home: Better Funding for Better Care campaign. We join our partners in calling for New York State to address the quarter-century of flat-funding of these crucial programs by investing $32 million a year for the next five years.


Again we ask our readers to click here to send a pre-written letter to key legislative leaders urging them to support our 2019 Action Agenda which includes our housing ask. #Act4MentalHealth

National News
We Can Actually Prevent Depression in Some Cases

Scientific American recently reported on how psychological interventions can stave off about 50 percent of new episodes in people at high risk of depression. 

Click here to read more. 

Neuromelanin-Sensitive MRI Identified as a 
Potential Biomarker for Psychosis

Researchers have shown that a type of magnetic resonance imaging - called neuromelanin-sensitive MRI (NM-MRI) - is a potential biomarker for psychosis. NM-MRI signal was found to be a marker of dopamine function in people with schizophrenia and an indicator of the severity of psychotic symptoms in people with this mental illness. The study, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), part of the National Institutes of Health, appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

"Disturbances affecting the neurotransmitter dopamine are associated with a host of mental and neurological disorders, such as schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease," said Joshua A. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., director of NIMH. "Because of the role dopamine plays in these disorders, the ability to measure dopamine activity is critical for furthering our understanding of these disorders, including how to best diagnose and treat them."

Click here to read more. 

Save the Date
MARCH 25- Capital District Psychiatric Center Family Services Presents "The Effects of Marijuana On Someone with Mental Illness" Presented by Deowchand Depoo,M.D., Schenectady County Support Center. Monday March 25th from 5:00pm-7:00pm at the CDPC Schenectady County Support Center, 738 State St., Schenectady,NY 12307. For more information contact: Frank Greco, Director of Family Services at 518-549-6816. 

MAY 10th-NAMI-NYS Presents the Off The Mask Gala Event

Click here to view Facebook page and more information coming soon.

JULY 29 2019- NAMI Sullivan County Presents   "Every Brilliant Thing"

Signature Programs
FEBRUARY 12 - NAMI Basics. NAMI Rochester. Tuesdays February 12th -March 19th, from 6:30pm-8:00pm at the NAMI Rochester office, 320 Goodman St. Suite 102/103, Rochester, NY 14607. To register contact Caneia Titus at 585-423-1593.

FEBRUARY 18 -  Family-to-Family. NAMI Buffalo & Erie County. Mondays February 18th - May 6th from 6:00pm-8:30pm at the Ebenezer United Church of Christ.To register contact Bryan Taylor at 716-474-7950/ btaylor629@hotmail.com. 

FEBRUARY 23- Family-to-Family. NAMI NYC Metro. Saturdays February 23rd-May 18th from 10:00am-12:30pm at NAMI NYC Metro, 505 8th Ave (at 35th ST.) Rm. 1103, New York, NY 10010. To register contact NAMI NYC Metro at 212-684-3264.

FEBRUARY 25 - Family-to-Family. NAMI NYC Metro. Mondays February  25th-May 13th  from 6:00pm-8:30pm at Fountain House College Re-etry Program, 437 W.47th St. 1st flr.,New York, NY 10036. To register contact NAMI NYC Metro at 212-684-3264.

FEBRUARY 27 -Peer-to-Peer. NAMI Syracuse. Wednesdays February 27th - May 1st from 10am- 12pm at the  Syracuse VA Veterans Wellness and Recovery Center (VWRC)  572 S. Salina St.  Syracuse, NY  13202.
 To register please contact Brad Webster at 315-412-3420 / brad.webster@va.gov.
FEBRUARY 28- Family-Family. NAMI Queens /Nassau.Thursdays February 28th- May 23rd from 6:30pm - 9:00pm at the Cohens Children Hospital, 269-01 76th Ave, Queens, NY 11040. To register contact Ellen Ritz at 516-330-9778 / el.ritz@yahoo.com.
MARCH 1 -Family-to-Family. NAMI Mid-Hudson. Fridays March 1st - May 24th from 7:00pm-9:30pm at 230 North Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12594. To register contact Jo Ann Brown at 845-832-6368.

MARCH 6 - Family-to-Family. NAMI NYC Metro. Wednesdays March 6th- May 22nd from 12:00pm-2:30pm at NAMI NYC Metro, 505 8th Ave (at 35th ST.) Rm. 1103, New York, NY 10010. To register contact NAMI NYC Metro at 212-684-3264.

MARCH 7- Basics. NAMI Queens/Nassau.Thursdays March 7th - April 11th from 7pm-9:30pm at  Zucker Hillside Hospital, 75-59 263rd St, Glen Oaks, NY 11004. Please contact David Sills to register at 516-594-4043 / sillsdavid1@yahoo.com. 

MARCH 7-Family-to-Family. NAMI Queens/Nassau. Thursdays March 7th-May23rd from 7:00pm-9:30pm at the Walk In Love For Jesus Church, 906 Newbridge Rd., North Bellmore, NY 11710. To register contact Carol Ann Viccora at 516-221-6168.

MARCH 16-NAMI Basics. NAMI Orange County. Saturdays March 16th-April 20th from 2:30pm-5:00pm at the  First Presbyterian Church, 33 Park Place, Goshen, NY 10924. To register please contact  Dhanu Sannesy
845-294-2749,  dhanu72@hotmail.com.
MARCH 19- Family-to-Family. NAMI Queens/Nassau. Tuesdays March 19th- June 18th from 6:30pm-9:00pm at the UUCSR,  48 Shelter Rock Rd, Manhasset, NY 11030. To register contact Ellen Ritz at 516-330-9778 / el.ritz@yahoo.com.

MARCH 19- Peer-to-Peer.  NAMI Queens/Nassau. Tuesdays March 19th- May 21st  from 6:30pm-9:00pm at the UUCSR, 48 Shelter Rock Rd, Manhasset, NY 11030. To register contact Ellen Ritz at 516-330-9778 / el.ritz@yahoo.com.

MARCH 27- Family-to-Family. NAMI Huntington. Wednesdays March 27th - June 30th from 7:00pm-9:00pm at the Northport VA Medical Center,79 Middleville Rd, Northport, NY 11768. To Register contact Jill Ryan at 516-695-0389 / quiltanp@aol.com. 

APRIL 1- Family-to-Family. NAMI NYC Metro. Mondays April 1st- July 1st from 6:00pm-8:30pm at NAMI NYC Metro, 505 8th Ave (at 35th ST.) Rm. 1103, New York, NY 10010. To register contact NAMI NYC Metro at 212-684-3264.
APRIL 2- Family-to-Family. NAMI Rockland. Tuesdays April 2nd - June 18th from 6:30pm-8:00pm at  NAMI Rockland, 140 Old Orangeburgh Rd. Bldg #57, 1st Floor, Orangeburgh NY 10962. To register Contact Heidi Vandiver at 845-359-8787 / heidi@namirockland.org.

APRIL 6- Basics. NAMI Rockland. Saturdays April 6th - May 11th from 9:30am-12:00pm at NAMI Rockland, 140 Old Orangeburgh Rd. Bldg #57, 1st Floor, Orangeburgh NY 10962. To register Contact Heidi Vandiver at 845-359-8787 / heidi@namirockland.org.

APRIL 22- Family-to-Family. NAMI Staten Island.Mondays April 22nd - July 8th from 7:00pm-9:30pm at the Holy Rosemary Parish,  80 Jerome Avenue,  Staten Island NY   10305. Please contact Linda Wilson to register at 718-477-1700 / linda@namistatenisland.org. 

APRIL 23- Peer-to-Peer. NAMI Capital Region, NY. Tuesdays April 23rd - June 11th from 6:00-8:30pm at NAMI-NYS, 99 Pine St., suite 105, Albany NY 12207. To register contact MAry Beth Honsinger at 518-491-3743 /mbhonsing@aol.com or Christine Rickeman at 518-462-2000 / christine@naminys.org.

MAY  4- Family-to-Family. NAMI Orange County. Saturdays May 4th -June 15th from 9:30 am-3:30 pm at 145 Benkard Ave., Newburgh NY 12550. to register please contact Dhanu Sannesy at 845-956-6264 / namiorangeny@warwick.net.
Please contact your local affiliate program le aders for more information and how to enroll.

NAMI Family to Family
March 22-24 2019

NAMI Basics
April 6-7 2019

NAMI In Our Own Voice
May 17-18 2019

NAMI Peer to Peer
June 8-9 2019

Regional training's and Support Group training's will be announced soon.

NAMI-NYS | 99 Pine Street Suite 105| Albany, New York 12207 | (518) 462-2000