Jeremy Arp, MSW, ACSW
Executive Director, NASW-WA
ICYMI: Board Election Results
Chapter Elections concluded on May 9th and we shared election results with membership on May 15th. The Chapter is pleased to announce that the following NASW-WA members join the Chapter Board of Directors on July 1, 2022:
President-Elect: Miguel A. Juárez
1st Vice President: TyKera Williams
Secretary: Danielle Flores
Eastern WA Regional Representative: Rayanna Tensley
Western WA Regional Representative: Elizabeth “Liz” McCully
MSW Student Representative: Svetlana Shjerven
BSW Student Representative: Allison Weide
Congratulations to our new Board members. Thank you to the NASW-WA Nominations and Leadership Identification Committee for this year's efforts to slate the election, to the candidates for their willingness to lead, and to our membership for voting! We look forward to the work ahead. To see our incoming board, click here.
COMMITTEE NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN! Looking for ways to engage with YOUR professional association? NASW-WA seeks members to participate in standing and ad-hoc committees to help implement our strategic plan. We encourage you to volunteer for Committee or Board service. Apply here today!
PACE Activities and Upcoming Elections
PACE stands for Political Action for Candidate Election. The purpose of PACE is to promote NASW legislative policies through political action and through support of candidates. The Chapter PACE Committee provides support to candidates in statewide elections who support legislation and policies that are consistent with the goals of the social work profession and the needs of those who are served by the social work profession.
PACE provides this support is through endorsements of campaigns and through donations to candidates, especially those is swing districts or potentially close elections. Each election, PACE seeks donations from NASW-WA members for this effort. Please consider making a donation to PACE today at
Thank you in advance for your donation!
Mobilize The Vote Webinar June 8 from Voting Is Social Work
The Voting is Social Work Field Education Team invites you to join a panel discussion on how Social Work Field Departments can bring voter engagement to field education connects to all nine CSWE competencies, NASW code of ethics, and social work values. Learn how other Field Work Program Faculty and Staff are mobilizing voters to help preserve democracy on June 8, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ET. Click here to register.
NASW Observes Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Month
NASW Observes Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Month in June. PTSD has commonly been associated with the military and veteran populations; however, it affects people of all ages, communities, gender, and social economic background. This blog contains a list of helpful resources and upcoming webinars that can be found by clicking here.
CMS Creates Additional Place of Service Code for Telehealth
An Open Letter to LGTQIA2S+ Kids and youth from NASW During Pride Month
The NASW Policy Team published an open letter from NASW to LGBTQIA2S+ kids and youth, in honor and recognition of Pride month. The content of the letter is intended to be uplifting and encouraging to LGBTQIA2S+ kids/youth, at a time when they are being targeted with anti-LGBTQIA2S+ policies across states. The team worked to carefully draft this message with input from coalition partners and additional subject matter experts. Given the current hostile climate and struggles that these young people are facing we want to use this as an opportunity to provide an affirming and supportive message to LGBTQIA2S+ kids and youth as well as to support systems and caregivers. Click here to read the letter.
Legislative Alerts
U.S. Senate is working on Mental Health Package – Urge inclusion of Improving Access to Mental Health Act
Much-needed legislation increasing Medicare reimbursement rates for Clinical Social Workers (CSWs) and ensuring access to CSW services by Medicare beneficiaries has been introduced in both chambers of Congress. Click here to take action.
Urge your Representative to Cosponsor the PSLF Payment Completion Fairness Act (H.R. 7465)
The Payment Completion Fairness Act represents an important step towards eliminating barriers to public service loan forgiveness and achieving the original intent of the PSLF program. This bipartisan legislation especially removes a key barrier to PSLF forgiveness for social workers who have devoted their careers to public service and who continue to struggle with the crushing burdens of student loan debt.
Please act now to urge your Representative to cosponsor the PSLF Payment Completion Fairness Act (H.R. 7465). Click here to take action.
Recruitment Notice: HCA is seeking candidates for the Crisis Response Improvement Strategy Committee
The Health Care Authority is seeking candidates to fill an open on the Crisis Response Improvement Strategy Committee. The open seat was designated by the legislature, through House Bill 1477, to a representative of “an organization specializing in facilitating behavioral health services for LGBTQ populations.”
In 2021, the legislature established the Crisis Response Improvement Strategy (CRIS) Committee to provide recommendations for the implementation of an expanded and improved behavioral health crisis system, including the introduction of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988 number. The CRIS Committee currently meets virtually approximately every two months. Meetings are open to the public.
Please send statements of interest to by Wednesday, June 22. The next CRIS Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 12 from 3 - 6 p.m.
Recruitment Notice: Mental Health Counselors, Marriage & Family Therapists, and Social Workers Advisory Committee
The Department of Health is recruiting to fill an upcoming professional vacancy as well as a public member vacancy on the Washington State Mental Health Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Social Workers Advisory Committee. If you are interested, please see the attached notice for details on how to apply. The deadline to apply is June 15, 2022.
Poor People's Campaign: Call to Action!
The Poor People's Campaign March is on June 18, 2022. The PPC assembles and marches because any nation that ignores nearly half of its citizens is in a moral, economic and political crisis. There were 140 million people who were poor or one emergency away from economic ruin before the pandemic. Since March 2020, while hundreds of thousands of people have died, millions are on the edge of hunger and eviction, and still without health care or living wages, billionaire wealth has grown by over $2 trillion.
RSVP to travel to DC or tune in virtually for the Mass Assembly and Moral March on Washington, DC June 18th, 2022 right here!
Call for Presenters
Are you interested in presenting a workshop for NASW-WA? We have an open call for presenters (live, virtual, or recorded). Click here for more information about what we're looking for:
NASW Foundation's Professional Social Worker Pin Program
It is that time of year to recognize graduating students at commencement with a silver-plated or gold-plated NASW Professional Social Worker Pin from the NASW Foundation!
Pins are just $10 apiece for silver-plated pins and $25 for gold-plated pins for schools of social work bulk orders (five or more pins). The pin instills pride in the profession, distinguishes social work from other programs on campus, and builds loyalty to your school.
Not a member?