What's Up at North Allegheny School District

Week of August 22-26, 2022

Welcome to the first Friday newsletter from North Allegheny School District for the 2022-2023 school year! Each week, we will share news from the District and from your student’s building. Please click on your student’s building below to access their building-specific information.

Below the links to the building newsletters, you will find important information from the District.

Eye of the Tiger

The 2022-2023 NASD Activities Calendar features artwork by junior Josefina Iruguin. Since 2007, students in Drawing and Painting 3 at NAI create a painting that is their own unique expression of our District’s mascot, the Tiger. Once complete, the paintings are displayed in Tiger Hall, with one painting chosen by the 10th grade class to be permanently framed and displayed. Josefina's painting was chosen to represent the Class of 2024. Her painting will be the 15th to be permanently framed and displayed in Tiger Hall. To view a digital copy of the District's Activities Calendar, visit:

Elementary School Newsletters

BWE Newsletter
FES Newsletter
HES Newsletter
IES Newsletter
MCK Newsletter
MES Newsletter
PES Newsletter

Middle School Newsletters

CMS Newsletter
IMS Newsletter
MMS Newsletter

High School Newsletters

NAI Newsletter
NASH Newsletter

Upcoming District-Wide Events

For a full list of events and activities, visit our website.

NASD Calendar

District Updates

Every Day is a Great Day at NA! 

First Day of School Printable

We are so excited to welcome back our Tiger family and we can’t wait to see all of our students! As you prepare for the first day of school, we wanted to share a NASD branded “Back to School” printable. If you post a photo on social media, please use #ItsAGreatDayAtNA so that we can share in this special moment for our students.

Back to School Printable

NASD Board of School Directors

NASD 2022-2023 Health & Safety Plan 

On Wednesday, August 17, the North Allegheny Board of School Directors approved the 2022-2023 Back to School Health & Safety Plan. A full copy of the plan can be found on our website. 

2022-2023 Health & Safety Plan

NASD Board of School Directors Meeting:

August 24, 2022

The NASD Board of School Directors will meet on Wednesday, August 24 at 7:00 p.m. with the Student Wellness and Safety Committee Meeting at 6:00 p.m. The meetings will take place at the District's Central Administration Office Board Room. For additional details, along with the meeting agenda that will be posted on Monday, please visit our website

NASD Transportation

Check Your Bus Schedule Before Monday!

Route testing may have resulted in an update to your student's schedule

  • Bus assignments are available in Tyler 360. 
  • Instructions on how to locate your student’s bus assignment can be found here. 
  • Drivers will be tested routes the week of August 1, which may have resulted in a change to your student's bus assignment.
  • Please log back into Tyler 360 on Friday, August 19 to view your student’s final assignment. 
  • If your student's transportation is provided by a non-NASD transportation company, you will be contacted separately with the bus assignment.

Visit the Transportation section on the NA website for questions about bus assignments and to review our safety tips with your student. 

NASD Safety & Security

NASD School Visitor Check-In Process

Please bring a photo ID when visiting our schools

As part of ongoing enhancements to the security of our buildings, all schools have visitor check-in kiosks near the front entrances. 

  • North Allegheny School District requires all visitors to sign in using the Raptor System through the kiosks with their photo ID before they can access the building.
  • If you are visiting our building for the first time, please allow for additional time to register with the Raptor kiosk so that you are in the school’s system for future events.
  • If you registered last year, you may not need to register again; however, guests will still need to scan their ID to check in to the school. 

NASD Student Services

Community Connections - Help Students Own Their Financial Future

Wednesday, September 28, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

NAI Auditorium

We invite parents/guardians and students to join us for an interactive investment education and financial planning workshop with Gene Natali, co-founder and CEO of Troutwood, a financial technology company founded out of the Carnegie Mellon University Swartz Center. 

The combination of student loan debt, quickly changing retirement plan types, and investment accessibility makes this conversation imperative. All attendees will have the opportunity to build and leave with a working "personal" financial plan that considers their unique college and/or career interests.

Visit our website to ask a question or RSVP.

Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides quality, comprehensive health insurance for routine doctor's visits, prescriptions, dental, eye care, eyeglasses, mental health, and much more. 

CHIP covers uninsured kids up to age 19 in Pennsylvania. Most kids receive CHIP for free. Others can get the same benefits at a low cost.

Apply or renew at or call 800-986-KIDS.

Athletics Updates

Stay Up to Date!

Visit to stay current on all North Allegheny sports!


Missed a Newsletter?

All building newsletters are archived weekly on the North Allegheny website. This designated webpage will be updated with links to the previous week’s newsletters at the beginning of each school week by 11:30 a.m. A link to the archive is accessible on the District’s homepage and on each building’s homepage.

View the Newsletter Archive

Community Flyers

We've gathered and approved all sorts of neat flyers from around the community and put them all in one place on our website. You should go to look at them. Seriously. Do it. Right meow.

Check Out Community Flyers

District Contact

Central Administrative Office
200 Hillvue Lane
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
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