A Note from the Past-President
The beginning of June marked a turning point for NASSM, as the Executive Council (EC) began implementation planning for the new strategic plan. Nine working groups provided detailed suggestions to the EC, which were considered in detail at the pre-conference EC meetings. A substantial array of actions were initiated, including a comprehensive review of NASSM structures, procedures, and conferences. Meanwhile, NASSM has chosen to create partnerships and alliances with other organizations in order to advance the field, and enable even better service to members. The alliances already in place are noted on our website.
The conference itself was outstanding, with a substantial array of new ideas and insights brought forward throughout the sessions. In many, implications for teaching, practice, and future research were considered jointly. This indicates a new maturity for NASSM, as silos are breaking down, and the array of member interests is integrating.
It was particularly noteworthy that poster presentations have taken on elevated significance. Posters offer a unique opportunity for interaction and discussion beyond what is possible through oral presentations. As a result, the conference team is seeking ways to enhance the poster sessions.
Our keynote speaker, Richard McLaren, brought a wealth of experience consulting and adjudicating at the highest levels of sport throughout the world. He challenged us to rethink the ways that sport is governed, and to build higher levels of accountability into sport systems. We were reminded that as teachers and researchers, we play a vital role in shaping the future of sport, and it was made clear that there is substantial work to be done. The challenges faced by sport worldwide are challenges for our field. Our journals and our future conferences will be significant venues for us to take up those challenges.
These steps forward, and many more during the conference, were situated in the gorgeous environs of Halifax. We were welcomed by the traditional owners of the land, the Mi'kmaq people, including a smudge ceremony to create an appropriately positive atmosphere for our deliberations. We started as well as we finished.
In short, this year's NASSM Conference provided strategic, intellectual, and practical challenges and advances for us all, and it did so in a particularly beautiful and positively focused environment. It was a conference to savor and remember.
Laurence Chalip
NASSM Past-President
NASSM 2018 Highlights
Thank you to everyone who shared their NASSM 2018 experience on social media!
NASSM 2018 in Halifax was filled with learning, celebrating, and socializing, all with beautiful waterfront views and mild weather. We hope you enjoyed the conference and location this year.
NASSM is proud to honor individuals in academia who have distinguished themselves through research, teaching, and/or service. Below, we are pleased to acknowledge NASSM 2018 award recipients.
The Zeigler Award is the most prestigious NASSM award and may only be bestowed on an individual once over the course of his/her career. This individual must have made significant contributions to the field in
terms of scholarship, research, leadership, and peer recognition of his/her contributions.
The Garth Paton Distinguished Service Award annually
recognizes a member's outstanding service contributions to NASSM. The award is intended to be one of distinction within NASSM and the award recipients own academic community, and encourage high standards of service to NASSM and other forms of professional contribution among NASSM's members.
The Distinguished Sport Management Educator Award recognizes exceptional contributions to teaching and learning. The award signifies distinction in classroom, field, and/or online teaching; excellence in pedagogical innovations in teaching methods, course design, curricular design, and/or assessment; and sustained commitment to the improvement and quality of teaching and learning in sport management.
NASSM 2018 award recipient:
The Diversity Award recognizes exceptional contributions to promote diversity and inclu
sion within NASSM and related sport management
disciplines. The award signifies a significant contribution to promoting and understanding diversity within NASSM; the creation of innovative programs, initiatives, and strategies designed to enhance NASSM's diversity and inclusion; and a sustained commitment to developing diversity and inclusion in sport management disciplines through teaching, research, and/or service. NASSM 2018
award recipient: George Cunningham, Texas A&M University
NASSM President Laurence Chalip, Thilo Kunkel (advisor), Yiran Su (winner), and NASSM Executive Council member John Miller
Papers in the Student Research
Competition reflect a student's analytical and/or theoretical research interest. This year's winner,
, presented research titled, Beyond Brand Fit: The Influence of Brand Contribution on the Relationship Between a Sport Event Brand Alliance and its Parent Brand, during the President's Luncheon.
Research Fellow designation recognizes NASSM's scholars by honoring their achievement in sport-related scholarship disseminated through NASSM.
The following individuals became NASSM Research Fellows in Halifax:
Laura Burton,
Tim DeSchriver,
Chris Greenwell,
Jonathan Jensen,
Kiki Kaplanidou,
Matt Katz,
Yongjae Kim,
Thilo Kunkel,
Daniel Lock,
Brian Mills,
Bri Newland,
Lynn Ridinger,
Popi Sotiriadou,
Nick Watanabe,
Pamela Wicker, and
Jules Woolf
NASSM 2019: New Orleans, Louisiana
Mark your calendars! NASSM 2019 will be held May 28th to June 1st in New Orleans, Louisiana. The conference hotel,
Sheraton New Orleans, is located in downtown New Orleans, just steps from the French Quarter. Additional information on the conference, including a call for abstracts and registration, will be communicated in the coming months.
Final Reminder!
NASSM 2019 Award Nominations
The 2018-2019 Member-at-Large team is currently accepting nominations for NASSM 2019 awards. The deadline for submission of nominations for all awards is July 15, 2018. All nominations must be submitted electronically to the designated Committee Chair, listed below:
Any NASSM member may nominate another NASSM member for consideration. Please consider nominating a worthy colleague for one of these important awards.
Detailed information regarding the nomination requirements and contact information for each award are listed on the NASSM website.