بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
In the name of Allah, the Most Kind the Most Merciful.
November 2022 | Rabi al Aakher 1444 AH
In this Issue:
Global Khoja Heritage Day
WF President Visits NASIMCO Office
Dr. Panjwani's visit to Toronto
Spotlight: Center of Islamic Learning Trainings
NASIMCO Leadership attends Mainstay Foundation's ENGAGE Conference 2022
Campaign Launch: Sponsor a Student in Kenya
Pakistan Flood Relief
NASIMCO celebrates Inaugural Global Khoja Heritage Festival
This past weekend, Member Jamaats across the globe celebrated Global Khoja Heritage Day, marked by events and celebrations highlighting Khoja heritage, language and culture. In the coming weeks, we will be sharing highlights of how Jamaats across North America marked this special occasion. 

NASIMCO leadership participated in both local and global events this weekend. 
NASIMCO Vice-President Gulamabbas Najafi spoke at the Global Khoja Heritage Day Leadership Forum on Sunday, October 23rd held at MARC in Toronto, Canada.

View Mr. Najafi’s speech to the Global Khoja community below
NASIMCO President Arif Jacksi also addressed the SIJNY Jamaat at the Global Khoja Heritage Festival on Sunday, October 23rd at the Al-Mahdi Islamic Center in New York, USA.

View his remarks at the event below
WF of KSIMC President Safder Jaffer and NASIMCO Vice President Gulamabbas Najafi in our NASIMCO Canada Headquarters
WF President Safder Jaffer visits NASIMCO Office
World Federation of KSIMC President Safder Jaffer visited the NASIMCO Office this past month, meeting with Board Members and Staff.

Ongoing collaboration between WF and NASIMCO, as well as strategic plans and programming for 2023 and beyond were shared. We thank Br. Safder for his kind words of encouragement and guidance.
Dr. Sibtain Panjwani visits Toronto, Canada
Dr. Sibtain Panjwani, author of The Khoja Ithna Asheries of East Africa visited Toronto, Canada this past month. Dr. Panjwani addressed both ISIJ and Masumeen Center during his weekend. Members were able to attend book talks and private events with the esteemed author, as well as purchase signed copies through NASIMCO Offices.

We thank Dr. Panjwani for his dedication towards the noble cause of researching, documenting and sharing the rich history and heritage of the Khoja community for generations to come.
"Dr Sibtain Panjwani captures 100 years of history of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheries , their migration that turned into a quest for faith, identity, communal happiness and economic stability. It traces the origin of the Khoja community as well as its twists and turns before finally emerging as the Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheries. It is a remarkable contribution and a must read for anyone who wants to know their Khoja heritage"

How to Purchase
  • NASIMCO Office between 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Monday to Friday.
  • Books can be shipped anywhere in North America for an additional shipping charge.
  • Payment options include: Credit Card, Cash or E-Transfer ([email protected]) . Please mention Book Purchase in the memo.
  • For more information please call the office on 905-763-7512 or email us at [email protected]
Spotlight: Center of Islamic Learning Trainings
Center for Islamic Learning (CIL) hosted the first ever Train the Trainer (TTT) for the Teacher Skills Program (TSP) in North America. This was an intense 3-day training held in Holiday Inn Express in Toronto, Canada on October 8-10, 2022. The participants were all NCFE Graduates and the training was facilitated by Sayyid Aliraza Naqvi of the United Kingdom and Shehnaaz Somji of Toronto.

The training was a huge success and the participants left feeling empowered and motivated. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the participants who came with full energy and enthusiasm. We also take this opportunity to thank NASIMCO Secretariat, Sr. Fatma Khakoo who took charge of meals, logistics and coordination.

On the weekend of October 15-16, 2022, a Teacher Skills Program was held in the Games Room at JCC. This was attended by eight teachers and was facilitated by Sayyid Aliraza Naqvi, Shehnaaz Somji and Sabira Manji. The training was also attended by Principals and Coordinators from various Madaris. The Micro Teach session was facilitated by Khalil Champsi & Shehnaaz Somji of Toronto.
NASIMCO Leadership attends ENGAGE Conference 2022 in Dearborn, Michigan

This past weekend, NASIMCO Leadership attended Mainstay Foundation's ENGAGE Conference 2022. NASIMCO Secretary General, MohamedArif Jagani, Executive Councillor, Kazim Mehdi and CAO, Shifa Abbas attended the two day event held in Dearborn, Michigan.

On Friday, the NASIMCO team attended the Mainstay Foundation Gala Dinner at the Bint Jebail Cultural Center.

The NASIMCO team participated in brainstorming and networking sessions with Shia Ithna Asheri community centers and organizations from across the United States, as well as with key community leaders from Minnesota, Allentown and California Jamaats.

We thank Mainstay for hosting us and look forward to next year's forum!
LTR: NASIMCO Secretary General MohamedArif Jagani, Mainstay Foundation Executive Director Abathar Tajaldeen, Mainstay Foundation Chairman of the Board of Directors Khodr Hamka, NASIMCO Executive Councillor Kazim Mehdi and Sayed Haider Bahrelolom
Campaign Launch: Sponsor a Student
Well-documented research shows that there is a clear link between good nutrition, improved school performance and better overall health.

Sponsor a student in Kenya, where out of a total under-5 population of 7 million, 1.82 million children (26 percent) are suffering from chronic malnutrition (stunting or low height-for-age) (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) et al. 2015), where one in every 19 will not survive to his/her fifth birthday (KNBS et al. 2015).

Stunted children have poor physical growth and brain development, preventing them from thriving and living up to their full potential. With an estimated 2 million (26%) stunted children under the age of 5, Kenya is facing a crisis of malnutrition.

Help a child grow to his or her fullest potential, sponsor nutritious school lunches for children throughout three terms in 2023 for only $1 CAD a week.
Download our NASIMCO app from the links below