October 2018
  • Thank you to our NASCIO 2018 Annual Sponsors!
  • Conference Tips: How to Win at Speed Networking 
  • Visit the conference website for agenda updates
  • Register for NASCIO's upcoming webinar - Highlights from the 2018 Deloitte-NASCIO Cyber Study - on Tuesday, November 13 at 2 pm ET
  • ICYMI: The State CIO Top Ten - More Than a List, Taking a Fresh Look
  • Relive NASCIO's Cyber W3B!N@R Series
  • NASCIO Champions National Cyber Security Awareness Month
  • Meet our newest Corporate Members
  • New CIO Transitions:
New Publication: State Archiving in the Digital Era

States are creating digital records at a rapid and increasing pace. Many states are finding that they are unprepared to deal with the unique management and preservation issues that are related to digital archives. NASCIO, along with the Council of State Archivists created this playbook for the preservation of state electronic records. This document includes eleven plays that state officials should consider when working together toward the preservation of digital archives.  

NASCIO Director of Government Affairs, Yejin Jang, will be leaving her position effective October 26. During her nearly four-year tenure, Jang made incredible strides with NASCIO's government affairs and strategic partner relationship building. 

Yejin's work has been critical to educating federal partners on the issues surrounding state IT. While her successes have been many, one of the most recent examples of Yejin's work has been a year-long effort toward harmonization of federal cyber regulations. This has included NASCIO working groups, Congressional testimony and has culminated with a GAO review that began in earnest earlier this year.

On behalf of the Executive Committee, we wish Jang the best of luck and thank her for her incredible work on behalf of state CIOs. NASCIO is actively recruiting to fill Jang's position.
Coming soon! 5th Biennial Deloitte-NASCIO Cyber Study
Meredith Ward , Senior Policy Analyst

Releasing on October 23 is the 5 th biennial Deloitte-NASCIO Cyber Study, which has been referred to as the most "comprehensive study of state-level cybersecurity spending" (White House FY19 Budget Request). The study report highlights perspectives and insights surrounding cybersecurity from state chief information security officers (CISOs).
Here are some highlights from studies released thus far in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016:
  • The first time NASCIO documented the number of enterprise wide CISOs in states was in 2006 when 83% of states had a state CISO. 10 years later, as reported in the 2016 study, that number was 100%.
  • In early iterations of the study, CISOs were very much focused on governance, strategy and budget. The budget-strategy disconnect was a key theme for a few years in a row, but in 2016, governor-awareness was on the rise and cyber was becoming part of the fabric of government operations.
  • In 2016, we also saw evidence that a formal strategy and better communications lead to greater command of resources.
  • In 2010, 2012 and 2014, the thing that states were outsourcing the most was threat monitoring. In 2016, cyber threat risk assessments took the top spot.
  • In 2016, most states' cyber workforce numbers remained the same and salary was named as a barrier to develop, support and maintain cybersecurity workforce.
When the report is released, take notice of a few things: there are bold plays in the report, which are recommendations for state CISOs and CIOs to disrupt the status quo. There is also information on the state of cybersecurity in state budgets, talent and increasing cyber threats. And finally, you'll notice that, for the first time, all 50 states responded!
The 2018 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study will be released on October 23 and available on the NASCIO website www.nascio.org/stateofcyber.
Watch on Washington Top 5

  1. DHS Cyber agency bill passes both chambers In early October, the Senate passed H.R. 3359 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018 which codifies an agency of the same name within DHS to lead cyber and critical infrastructure programs. The House passed the measure in late 2017.
  2. Blockchain the "most over-hyped technology ever" In a Senate Banking Committee hearing, NYU professor Nouriel Roubini testified that cryptocurrencies were a scam and said blockchain technology was "nothing better than a glorified spreadsheet." The other hearing witness, Coin Center director of research Peter Van Valkenburgh, similarly focused not on blockchain but why "decentralized computing" is the technology that matters.
  3. Secretaries of State release principles to guide future federal funding The National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) adopted an interim position which urges Congress to consider several principles regarding future federal funding, including: emergence of cyber threats, control of distributed Help America Vote Act funds by chief state election officials, value of DHS no-cost assistance (e.g. scans, assessments, pen testing etc.), among others. The interim position was adopted by the association board and will be voted on by the full membership in February 2019. 
  4. A-87 exception to expire at end of year CMS recently released an FAQ document that provides guidance on how states should prepare for the expiration of the A-87 exception on December 31, 2018. OMB's A-87 cost allocation rule required that costs for IT systems that support multiple health and human service programs (in addition to Medicaid) be allocated across benefiting programs; the A-87 exception enable states to allocate the cost to Medicaid. 
  5. Next Generation 9-1-1 cost estimate $9.5 -12.7 billion A congressionally mandated National Highway Traffic Safety Administration study estimated that deployment of NG911 would cost between $9.5 and 12.7 billion and would take ten years to implement, assuming no delays. The cost estimate report examines the feasibility of migration from legacy 911 to NG911 under three implementation scenarios.  
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Xerox applies its expertise in imaging and printing, data analytics, and the development of secure and automated solutions to help our customers improve productivity, maximize profitability and increase client satisfaction.  Its primary offerings span three main areas: Managed Document Services, Workplace Solutions and Graphic Communications.

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