August 16th, 2018

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Remembering Dr. Fred Frese
Mental Health Champion

Hello NAMI-NYS E-News Readers, its been a busy summer as we are hard at work planning both the NAMIWalks-NYS and the 2018 Education Conference. Speaking of the Education Conference, we are thrilled to use this edition of the E-News to announce the first of our 2018 Leaders of Mental Health Awareness.

Since the release of our last edition we lost one of the nation's greatest mental health advocates and faces of recovery, Dr. Fred Frese. Dr. Frese, pictured above with NAMI-NYS's Matthew Shapiro, STARR Coalition President Carol Witham and NAMI-NYS's Wendy Burch, was a true inspiration to many and a shining example that people with serious mental illness can achieve incredible things. Dr. Frese  was very open about his struggles with schizophrenia while living a life of tremendous accomplishment-first in the Marines and later as a clinical psychologist. Dr. Frese was a great friend to NAMI-NYS and was scheduled to appear at last year's education conference before he took sick. His passing has left our community and the NAMI family with with a tremendous gap and one that we must all commit to filling as that is surely what he would have wanted. We send our sympathies to his wife Penny and to his family. Click here to read the NAMI article on Dr. Frese. 
NAMI-NYS is Proud to Announce the First
2018 Leader of Mental Health Awareness Honoree
Dr. Edward Hallowell

NAMI-NYS is thrilled to announce our first Leader of Mental Health Awarness honoree, Dr. Edward "Ned" Hallowell.

Dr. Hallowell is considered to be one of the foremost experts on the topic of ADHD. He is the co-author of Driven to Distraction, and Answers to Distraction, which have sold more than a million copies.

Dr. Hallowell also discusses his own struggles with ADHD as well as how mental illness has impacted his family. His memoir, Because I Come From A Crazy Family The Making of A Psychiatrist was released this past June. It chronicles the often strange story of a childhood marked by what he calls the "WASP triad" of alcoholism, mental illness, and politeness, and explores the wild wish, surging beneath his incredible ambition, that he could have saved his own family of drunk, crazy, and well-intentioned eccentrics, and himself.

He is also the host of " DISTRACTION" a weekly podcast series created to explore how we are driven to distraction and offers coping strategies to turn modern problems into new-found strengths.

The award will be presented on the Friday evening of the 2018 NAMI-NYS Education Conference. Click here to visit the website and register to join us in celebrating Dr. Hallowell's work to raise mental health awareness.

NAMI-NYS Participates in Parity@10 Coalition Meeting
With Leaders of New York State 

On Friday, August 10th NAMI-NYS participated in a meeting at the Capitol between the NYS Parity@10 Coalition and representatives from New York State, including  Shelly Weizman, Assistant Secretary for Mental Hygiene and high ranking members of OMH, OASAS, the Division of Financial  Services and Division of Budget. The purpose of the meeting was to outline our priorities which are: 
Address the lack of enforcement along with the difficult complaint process and lack of data. 2) Prohibit Prior authorization requirements, especially for medications. 3) Address the problem of hospitals' reluctance to admit people for mental health and/or addiction issues. 4) Address provider payment issues. 5) Improve network adequacy.   

Also discussed were  Gunther/Ortt Parity Reporting Act and the new contract between OMH, OASAS, Dept. of Financial Services, the Dept. of Health and  Milliman .

You can click here to read the Parity@10 Policy Brief. 

Among those participating in the meeting were two of our Parity@10 Award recipients, Andrew Malekoff and Karla Lopez (pictured above with NAMI-NYS's Matthew Shapiro). Join us in celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the signing of the federal parity act and honoring the work of both the pioneers of parity advocacy and the current leaders in the fight for parity, by clicking here to register for the 2018 NAMI-NYS Education Conference. 

NAMI-NYS Participates in 10 Year Anniversary Celebration
of Veterans Mental Health Courts

On July 31st, NAMI-NYS participated in a celebration which took place in the Capitol's Blue Room marking the 10 year anniversary of veterans mental health court. The nation's first veterans mental health court was formed in Buffalo by Judge Robert Russell, who is pictured above with NAMI-NYS board member Ann Canastra and Matthew Shapiro.
NAMI Syracuse Hold Their First 
Ending the Silence T

NAMI Syracuse recently held their inaugural Ending the Silence presentation. The training was led by Ann Canastra, and Marla Byrnes. Pictured along with Ann are  volunteers, Tanisha Wiggins, Beckie Hidy, Danae Hidy,

NAMI-NYS and NAMI Rensselaer Starting the Conversation About Mental Health  at Hope House Residential Program  
Jason Paden, Christine Rickeman, and Tina Lee

NAMI-NYS  recently added a "Lunch and Learn" presentation to increase NAMI's visibility in the community.  Erin Loffreddo, the Director at the Bette Center in Albany, asked NAMI-NYS and Jason Paden, dedicated member of both NAMI Rensselaer and NAMI Delaware County, to come and speak about the realities of recovery and how to best support a friend who has a mental health condition/dual diagnosis. The Bette Center is a long-term, residential intensive treatment program for adult men with addiction or substance use disorders. The NAMI-NYS staff and Jason offered inspirational words of hope and support. Tina Lee and Christine Rickeman, NAMI-NYS staff, addressed suicide prevention and offered NAMI as a resource for their clients. NAMI-NYS is available to offer Lunch and Learn presentations to any group upon request.

NAMI Orange County Continues to Engage the Community

On August 12th, NAMI Orange County participated in the "NY Family Fun Fest" in the Village of Florida.  This provided the affiliate with the opportunity to demonstrate that we can have conversations about mental health in everyday settings in the community. Having mental health discussions outside the traditional health arena is crucial to understanding these issues and destigmatizing them. Pictured above are  Dhanu Sannesy , Rosemarie Richardson & Edie Famularo 

Make sure to keep reading the E-newsletter as we will be starting to feature individual  affiliates  during the upcoming weeks!
NAMI's New President Outlines Priorities 
For Serious Mental Illness

Recently elected NAMI President, Adrienne Kennedy, detailed her family's experience and outlines NAMI's priorities for serious mental illness.

"When I found NAMI in 2005, our son and our family had logged 6 years coping with serious mental illness: five hospitalizations interspersed with a few months or, occasionally, many months of recovery in between. We were fortunate to have had many good experiences with excellent clinical care: great engagement and great doctors. Notwithstanding the first four relapses, we thought we were moving forward, gaining the necessary insight and coping skills. It appeared that our son had secured a winning formula: trust, treatment, recovery." 

New York News
Dr. Lloyd Sederer's New Book Continues to Garner 
Acclaim and Attention

As the opioid and addiction epidemic continues to loom large in the public consciousness, media outlets have sought out Dr. Lloyd Sederer and his new book: The Addiction Solution .

The Wall Street Journal recently featured a review of the book by Dr. Sally Satel, a psychiatrist and a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, who says "The Addiction Solution" will be useful to those with afflicted loved ones. It describes tested treatment methods and the rationales behind them. Dr. Sederer ends with a plea for a "shift toward understanding not just the neuroscience of addiction but also the psychological and social dimensions." Only in such a way, he suggests, can we solve the riddle of self-sabotage." Click here to read the full review. 

Dr. Sederer has also appeared on numerous radio programs to discuss the book. Click here to listen to his interview on WNYC and click here to listen to his interview on WHYY.

Dr. Sederer will be discussing the book and the overlap between mental health and addiction issues during his traditional Sunday morning Town Hall session at the NAMI-NYS Education Conference. Click here to visit the conference site and register. 

National News
"20/20" Reports On Children Whose Parents Say Rapidly Developed Devastating Psychiatric And Neurological Problems Following Strep Throat
ABC News' Juju Chang interviews Parker Barnes
What if your child suddenly went from being happy one day to angry and violent the next? "20/20" recently followed   three families from across the country who have watched their children rapidly begin to exhibit a wide range of psychiatric and neurological problems. One thing in common that preceded the symptoms: a brush with strep throat. 

ABC News' Juju Chang investigates the controversy behind the disorder, known as PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal infections), that some doctors are skeptical even exists. "20/20" airs on Friday, July 20 (10:00 - 11:00 p.m. ET) on ABC. Click here to watch the segment.


NIMH Update

click here to read the latest Update from NIMH.

Predicting Suicide Attempts And Suicide Deaths Using Electronic Health Records; New Model Substantially Outperforms Existing Suicide Risk Tools
Suicide accounted for nearly 45,000 deaths in the United States (U.S.) in 2016. Unfortunately, tools currently used to predict an individual's risk of a suicide attempt or dying by suicide, such as brief self-report measures, have only moderate accuracy. Now, researchers have developed a new prediction model that substantially outperforms existing self-report tools. The study, supported by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), was published online on May 24, 2018, in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
click here for full article

New Clinician Screening Tool Available For Substance Use

The NIDA Clinical Trials Network has unveiled a new scientifically validated, online screening tool designed to assess a patient's risk for substance misuse and substance use disorder and assist the health care provider with prevention and treatment strategies. The Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medication, and other Substance Use (TAPS) Tool is available on the NIDAMED Web Portal and consists of a comprehensive screening component followed by a brief assessment for those who screen positive. NIDAMED disseminates science-based resources to health professionals on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and advances in pain management.

NAMI Walks
At the 3rd Annual NAMIWalks-NYS
September 29th 2018
8:30 am Registration
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Jennings Landing
1 Quay Street, Albany NY
Start or Join your team today!!!

See what other team members have to say about

Gillian Burch team Captain
Join our team for this year's NAMIWalks event! We are walking to raise awareness of mental illness and raise funds for the important work of NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
Please JOIN OUR TEAM and walk with us, or support our team by making a donation to a team member listed on our ROSTER. Donations on this page are fast, secure and easy. All funds raised directly support the mission of NAMI to provide support, education and advocacy to individuals and families right here in our region.  
Your support means a lot to me and our team! 
Click here to donate or join our team

My name is Monte! I was recently adopted by Jake and his mom, they think they saved me but in reality I saved them!There is nothing like the love of a pet (in my case pit bull/lab) to help when you're feeling down or struggling from depression. 
NAMIWalks -NYS is important to me to help break the stigmas behind mental illness, as I know all too well how stigmas can affect your life being a pit bull! By donating or joining my team you can help with providing the programs NAMI Rensselaer County offers at no cost to any participants.
I'll be walking in our third local NAMIWalks on September 29, 2018 to raise awareness and raise funds to help support our local NAMI affiliate, NAMI NY and NAMI(national).And I'd love to meet you all and share the love!
Please consider a donation. Every penny helps.
Donating to NAMI through my page is easy, fast and secure. Your donation will make a difference and help people and families affected by mental illness right here in our region. Thank you for your support!

Click here to sign up for NAMIWalk NYS and start your team today!

NAMIWalks NYS: Strong Body, Strong Mind 2018
NAMI NYS invites You to join the movement...
Helpline Coordinator Christine Rickeman Provides Update 
on Her Strong Mind, Strong Body Challenge 

NAMI-NYS challenges you to participate in our Strong Body, Strong Mind Fitness Challenge. Every week the NAMIWalks section of the E-News will feature Strong Body, Strong Mind tools including healthy recipes, fitness challenges, and mindful exercises.
Ok everyone we still have 7 weeks until the walk! Join us in the challenge! Its not too late, I'd love to hear from you and your challenge. Keep me posted!
Here are the workouts and recipes for the week
8 Easy Workouts for Beginners
Easy Exercise for Beginners to Do at Home

By Malia Frey | Reviewed by Richard N. Fogoros, MD
If you're an exercise newbie and you hate to work out, you'll love this article. Why? Because I'm going to tell you to skip those sweaty, hard exercise sessions. In fact, easy workouts for beginners at home or outdoors are better choices when you're just starting out.
Easy, beginning-level exercise is essential for good health and weight loss. Workouts for beginners (and especially for or those who have tried and failed to maintain an exercise program) are specifically designed to build confidence and create life-long habits for well-being. So if your goal is to lose weight and get healthy, grab your comfy clothes and let's get started.
Click here for full work outs

Zucchini Noodles with Avocado Pesto & Shrimp

We also encourage you to post on your social media why you support NAMI-NYS and are participating in the walk. Send in your posts and we will feature the posts in our upcoming newsletter.
Start your walk team now  and join us to change attitudes and save lives!
Come Walk for Wellness on Saturday, September 29th, at Jennings Landing, Albany NY. This inspirational community event will have a full day of live music, informational tabling, and family friendly activities.
Healthy Minds = Healthy Communities

Save the Date


AUGUST 24- NAMI Schenectady Annual Summer Chicken BBQ. Friday August 24th from 3p.m.-8.p.m. at Niskayuna Community Center Park, 2682 Aqueduct Road, Niskayuna, NY 12309.
Cost is $20 ($10 for consumers). Donations are also accepted. Make your check payable to NAMI Schenectady, PO Box 974, Schenectady NY 12301.
 PLEASE make your dinner reservations in advance (no later than 8/20) to ensure an accurate count for our caterer, Pie in the Sky Bakery. If you miss that deadline, please call Cindy Seacord at 518-374-8071 or Roy Neville at 518-377-2619.

SEPTEMBER 9-NAMI Orange County " Family Connections"
Educational classes on  Borderline Personality Disorder.
Sponsored by NAMI Orange at the  First Presbyterian Church, 33 Park Place, Goshen, NY 10924. Starting September 9 th 2018 (Sundays) 6:30 till 8:30 pm 845-956-6264, or call Dhanu 845-294-2749 Please RSVP by September 1st. Suggested Donation: $50 per person, & $75 for family/couple Email:
SEPTEMBER 11- CDPC Family Services Presents: An Overview of Parson's Mobile Crisis Services
SEPTEMBER 11- Capital District Psychiatric Center Family Services Presents: An Overview of Parson's Mobile Crisis Services by Jennifer Eslick, LCSW-R Program Director. Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm in the CDPC Family Resource Center 75 New Scotland Avenue Albany, NY 12208 (518) 549-6000.
For more information or to register contact: Frank Greco, Director of Family Services (518) 549-6816.

OCTOBER 9 - The National Alliance on Mental Illness Champlain Valley will be sponsoring a free one day conference at Clinton Community College on October 9th titled, "Stand Up 2 Stigma." The conference will have a variety of workshops for peers, families, providers, and interested community members.
Our keynote speaker for the event is David Granirer, a counselor, stand-up comic, mental health keynote speaker, and author of The Happy Neurotic: How Fear and Angst Can Lead to Happiness and Success. He founded Stand Up For Mental Health, a program that teaches stand up comedy to people with mental illness or mental health issues as a way of building confidence and fighting public stigma. Additionally, the NYS Office Of Mental Health Commissioner, Mental Hygiene Legal Services and many other speakers will be joining us.
The event is expected to provide education & awareness around the effects of stigma, opportunities for reducing stigma, and a chance to become a proactive community member that supports mental health; like one supports cancer and diabetes.
Consider joining us! For those who may remember in 2014 we sponsored Keys to Recovery - 250 were in attendance creating one of the largest mental health conferences in our community. This time, we ask you to take a stand, be the hero, and Stand Up 2 Stigma.
We sincerely hope that you will be able to attend. Registration can be done by going to our website at and clicking the Stand Up 2 Stigma tab. When you sign up for the conference you will receive periodic updates. Feel free to forward this information to your friends, family, and colleagues.
Any questions regarding the conference can be addressed to

OCTOBER 16- CDPC Family Services Presents: An Overview of NAMI - NYS Programs for Families
OCTOBER 16- Capital District Psychiatric Center Family Services Presents: An Overview of NAMI - NYS Programs for Families by Tina Lee Community Education and Outreach Manager. Tuesday, October 16, 2018, 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm in the CDPC Family Resource Center 75 New Scotland Avenue Albany, NY 12208 (518) 549-6000.
For more information or to register contact: Frank Greco, Director of Family Services (518) 549-6816.

Signature Programs
SEPTEMBER 4 - NAMI Orange County Family to Family classes. Tuesdays, September 4-November 20th from 6:30p.m.-9:00p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church , 33 Park Place, Goshen , NY 10924. Contact NAMI helpline845-956-6264 or Dhanu 845- 294-2749
namiorangeny@ For details visit
SEPTEMBER 5-NAMI Rochester Family-to-Family .Wednesday's September 5th - November 28th, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM at NAMI Rochester (320 N. Goodman Street, Suites 102/103, Rochester, NY 14607). To enroll, contact Beth Winslow-D'Amico at (585) 423-1593 or

SEPTEMBER 5- NAMI Huntington Family to Family. Wednesdays, September 5th thru November 28th, 2018 from 7:00pm-9:30pm at the Northport VA Medical Center, Building 200-A1-579, Middleville Rd., Northport, NY 11768.                                                                                      To To register contact Jill Ryan 516-695-0389( Goggin 631-261-4400 Ext 2785 ( Dovi 631-835-2277 (

SEPTEMBER 6- NAMI Queens/Nassau Basics.Thursdays September 6th - October 18th, from  6:30 P.M.-9:00 the  ZUCKER HILLSIDE HOSPITAL,  Northwell Long Island Jewish,  Glen Oaks, New York
Directions upon confirmation of registration.  To register:Call: (516)326-0797 or (718)347-7284  or at  .

SEPTEMBER 17-NAMI Mid-Hudson Family-to-Family. Mondays September 17th - December 3rd,From 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm in  Poughkeepsie, NY. To register, please call Jo Ann Brown at 845-832-6368 or email  For more information, please visit:  

SEPTEMBER 18-NAMI Rochester Peer to Peer. Tuesdays September 18th - November 27th from 6p.m.-8:30p.m. at the NAMI Rochester Office, 320 N. Goodman Street, Suite 102, Rochester, NY 14607. to Register contact Caneia Titus at (585)423-1593/ 

SEPTEMBER 19-NAMI Syracuse/VA Family to Family Wednesdays Sept. 19th- Dec.12th from 6p.m.- 8p.m. at the  Syracuse VA Medical Center Auditorium,   800 Irving Avenue,  Syracuse, NY 13210. To Register contact NAMI Syracuse (315) 487-2085/ .

SEPTEMBER 21- NAMI Orange County Basics. Friday September 21st- October 26th at the  Orange Regional Medical Center 707 East Main St., Middletown, NY 10940,  Conference Room 3,  Contact NAMI helpline 845-956-6264, Marcy Felter 845-258-8240

SEPTEMBER 24-NAMI Queens/Nassau Family-to-Family.Mondays  September 24th - December 10th from 7:00p.m.-9:30p.m at the 
North Shore Zucker Hillside Hospital,  NorthWell Health Hospital
Ambulatory Care Pavilion,  Room  1237,  263rd Street & 74 Ave.
Glen Oaks, NY 11004.  To register: Please contact NAMI Queens Nassau at (516) 326-0797 or  (718) 347-7284 or email www. namiqn@ org,  Co-Leaders: Janet Reilly (516) 238-1023 and Angela Babaev (718)490-9504

SEPTEMBER 25- NAMI Westchester Family-to-Family. Tuesdays September 25 thru December 11 from from 6:00pm-8:30pm at 100 Clearbrook Road, Elmsford, NY 10523. To register contact / 914-592-5458.

SEPTEMBER 29- NAMI Westchester Family-to-Family. Saturdays September 29 thru December 15 from 9:00am-11:30am at St. Vincents Hospital, Harrison, NY . To register contact / 914-592-5458.
Please contact your local affiliate program le aders for more information and how to enroll.

NAMI-NYS | 99 Pine Street Suite 105| Albany, New York 12207 | (518) 462-2000