
May 2022 CE Blast

3-Core Integrative: ONLINE Certificate Course

Available starting May 3rd

3-Core Integrative (3CI) offers extensive theory, research, and evidence surrounding Mindfulness, Movement, and Nutrition in relation to social work practice and the overall mental health and wellbeing of clients. Students of 3CI will be educated on how to ethically and practically work these complementary components into clinical practice while understanding and addressing barriers clients may face. This course acknowledges the impact that often-overlooked factors have on clients' lives and health, and on their ability to access these integrative components- chronic stressors such as pollution, racism, poverty, etc. 3CI is taught through a variety of self-led instruction- video, ebook, audio, and guided practices- and also includes a comprehensive workbook for follow-along learning. Students will leave this course with a collection of handouts, worksheets, and other resources to use in session, Integrative Mental Health Professional credentials, and access to guided practices for both client and clinician.

$499 - use code SocialWorkerCT for 20% off

12.5 CE Credits approved by NASW/CT

This training satisfies the ten hours of self-study now permitted for license renewal

and also meets the cultural competence requirement for license renewal in Connecticut.

Click here for more information and registration.

Sponsored by The Academy of Integrative Mental Health.

Please contact or with any questions.

Virtual U: Do They Call It Praying:
May 4, 2022, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
via Zoom

We see people performing what seems to be devotional acts, and we may wonder: do they call it “praying”? It’s not a simple question to answer. Our focus in this session is to offer you our virtual audience, the cosmologies that overlap in the multifaith neighborhood and our neighbors’ understanding of and names for the Ultimate. Take a multi-religious illustrated tour of devotional acts of prayer, supplication, meditation, veneration, blessing, chanting, puja, arthi, jashan, yoga, qigong, and other possibilities.

Faith in the Neighborhood Series: Clothing, Cuisine, Clocks and Calendars
May 18, 2022, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
via Zoom

Religions are, by nature, “boundary-setters”. In a multifaith neighborhood, we’ll find many overlapping (or crisscrossing) boundaries – territorial, bodily, and temporal. This session takes the audience on a tour of the clothing, diet, calendars and time that are a boundary for multifaith conversations and connections.

Maastricht Approach Project: A Journey Begins


May 5th 2022



Chrysalis Center Banquet Hall

255 Homestead Ave

Hartford, CT 06112

Join us in-person as we debut MAP, an Advocacy Unlimited initiative.    

This is a free event to learn about the Maastricht Approach Project and to explore Voice Hearing through a holistic lens. We invite clinical professionals, people with lived experience, family and friends to come together in support of creating choice and understanding of what it means to hear voices.   


Highlights of the event     

  • 3 CECs approved by NASW/CT and CCB/RSS CEU's    
  • Guest speaker Peter Bullimore     
  • A Taco Bar     
  • Vendors    
  • Music     
  • Creative expression hour     
  • Much more details to come!   


Portions of the event will be offered virtually!     

We understand if you are not able to attend in-person, we still would like for you to join in the celebration.   


*We are conscious of following CDC guidelines for gatherings and will make announcements as the date approaches.      



In collaboration with CT NASW and Quinnipiac University SSW
EMDR Part I and Part II Training
at Quinnipiac University North Haven, CT.  Campus
Part I: May 5th to the 8th 2022
Part II: June 24th to 26th 2022
Donald F. deGraffenried , LCSW
Lori Cao, LMFT
Registration is now open and limited to 60 seats:
Live Webinars for Social Workers
Approved for CECs

Supervising the Ethical Clinician

Supervising the Diagnosing Clinician

Marijuana: Miracle Drug or the Devil’s Lettuce?

Trauma-informed Care in the Age of COVID-19

Monday, May 9, 2022, 10 am – 12 pm

Monday, May 16, 2022, 10 am – 12 pm

Saturday, May 21, 10 am – 12 pm

Saturday, June 11, 10 am – 12 pm

Visit our website for complete program description details and registration details.
Questions? Contact us at

LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency Training for the Oncology Social Worker

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


At Gaylord Hospital, Wallingford, CT

Approved for 3 Cultural Competency CECs by NASW/CT

This presentation will review and define the culturally competent terminology for defining a person’s sexual orientation and gender identity while examining some of the clinical issues faced by LGBTQ+ individuals due to past trauma.   Presenters will review LGBTQ+ cancer care and health disparities and some best practices and practitioner level interventions that can improve LGBTQ+ cancer care.

Presenters include: Knoll Larkin, MPH, Project Manager National LGBT Cancer Network, Harold Abrams, Project specialist National LGBT Cancer Network, and Peter Carney, LCSW, Director of Clinical Services, Ann’s Place, Board Member, CT Social Work Oncology Group.

This workshop can be attended in person OR via ZOOM.

Conference fee is $45

CT SWOG utilizes Brown Paper Tickets, an online registration process for its conferences-it is easy and fast. The only way to register for this conference is through Brown Paper Tickets.

Please use the link below, or type this address into your browser:

If you have questions, please email

Evergreen Walk


A CEU Opportunity Presented by HarborChase & Veterans Financial

Wednesday, May 18 | 6 pm to 7:30 pm

Join us for a free CEU opportunity with Veterans Financial.

Enjoy a chef-prepared dinner and earn 1 CEC as we learn how to use Veterans Benefits to pay for senior care.  Event co-sponsored by Salmon Brook Rehabilitation and Nursing Center


RSVP (860) 543-1010 or

1000 Evergreen Way | South Windsor, CT 06074

Culturally Competent Equine Assisted Psychotherapy

Ebony Horsewomen Inc. Equestrian and Therapeutic Center is offering in-person

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Workshops


Ebony Horsewomen Equestrian & Therapeutic Center

337 Vine Street, Hartford, CT 06112

Saturday, May 21, 2022 OR Saturday, July 16, 2022 OR Saturday, October 15, 2022 9:00am-12:30pm

During the workshop participants will learn what Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is and how it can help children, youth, and veterans who have experienced trauma while also discussing the effects of trauma on the brain. The workshop will cover cultural aspects of the marginalization and oppression of individuals and families in the BIPOC community. Cultural competence is discussed while recognizing the part that trauma, stress, and challenges of historical experiences have played in creating cultural differences and social stressors. Ebony Horsewomen Inc. will engage the participants in the use of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy demonstrating their core belief in the healing power of horses with a mission to bring people and horses together to promote emotional growth and learning while addressing a variety of emotional, behavioral, neurological, and developmental health issues.

Workshop fee is $65

Approved for 3 CECs by NASW/CT

Meets the Cultural Competency and Veterans Services requirements for license renewal.

Register at: using the CEC registration form.

Questions? Contact us at

This self-paced web-based program is geared toward clinicians seeking to expand their skill set and knowledge base toward better supporting clients through the experience of grief and loss. Participants will gain better understanding of various types of losses, how the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the landscape of loss, how to differentiate normative grief from traumatic grief and prolonged grief and factors that can predict traumatic or prolonged outcomes, how to companion the bereaved through the crisis of loss and how to cultivate meaning and growth from their experience.


This course is taught by Nikki Sewell, LCSW. Ms. Sewell has a private practice in Milford, CT focusing on supporting clients across the adult life span through all forms of grief and loss. Since 2018, she has hosted a variety of grief-related CEU trainings approved by NASW-CT. 


$197 for 6 CEUs approved by NASW/CT

Register HERE!


For more information, contact Nikki here:

Pandemic Aftershocks: Managing the Personal and Professional Impacts

June 2, 2022

12 Noon to 1:00 PM

This is a FREE Event, approved by NASW/CT for 1 CEC

Aware Recovery Care is a pioneer in the in-home mental health and substance use disorder treatment industry, representing true innovation. We are excited to be hosting a FREE Virtual CEC Event which will examine the impact that the Pandemic has had on mental healthcare professionals personally and professionally. The presenter for the virtual event is Sarah Allen Benton, LPC, LMHC, AADC, author of the book Understanding the High-Functioning Alcoholic and the Co-Owner of Benton Behavioral Health Consulting LLC. Sign Up Today!

For more information go to our website at

To register, click below: