What's Up at North Allegheny School District

Week of September 12-16, 2022

Each week, we will share news from the District and from your student’s building.

  • Please click on your student’s building below to access their building-specific information.
  • Below the links to the building newsletters, you will find important information from the District.

IMS students and staff took part in "Proud to be Ingomar Day" on September 2. Proud to be Ingomar Day is an annual opportunity to welcome all students to the start of another positive school year highlighting the various academic and extracurricular opportunities that WE-MS offers! It is also an exciting way for students to build strong connections with peers and participate in team-based activities celebrating learning together!

Elementary School Newsletters

BWE Newsletter
FES Newsletter
HES Newsletter
IES Newsletter
MCK Newsletter
MES Newsletter
PES Newsletter

Middle School Newsletters

CMS Newsletter
IMS Newsletter
MMS Newsletter

High School Newsletters

NAI Newsletter
NASH Newsletter

Upcoming District-Wide Events

For a full list of events and activities, visit our website.

NASD Calendar

District Updates

A New Direction: 2022-2029 NASD Strategic & Comprehensive Plan

Just like the four key directions on a compass (N-E-S-W), our Strategic and Comprehensive is guided by four key areas: the North Allegheny Experience, Engagement, Support Services, and a Welcoming Environment.

For the next four weeks, we will spotlight the goal of a strategic focus area in the 2022-2029 Strategic & Comprehensive Plan. This week we will feature Support Services.

Support Services

The NASD community encompasses many different people and perspectives. When we come together with a shared goal of a student-centered school District, we will meet the needs of all students and their families. 

To help our students and staff achieve their greatest potential, we must create and foster a positive, supportive environment. Each one of our students is unique and will be successful with the appropriate support. North Allegheny is committed to offering personalized support to help our students meet academic and personal goals. Our greatest asset at North Allegheny is our people and we are committed to helping our staff reach their full potential by supporting and developing our employees. Fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability are important to ensure our community is aware of how public dollars are spent to meet the needs of our students and staff, while investing in their growth.

The full 2022-2029 Strategic & Comprehensive plan, with action steps, can be found on our website

The North Allegheny Board of School Directors will vote to approve the Strategic and Comprehensive Plan at the September 21, 2022 meeting. Information about NASD Board of Directors Meetings can be found on our website.

While reviewing the plan, you may have questions or would like to share your thoughts. Please send feedback by September 18, 2022, to

NASD Student Services

Community Connections - Help Students Own Their Financial Future

Wednesday, September 28, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

NAI Auditorium

We invite parents/guardians and students to join us for an interactive investment education and financial planning workshop with Gene Natali, co-founder and CEO of Troutwood, a financial technology company founded out of the Carnegie Mellon University Swartz Center. 

The combination of student loan debt, quickly changing retirement plan types, and investment accessibility makes this conversation imperative. All attendees will have the opportunity to build and leave with a working "personal" financial plan that considers their unique college and/or career interests.

Visit our website to ask a question or RSVP.

Publishing Student Works and Photographs/Videos on the Internet

If you do not want your student's recording, picture, or video displayed on the North Allegheny School District’s website or in any other District or school/classroom-based publication/communication/social media during the school year, please send a written request to the main office at your student's school by Friday, September 30, 2022.

National Suicide Prevention Week

September 5-11

Next week is National Suicide Prevention Week. Beginning July 16, 2022, 988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (formerly called the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline).

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline offers 24/7 access to trained counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. Individuals experiencing a mental health crisis can now call or text a three-digit number, 988, to reach the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline and connect with mental health professionals trained to respond to such emergencies. Individuals can also connect to the Lifeline via chat at  

NASD Flu Vaccination Clinic

Saturday, September 24

North Allegheny School District will host a drive-thru flu vaccination clinic for students and their families Saturday, September 24, from 8-11 a.m. at the Central Administration Offices.

If you are interested in the clinic, please

Completed paperwork should be submitted to no later than Monday, September 19.

NA Foundation

Golf Fore Our Students! Join us for the NA Foundation Golf Classic on Monday, October 10 beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Shannopin Country Club. Your participation helps support enhancing and enriching the educational experience at North Allegheny! For more information, to register, or review sponsorship opportunities, visit

Trick Or Trot

Save the Date for a Spooktacular Time! The annual NA Foundation Trick or Trot will be held on Saturday, October 29, 2022, at Marshall Middle/Elementary Schools Campus. The event will feature a 5K Race and 1-Mile Fun Run. Registration will open soon! For additional details, visit

Athletics Updates

Military Night at the September 9 Football Game

Includes a flyover and alternate military jerseys

Tonight (Friday, September 9) at 7:30 p.m., our varsity football team will host Erie McDowell H.S. Our team will be wearing an alternate military jersey provided by It’s About the Warrior Foundation for our Veterans Appreciation Game. In addition, we will recognize Major Mike Szczypinski and Technical Sgt. Anthony Conn from 911th Air Wing as honorary captains.


A flyover by a C17 Aircraft from the 911th Air Wing will take place prior to the game at around 7:20 p.m.

Tiger Nation: Responsible Behavior at Athletic Events 

Elementary Students Must Be Accompanied By An Adult At Athletic Events

North Allegheny School District Athletic Events provide an opportunity for our community to come together and create memories while supporting our student-athletes. 

The District wants to remind all parents/guardians of our expectations when attending athletic events. 

There is No I in Team - Elementary Students Must Be Accompanied By An Adult

  • An adult must accompany students in elementary school at NASD Athletic Events. 
  • The adult accompanying the school student(s) is responsible for supervising the student’s behavior throughout the sporting event.
  • Elementary students may not be dropped off at the game without a responsible adult present. 

Be A Good Sport - Show Positive, Respectful Behavior

  • Please encourage your student(s) to show good sportsmanship. 
  • Throwing items in/from the stands or onto the field will not be tolerated. 
  • Unruly or inappropriate behavior and/or language may be deemed grounds for dismissal from the event. 

Together We Win! - Help NA Create a Welcoming Environment

  • We need our community’s support to create a high-energy atmosphere while maintaining a safe, welcoming, family-oriented environment.
  • Information about all NA Tiger Athletic Events can be found on our athletics website at

Stay Up to Date!

Visit to stay current on all North Allegheny sports!


Missed a Newsletter?

All building newsletters are archived weekly on the North Allegheny website. This designated webpage will be updated with links to the previous week’s newsletters at the beginning of each school week by 11:30 a.m. A link to the archive is accessible on the District’s homepage and on each building’s homepage.

View the Newsletter Archive

Community Flyers

We've gathered and approved all sorts of neat flyers from around the community and put them all in one place on our website. You should go to look at them. Seriously. Do it. Right meow.

Check Out Community Flyers

District Contact

Central Administrative Office
200 Hillvue Lane
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
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