June 24th, 2016
In This Issue
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NAMI-NYS Get Ready to Walk

This week's edition of the NAMI-NYS E-Newsletter is a part of our efforts to launch both our upcoming NAMI-NYS NAMI Walks and our new Young Adult Network. You'll find information about our NAMI Walks kick-off event, the episode of Mental Health Now focusing on the walk and ideas on how to fund raise around the walk. You'll also find information about our goal to deeper the involvement of young adults in NAMI-NYS activities. This issue also includes our legislative summary, details of how NAMI took a stand at the White House, growing momentum urging Governor Cuomo to sign the Step Therapy reform bill and how a current wave of TV shows are changing perceptions about people living with a mental illness.

As always, we want to know about the work you are doing. Please email  Matthew@NAMINYS.org with details and pictures about your work. This way we can feature it in the E-News and the upcoming Summer Newsletter. Showcasing your work will allow others to learn from you and that's the best way we can grow together as an organization. 

As this week's victories demonstrate, together, we can create a more mentally healthy New York State but remember... 

Hope Starts With You!

NAMI-NYS Kicks Off Our NAMI Walks With
Mental Health Now Episode and
Team Captain Event

This past week, NAMI-NYS officially launched our NAMI Walks event scheduled for September 24th. Our latest episode of Mental Health Now featured NAMI-NYS Executive Director Wendy Burch and Walks Manager Heide Garner who detail the walk, the need for increased mental health awareness and the benefits of the NAMI Signature Programs and our efforts to provide education and support and the Walk will allow to expand these activities.

Click here to view the episode.

On Saturday, June 18th the Ten Broeck Mansion in Albany hosted our NAMI Walks kick-off event for team captains. The event featured mixers, program information and the opportunity for team captains to create signs and tape video messages explaining why they walk. The NAMI Walks section below will begin featuring the messages next week. Please visit this week's section to learn about fundraising ideas for the Walks. We want to thank our Helpline Coordinator Christine Rickeman who worked hard catering the event.

Click here to visit our Walks page to create a team, join a team, become a virtual walker or donate to the Walk. All proceeds from the Walk will allow NAMI-NYS to make further investments to provide help and hope to communities across the state. 

Click here to view the NAMI-NYS NAMI Walks Facebook page to view pictures from the kick-off event.

NAMI-NYS Provides
Legislative Summary

Last week, we informed you about the legislative victories for NAMI-NYS and the mental health community. NAMI-NYS has produced of summary of our advocacy efforts from this past session. This includes links to our Advocacy Toolkit, budget testimony, budget analysis and media appearances.

Click here to read our Legislative Summary.

NAMI-NYS Launches Young Adult Network

This summer NAMI-NYS is excited to give young adults (high school students, college students and people in their twentys) a new way to have their voices heard in NAMI-NYS activities and the world of mental health advocacy. NAMI-NYS staff and student intern Torie Keeton are developing the NAMI-NYS Young Adult Network.
The official goals of the Network include:

  • Increase NAMI on Campus Clubs on college campuses and NAMI clubs in high schools throughout the state
  • Establish an online forum for communication between young adults and NAMI NYS staff by sharing ideas and answering and asking questions
  • Shape the Young Adult Track at the annual NAMI-NYS Educational Conference
  • Create a page on the NAMI-NYS webpage dedicated to resources and information for young adults
  • Keep young adults in contact with each other and up to date and informed on relevant current events and news
We are looking for young adults who are passionate about advancing the cause for mental health and wellness and would like to become more actively involved.

Earlier this week, Torie sent an email to Young Adult leaders announcing the network. Click here to view the email.
For interest in joining or for more information, please contact Torie Keeton at Intern@naminys.org

NAMI Westchester Holds Volunteer Recognition Event
and Creates the Sharon McCarthy Award for Dedication and Compassion

NAMI Westchester's own Program Director and volunteer Sharon McCarthy was the first recipient of the NAMI Westchester Sharon McCarthy Award for Dedication and Compassion. This award was presented to her on June 15, 2016 at the affiliate's Annual Meeting and Volunteer Recognition Event at The Woman's Club of White Plains. All the affiliate's volunteers are amazing and special people, and this award is given to honor and thank a volunteer who goes above and beyond, and dedicates so much of their time to help the families and people with a mental health condition. Sharon gives so much to the affiliate and many others, and is committed to NAMI's mission 24/7.  This award will become an annual honor to be awarded at their Volunteer Recognition yearly event.   
The event also acknowledged and thanked their board members, saying farewell to some and welcoming new members. NAMI Westchester thanks Jennifer Jacquet-Murray, Nivia Dones, Irwin Lubell, Ken Kendes and Joan Perez for their years on the board and welcomes Louise Ellis, Genna Woods, Annalissa Vicencio, Jana Doty and Chris Gaur.

 Director of Development Marie Considine also thanked volunteers and team captains who made NAMIWalks Westchester 2016 a fabulous day and a terrific success. To date, they have raised $129,459 toward their goal of $134,000. Donations can be accepted until July 4 by clicking here.

NAMI Takes a Stand During  
White House Mental Health Panel 

Knowledge is power, yet there remains a shortage of knowledge about mental illness and its impact on individuals and families across the country. As NAMI CEO Mary Giliberti told an audience at the White House on June 7, one of NAMI's primary goals is to empower people with knowledge about mental health. Giliberti spoke on a panel of mental health experts as part of the White House's five-part series entitled "Making Health Care Better." The series highlights improvements in the country's health system over the past seven years. Mental health is making its way to the forefront of that movement. The panel focused on access to care and changing the culture surrounding mental health, highlighting experiences of individuals, families and caregivers. As Giliberti pointed out, one of the greatest challenges faced by Americans living with mental illness is navigating the mental health system.

Click here to read more.

NAMI's Day at the Washington Post

NAMI recently spent the day at the Washington Post where they spoke with  award-winning reporter Amy Ellis Nutt. Nutt was diagnosed with bipolar disorder more than 30 years ago. Since then, she has undergone the full gambit of treatment, trying about 48 different medications, shock therapy and several other methods. "I've seen it all and done it all for better or for worse, I've been there," says Ellis Nutt adding "There is life with, after and through mental illness."

Her personal experience has helped shape her career writing about the brain for the Science and Health section of the Post. Her recent series, Brain Hacking, revolves entirely around the mental illness treatment "frontier" and "the struggle over the future of psychiatry." 

Click here to read more.

NAMI's Ron Honberg Included in Samantha Bee's Rant on the Failures in Mental Health Care

This week's episode of comedienne Samantha Bee's show on TBS featured a segment about mental health care in Florida following the shooting tragedy in Orlando. She details many of the failures of the mental health care system and how this has led to many individuals with mental illness ending up in jail and how this as become a national epidemic. While she puts a comedic slant on these failures, the segment is actually quite informative and features clips of Rep Tim Murphy speaking about mental health reform on the House floor as well as clips of interviews with Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart and NAMI's Ron Honberg. 

 Click here to watch the clip.
New York State News
New York Newspapers Join the Call for 
Step Therapy Regulation

Last week, we brought you the exciting news that the legislation to regulate the use of step therapy passed both the Assembly and the Senate. It's important to note that it's not a foregone conclusion that Governor Cuomo will sign the bill. We know that insurers have already weighed in with the Governor's office arguing that the bill is unnecessary and would significantly increase cost. It is clear the voice of our NAMI-NYS grassroots advocates will be needed and we will be sure to send out an action alert when the bill goes to the Governor's desk.

This week, two New York Newspapers, Newsday and the Staten Island Advance, have joined the chorus calling for Governor Cuomo to sign the bill. In Newsday's editorial they call for an "end to frustrating trial and error for patients suffering from chronic conditions such as multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, mental illness and cancer...a patient's health should not be jeopardized in favor of cost savings."

Click here to read the Newsday editorial.
Click here to read the Staten Island Advance article.

National News
Rolling Stone Magazine Praises TV Shows That are Changing Perceptions on Mental Illness

Rolling Stone magazine recently featured an article detailing how a flock of TV programs are changing the conversation on Mental Illness. It singles out the Netflix show
Orange is the New Black (OITNB), as one of the virtues of the show's four season run  is its "deliberate sensitivity regarding mental illness. " OITNB is part of a "heartening surge of TV standouts which are championing the cause of anyone with neurochemistry deviating from the norm....at long last, there are a host of TV characters that are safe to admit that no, they're most definitely not doing okay."

The article also explains how while TV has long tackled subjects such as class, gender, sexuality and race, "p rogress in this particular small-screen front had been a long time coming. As the medium slowly got hip to urgent social matters like race and sexuality over the last decade or so, it lagged behind on progressive portrayals of what have recently been termed "non-neurotypical" people."

Orange Is the New Black has particularly focused on an issue of great concern to NAMI-NYS; the growing ranks of people living with a mental illness who are incarcerated and mental health conditions in jails and prisons (especially the misuse of solitary confinement).  This season features a more detailed story line for the character Lolly, who viewers learn has schizophrenia. " Though she'd previously been a source for punch lines and/or pre-violence tension, her highlight episode takes the time to get to know the interiors of this woman, showing how misunderstandings and good intentions shuffled her into a system geared to fail her. By the end of the hour, the show has explored Lolly's condition and accepted it as a part of her identity. It steadfastly refuses, however, to allow her disability to define her."

Click here to read the full article.

Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act
to be Voted on in July

Last week, we told you how HR. 2646, The Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act  unanimously passed the House Energy and Commerce Committee and how the bill's lead sponsor, Rep Tim Murphy (R-PA), was eager to bring the bill to the floor for a full vote ahead of the Summer recess. According to the Hill, Rep Murphy will be getting his wish as Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) indicated that the bill will be brought to the floor in July.

The Hill article says that House Democrats have called the bill "a good first step but argued that without major new funding, the measure is incomplete." 

We will be sending out an action alert as the bill moves to the floor.

Click here to read the full article from the Hill.

Access to Mental Health Services Still Lags

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was supposed to improve access to mental health services by making sure those in need had the insurance coverage to pay for treatment. But there are still barriers that have not been overcome by simply having insurance coverage. Racial divisions were significant, with whites the only racial group in which a majority of people needing mental healthcare received treatment.  Whites with mental health needs also saw access to mental health services grow significantly, from 50% to 55% after ACA. 

For Hispanics and Asians, access to mental healthcare improved after 2010, but only at about the same rate it was growing before the law came into effect. Access for African Americans did not change at all. Across all racial groups, less than half of people with serious psychological distress get the treatment they need.

Click here to learn more.


Time is Running Out for You to 
Help Shape the Future of NIMH 

Only one week remains for you to help shape the future of NIMH by sharing your perspective on advocacy and outreach with the future incoming NIMH director. As a reminder, NIMH is seeking input from stakeholders from the scientific research community and the general public.  The Institute welcomes comments on any or all of, but not limited to, the following topics: 
  • basic neuroscience research
  • translational research
  • clinical research
  • intervention research
  • services research
  • Research Domain Criteria initiative (RDoC)
  • global mental health
  • translational biomarkers
  • diversity and training of the workforce
  • advocacy and outreach efforts
  • the Institute's intramural research efforts
Please note which category you are responding to in your submission. Your comments may focus on current efforts, research gaps, or suggested investments in the selected category and/or on the ways that NIMH may have a greater impact on this area. Comments should not exceed 500 words per category.
Click here  to make a submission.
Please provide comments by  June 30, 2016 . Learn more about how to submit your comments by clicking here.

Game Corrects Children's Misreading of Emotional Faces to Tame Irritability

A computer game that changes a tendency to misread ambiguous faces as angry is showing promise as a potential treatment for irritability in children. About 3 percent of youth experience chronic severe irritability. They are prone to temper outbursts and are often in a grumpy mood. Parents complain of having to "walk on eggshells" to avoid unleashing verbal - and sometimes physical - outbursts. These behaviors can lead to problems with friends, family, and at school. 

Melissa Brotman, Ph.D., Ellen Leibenluft, M.D., Joel Stoddard, M.D., of the NIMH Emotion and Development Branch, and colleagues, reported on findings of their pilot study of "interpretation bias training" for child irritability online January 8, 2016 in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology.

Click here to learn more about the findings from this NIMH pilot study.

NIMH Looking for People to Participate in a 
Research Study

Bipolar Disorder (Pediatric) Research Study:  Treatment of Severe Mood Dysregulation, (SMD)  (Inpatient: 12- to 15 weeks) 

This study tests the efficacy of different treatments for decreasing irritability in children with severe mood and behavioral problems. Participants have symptoms of severe irritability and are not doing well on their current medications. The child must be currently in treatment with a physician, medically healthy and not currently hospitalized, psychotic or suicidal. The study includes day or full hospitalization to discontinue medication, followed by either methylphenidate plus citalopram, or methylphenidate plus placebo. Recruiting ages 7-17. 

Click here to learn more about this study.
Click here to find NIMH clinical trials by state.


Saturday September 24th, Jennings Landing Albany. 
Click here   to visit our NAMI-NYS NAMI Walks Page.
  • Start a team or join an existing team.
  • Become a virtual walker if you can't make it to the Capital Region on September 24th.
  • Donate to the NAMI-NYS NAMI Walks-Your support is crucial to NAMI-NYS's ability to continue meeting the demand for NAMI programming from communities throughout New York State.
Click here to learn about sponsorship opportunities


Click here 
to watch a short video providing tips on how to be a successful team captain.
Save the Dates
June 23- Capital District Psychiatric Center Family Services presents, Overview of mental Hygiene Legal Services (M.H.L.S.) featuring Attorney Jeff May at 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm in the CDPC Family Resource Center. As usual, there will be time for Questions and Answers as well as support services after the presentation. For more information or to register contact: Frank Greco, Director of Family Services (518) 549-6816

June 29-NAMI Rockland Family Support Group (Day) 11:30am- 1:00pm Rockland Psychiatric Center, 140 Old Orangeburg Road, Bldg. #57 Orangeburg, NY 10962

June 29-
NAMI Rochester presents Mental Illness & Criminal Justice - Collaborative Efforts: How the Systems Work Together. 
6 :30 - 8:00 pm Rochester Psychiatric Center Auditorium
1111 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620. 

Registration  Deadline: Monday, June 27, 2016
Register by calling Tammy at (585) 325.3145, ext. 100
To register online, or learn more about this event click here

July 12 - Brain & Behavior Research Foundation presents; Meet the Scientist:  Life Elevated: Examining Altitude-Related Effects on Mental illness, presented by
Perry F. Renshaw, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Psychiatry, University of Utah School of Medicine, Medical Director, Rocky Mountain Network, Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center, U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Register now: bbrfoundation.org/webinar

July 16  - NAMI-NYC Metro's second annual NAMI C.A.R.E.S. Community Mental Health Fair. The goal of the NAMI C.A.R.E.S. (Community Advocacy, Resources, Education & Services) Community Mental Health Fair is to highlight mental health issues that specifically face communities of color. Noon to 4 pm, at the Alianza Dominicana Cultural Center, located at 530 W. 166th St. at Audubon Ave., New York, NY.

July 21-Capital District Psychiatric Center Family Services presents, Overview of Crisis Services. Thursday at 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm in the CDPC Family Resource Center. As usual, there will be time for Questions and Answers as well as support services after the presentation. For more information or to register contact: Frank Greco, Director of Family Services (518) 549-6816

August 4- Capital District Psychiatric Center Family Services presents, Mental Health Legal Matters. Thursday at 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm in the CDPC Family Resource Center. As usual, there will be time for Questions and Answers as well as support services after the presentation. For more information or to register contact: Frank Greco, Director of Family Services (518) 549-6816

August 9 - Brain & Behavior Research Foundation presents; Meet the Scientist: Autism: Understanding the Causes and Developing Effective Treatments, presented by
Jacqueline N. Crawley, Ph.D. Robert E. Chason Chair in Translational Research, MIND Institute, Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of California Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento. Register now: bbrfoundation.org/webinar
September 13- Brain & Behavior Research Foundation presents; Meet the Scientist:  Living Well with ADHD: Scientific Guideposts to Improved Outcomes, presented by
Francisco Xavier Castellanos, M.D. Brooke and Daniel Neidich Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Professor, Department of
Neuroscience and Physiology, Professor, Department of Radiology, Dir Rsch Green Cohen Inst Prevent Sci, New York University Child Study Center. Register now: bbrfoundation.org/webinar

September 22-A
 Capital District Psychiatric Center Family Services presents The Power of Laughter. Thursday at 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm in the CDPC Family Resource Center. As usual, there will be time for Questions and Answers as well as support services after the presentation. For more information or to register contact: Frank Greco, Director of Family Services (518) 549-6816

October 7 -NAMI Rensselaer County will hold their 3rd Annual Recognition Dinner & Consumer Art Show. This year's honoree is Philip C. Nasca, PhD, Dean of SUNY School of Public Health. The event will take place from 6:30-9:00pm at Moscatiello's Italian Family Restaurant, 99 N. Greenbush Road (Rt. 4), Troy, NY

October 15The American Foundation For Suicide Prevention presents Out Of The Darkness Walk 10am, FDR Park in Yorktown.  Harbor Island Park in Mamaroneck.  They need volunteers or for more information contact Maria Idoni (914) 610-9156 or midoni@afso.org.
OCTOBER 18 - Brain & Behavior Research Foundation presents; Meet the Scientist: Schizophrenia, presented by Herbert Y. Meltzer, M.D.Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and of Physiology, Professor, Department of Neuroscience and Physiology Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Register now: bbrfoundation.org/webinar
NOVEMBER 8 - Brain & Behavior Research Foundation presents; Meet the Scientist: Could We Someday Prevent Schizophrenia Like We Prevent Cleft Palate? Presented by Robert R. Freedman, M.D. Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine. Register now: bbrfoundation.org/webinar
NOVEMBER 11-13-2016 NAMI-NYS Education Conference-
New Horizons in Recovery: Breakthroughs in Research and Treatment. The Desmond Hotel, Albany. More details coming soon!

DECEMBER 13- Brain & Behavior Research Foundation presents; Meet the Scientist:  Neuroinflammatory Hypotheses of Depression, presented byYvette I. Sheline, M.D.
 Register now: bbrfoundation.org/webinar

Signature Programs
June 2 - July 7-  NAMI Basics classes at NAMI-NYC Metro. Thursdays, 10am to 12:30pm, NAMI-NYC Metro, 505 Eighth Ave., Room 1103, New York, NY 10018. To Register: Call our Helpline (212) 684-3264

June 6 - July 18 - NAMI Homefront classes NAMI-NYC Metro. Mondays, 6 to 8:30pm, James J. Peters VA Medical Center, 130 W. Kingsbridge Road, Room 1B-07, Bronx, NY 10458. To Register: Call our Helpline (212) 684-3264. 

June 7 - July 12:   NAMI Basics classes at NAMI-NYC Metro. Tuesdays, 6pm to 8:30pm, NAMI-NYC Metro, 505 Eighth Ave., Room 1103, New York, NY 10018. To Register: Call our Helpline (212) 684-3264.

June 15 - August 31 - NAMI Peer-to-Peer by NAMI-NYC Metro. Wednesdays, 1 to 3pm, NAMI-NYC Metro, 505 Eighth Ave., Room 1103, New York, NY 10018. To Register: Call our Helpline (212) 684-3264.

June 25&26- NAMI Family Support Group training to become a Facilitator.  NAMI-NYS.  This training is FULL and we are not accepting applications at this time.

July 12-NAMI of Central Suffolk presents NAMI Basics Course, July 12th- August 16th from 6- 8:30 pm. Farmingville Mental Health Center. Registration is required. Please contact Andrea for more information and to register (631) 2235030 andreatchr@me.com

July 13- In Our Own Voice by NAMI Staten Island. 2:30-4:30 pm. The Jewish Community Center of Staten Island  Bernikow 1466 Manor Road

  July 16&17 - In Our Own Voice Training to become a Presenter.  NAMI-NYS.  Contact your local affiliate. This training is FULL and we are not accepting applications at this time.
July 22-24 - NAMI Family-to-Family Training to become a Teacher.  NAMI-NYS.  Contact your local affiliate.
August 27 - NAMI Ending the Silence training to become a Presenter.  St. Vincent's in Westchester.
August 28 - NAMI Parent & Teachers as Allies training to become a Presenter.  St. Vincent's in Westchester.

August 30 - Family-to-Family by NAMI AMICO.  Tuesdays from 6;30 to 9pm, for 12 continuous weeks.  At First Presbyterian Church, 33 Park Place, Goshen, NY 10924.  Contact Catha Weiben (845) 551-1777.
September 1- NAMI Queens Nassau presents Family to Family classes September1st - November 17 th 2016. 7:00-9:30 pm at Walk in Love for Jesus Church. 906 Newbridge Road, Long Island NY 11710. To register email
namiqn@aol.com  or (516) 326-0797 or (718) 347-7284

September 8-NAMI Queens Nassau presents Family-to-Family classes September 8-December 1st at Congregational At Shelter Rock, 18 Shelter Rock Road Manhasset, NY 11030 and the classes will take place from 6:30-9:00. 
To register email  namiqn@aol.com  or (516) 326-0797 or (718) 347-7284

September 26-NAMI Queens Nassau presents Family to Family classes at North Shore Zucker Hillside Hospital Ambulatory Care Pavilion, room 1237. 263rd St. and 74 Ave. Glen Oaks, NY 11004. Classes will be from 7-9:30pm. To register email namiqn@aol.com or (516) 326-0797 or (718) 347-7284

September 19-NAMI Cayuga County presents Family to Family classes at Auburn Community College, 17 Lansing Street Auburn, NY 2nd Floor Assembly Room. Classes will be from 6-8:30pm. Please contact 2maestros@twc.com to register.

September TBD- NAMI Westchester will be starting a Family-to-Family class in Westchester, dates and location are to be determined. To enroll call Sharon McCarthy at 914-592-5458 or email her at sharonm@namiwestchester.org

October 7-9- NAMI Family-to-Family training to become a Teacher.  NAMI-NYS.  Contact your local affiliate.
To have your events and Signature Programs listed in the E-Newsletter contact Alicia Burns at Alicia@naminys.org

NAMI-NYS | 99 Pine Street Suite 302| Albany, New York 12207 | (518) 462-2000