Get wrapped up in the latest episode of "Surprisingly STEM" featuring Paula Cain, a thermal blanket technician at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. She covers why things sent into space need to be protected by a thermal blanket, and shares how two of her passions – fashion design and Star Trek – were interwoven into an exciting career at NASA!
Celebrate Paper Airplane Day on May 26
Celebrate this high-flying holiday with a paper airplane challenge. Can your design fly 100 feet?

Make a STEM connection with the Shape Your Flight activity that explores geometry and its relation to aircraft design.

Print, color and follow along with video instructions to make a paper airplane and learn about NASA airplanes.

Be experimental and try the Ring Wing Glider.

Make your own paper airplane version of the X-59 Quesst supersonic aircraft.
You're invited to an online showcase of artwork created by 16 undergraduate Psyche Inspired interns from around the U.S.

Through Wednesday, May 31, view the creative ways they are sharing the science, engineering, technology, and teamwork of NASA's Psyche mission. Hear from student artists in their own words and download a virtual goody bag filled with exciting special releases from the interns.
Educator Professional Development
Audience: Spanish-speaking STEM educators
Event Date: Wednesday, May 31, at
7 p.m. EDT
NASA is leveraging its decades of experience designing spacesuits to create the next-generation suits that will enable Artemis moonwalkers to undertake more complex tasks than their predecessors.
Presented in Spanish, this webinar will prepare teachers to incorporate real-world science and engineering concepts about the design of spacesuits in their classrooms. Participants will explore NASA educational resources, background information, and teaching strategies to engage all students.
Click here to register.
Audience: Formal and informal educators within the U.S.
Event Dates: June 27 - 29, 1 - 2:30 EDT
Immerse your learners in cultures, histories, and landscapes that invite exploration and build connections. Learn how you can create virtual field trips that provide student agency, increase equity, and make place-based education accessible to all of your learners.
With Tour It, Infiniscope’s free and easy-to-use tool, you can embed images, videos, and websites into interactive hotspots to deepen understanding and extend learning.

Click here for details and registration.
Audience: Principal investigators, researchers, and postdoctoral scholars
Application Deadline: Friday, June 2
Spaceflight Technology, Applications and Research (STAR) is a virtual, international NASA program for space biosciences training. The annual course targets principal investigators, senior research scientists, and postdoctoral scholars. The purpose is to facilitate participants’ entry to space biology and to prepare them for conducting spaceflight experiments using NASA and commercial platforms.
Course curriculum includes space biology and its practical applications. Participants will have opportunities to interact with principal investigators with prior mission experience, developers of spaceflight technology, and flight providers. The 2023 STAR Course will take place virtually between September 2023 and February 2024 and will consist of weekly virtual seminars on Tuesdays, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. EDT.
Audience: Researchers from U.S.-based industry, academia, and private research institutions
Mandatory Preliminary Proposal Deadline: Wednesday, June 7
As announced by NASA’s Flight Opportunities program, TechFlights offers up to $1 million per awardee to rapidly test technologies on commercial suborbital and orbital vehicles. This year’s solicitation is focused on two topics:
Proposals are sought for capabilities that support global lunar utilization, a robust lunar economy, and/or a growing low-Earth/geosynchronous-Earth orbit economy through future commercial commodities and services.
In collaboration with Commercially Enabled Rapid Space Science (CERISS), proposals are sought to develop transformative research capabilities with the commercial space industry to dramatically increase the pace of research.
Details and technology examples can be found in the full solicitation.
Audience: Accredited, degree-granting U.S. colleges and universities
Proposal Deadline: Friday, June 30
To develop the new air transportation ecosystem, innovations must expand beyond new forms of aircraft to include the wider system in which these aircraft will operate. One of the prominent issues likely to be faced by the future air transportation industry is aviation maintenance. Identifying the new and unique maintenance issues and developing the workforce to address them is key.
NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate is seeking proposals to address maintenance and training challenges facing the next generation of air transportation. Proposals should have budgets of $300,000 per year for a two-year duration.
Audience: Graduate students and Ph.D. scientists
Application Deadline:
Saturday, July 1, at 6 p.m. EDT
The NASA Postdoctoral Program offers early career and senior scientists one- to three-year fellowships with NASA scientists and engineers. Opportunities relate to missions in Earth science, heliophysics, planetary science, astrophysics, space bioscience, aeronautics, engineering, human exploration and space operations, astrobiology, and science management. Applicants must have completed a doctorate or an equivalent degree before beginning the fellowship, but they may apply while completing degree requirements.

Click here to see current openings and apply.
Opportunities With Our Partners
Multiple Workshop Dates Available
June - November 2023
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Find NASA science resources for your classroom. NASA Wavelength is a digital collection of Earth and space science resources for educators of all levels — from elementary to college, to out-of-school programs.

Check out the ‘Explore NASA Science’ website! Science starts with questions, leading to discoveries. Visit To view the site in Spanish, visit
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