Dear Registrant,
As we navigate these unprecedented times, Starport would first like to thank you for your patience in remaining a registrant for the Aliens vs. Astronauts Fun Run. In alignment with NASA’s “People First, Mission Always” initiative, Starport’s responsibility to our JSC team’s health and safety as well as all our community participants was instrumental in our decisions on how to move forward with this event. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic that we find ourselves in, we had to postpone the annual fun run and now have decided to modify the event to a virtual fun run.
In true NASA fashion, we realize we have to adapt to our present circumstances when unexpected disasters occur and be ready to solve the problems at hand. It is fitting that this ties into this year’s special edition AVA theme. This year’s event theme was a very special one for NASA in commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the historical Apollo XIII mission were our NASA team worked feverishly to bring our astronauts home safely after an unexpected disaster aboard the service module in the third lunar landing attempt.
A virtual fun run
Is designed to allow participants to complete the run at any location of your choice and with more flexibility of when you run it. You can walk or run outside in an area that you determine as a safe location for you and your family and/or team. Also, feel free to use the treadmill if it is accessible (because we are NASA, if you choose to run on a treadmill please set your grade to 1.5% to be more representative of the gravitational force to propel yourself forward in comparison to running outside).
When - anytime between October 11th – 17th, 2020
Events - will remain the same with your option of the:
20 & under
61 & older
20 & under
61 & older
Your best alien or astronaut costume, NASA gear, funny socks, etc. while you run. We encourage you to be imaginative as we will give shout outs for your creativity and an award a trophy for the “Best Dressed”.
Photos - please submit your photos and or videos to our
We would love to see all the great costumes and interesting run locations that you can imagine.
Complete one full run of your selected event distance (individual 1k, individual 5k, and Team 5k) and record your best time. If you are competing for an award, please upload a screenshot of the results page from your timing app or a photo of your GPS watch that shows the time and distance completed.
Each original registrant has already been pre-registered for the virtual event as our way of saying thank you for holding out and supporting the AvA fun run during the pandemic. The only thing we ask is that you submit a simple form with your results by noon on October 20th.
To do this, please click the appropriate button
Due to the limited availability of the awesome swag, awards and medals. These items are only available for those participants who already pre-registered for the originally scheduled event in March, 2020. However, feel free to share, walk, and run with anyone you would like.
Waivers - please note, this event is a voluntary event and all participants who chose to participate assume all risks associated with the event, as we cannot control the safety of the area in which you chose to run. Therefore, please if running in space, make sure you have enough O2. If on earth, H2O should be a part of your plan, possibly a facemask or space helmet and any other safety gear you feel would protect you from the Aliens (unless you are one of course).
AvA Fun Run Week (Oct 11-17)
- Run, walk or float through space as often as you would like but you are only allowed to enter a time once, so choose wisely
- To enter your time, please click on the "1K Time" or "5K Time" buttons above (Team 5K times are included in the 5K time
- Enter your name
- For 5K participants, select your gender and age division
- Enter your time (hours:minutes:seconds, for example 00:35:14 would be 35 minutes & 14 seconds)
- Upload an image, of a great costume, timing app screenshot if competing for an award, or feel you did a stellar job and are proud you succeeded
Results must be entered by noon on October 20th to have your time officially entered
Final results - will be posted by October 21, 2020
- 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place awards will be given to each gender and age category for the individual 5K
- 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place (lowest combined time) team 5K awards
- “Fastest Overall” among 5K participants
"Best Dressed" award will be given to the person who submits their photo to either our Facebook or Instagram page with the hashtag #AVA2020
Team 5K participants are eligible for Individual 5K awards
- Unfortunately, no trophies will be given for 1K participants but we will give you a shout out
What’s a cool fun run without the awesome swag bag. Thanks to all our sponsors, all participants will receive a race packet with an event t-shirt, finisher medal and some more goodies as originally included.
Packet and swag pickup - T-shirts, medals, and awards will all be handed out on Saturday, October 24th from 9 am until noon in the Gilruth Center parking lot.
Participant and staff safety is our main priority; packet pickups will be via a drive through fashion. Specific traffic patterns and flow will be in effect that morning for the Gilruth Center to allow participants to drive through a service line to receive their race packets without getting out of their cars or space ships. All employees will be wearing masks, gloves and safety vests. We also encourage drivers to wear masks at time of pickup for the safety of all involved.
Special thanks to our sponsors
(Please support our sponsors and contributors because without their support we wouldn’t be able to have this great event each year)