October 2022 Chapter Update
Thanks to our chapter members who came to our Virtual Meet and Greet in September. If you missed it, you can view it on YouTube. The Chapter continues to seek volunteers to serve on Committees. Click here for more information.

Jeremy Arp, MSW, ACSW
Executive Director, NASW-WA
PACE Activities: Endorsements and Campaigns

The Chapter PACE (Political Action for Candidate Election) Committee endorsed candidates in statewide elections who support the goals of the social work profession. The Chapter PACE Committee also made campaign contributions to candidates, especially those in swing districts or potentially close elections.

Thank you to the PACE Committee and our members who donated to make this year impactful.

To view congressional candidates endorsed by our National PACE Committee, click here.
Don't Forget to Vote!

Deadlines for the November 8 General Election:

October 31 - Online and by mail registrations must be received.

November 8 - Register to vote in person by 8 p.m. at your County Elections Office.

NASW-WA Book Club Discussion

Social Workers: The NASW-WA Membership Engagement Committee will host a virtual book club discussion on October 18, 2022 at 6:30 PM.

We'd like social workers to tell us which book you'd like to discuss -- complete this short poll here. We'll announce which book the meeting will highlight for discussion prior to the meeting. The books we're considering for discussion are:

Virtual Meeting for Eastern Washington Social Workers

Join the Eastern Regional Representatives to the NASW-WA Board of Directors, Rayanna Tensley and Syrene Miller, for a focused discussion. We want feedback from Eastern Washington Social Workers! We want to know:
  • What matters to you,
  • How NASW can support your practice, and
  • Any policy issues facing Eastern Washington members.
DOH Proposed Rule Amendments

The Washington Department of Health sent the following message that included a draft for the Licensed Counselor rulemaking project. The rules affect Licensed Social Workers, Mental Health Counselors, and Marriage and Family Therapists. Please review the draft and provide your comments to brandon.williams@doh.wa.gov.

The notice from DOH outlined that the rulemaking work was an ongoing project and language may still be amended until the rules are finalized and filed. Read the draft rules here: chapter 246-809 WAC OTS.pdf
Free DC: 0-5 Training for Social Work Professionals

The Washington State Legislature created policy to support infant and early childhood providers in using best practices with very young children, including training in the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC: 0–5). The DC: 0-5 uses a developmentally-appropriate and contextually-grounded approach to consider how relationships and environmental factors contribute to the child’s social and emotional well-being and developmental progress.

Training in DC: 0-5 and additional workforce supports related to IECMH are FREE for providers from all disciplines serving children birth through age five who are enrolled in Apple Health in Washington State. 

To learn more about the DC: 0-5 initiative and register for a training, please visit the IECMH-WC Training and Resource Hub or contact training@wa-aimh.org.
Social Workers Needed for Seattle/King County Clinic

Seattle/King County Clinic will open its doors at Seattle Center on Oct. 20-23 to provide eye exams and prescription eyeglasses free of charge to more than 1,000 people in need. To meet this goal, organizers are recruiting hundreds of volunteers for the undertaking. Although no dental or medical care will be offered this year, after more than two years on hiatus, the clinic still expects the interest from prospective patients to be high. There is still a need for social workers for all days of the clinic! Read more here.

To find out more about Seattle/King County Clinic, visit seattlecenter.org/skcclinic or call 206-684-7200.
Legislative Alerts

Urge Your U.S. Representative to Cosponsor the MSWs in Libraries Act

The More Social Workers (MSWs) in Libraries Act (H.R. 8822) provides a key step in increasing the availability of social work services in communities through libraries. Click here to take action!

Urge Your U.S. Senators to Pass the Respect for Marriage Act

Tell your senators to urgently support the Respect for Marriage Act to ensure that every person is able to marry the person that they love and that marriage equality remains constitutionally protected. Click here to take action!
Student Loan Debt Relief Updates

NASW continues to work in coalition to promote student loan debt relief for social workers. There have been several developments over the past couple of weeks that may affect student loan debt relief for you. NASW’s September 26, 2022, update on student loan debt relief highlights several of the developments, including the ones mentioned below:

A new law allows jointly consolidated loans to be separated into two distinct direct loans, thereby making these loans eligible for forgiveness under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program. Now, some spouses who had jointly consolidated loans will be able to take advantage of the PSLF waiver.

The Department of Education indicates that those individuals who start the PSLF application process before the October 31, 2022, deadline will be considered for forgiveness under the PSLF limited waiver. Beginning November 1, 2022, the Department of Education is going back to the normal program requirements for PSLF and the Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness (TEPSLF) programs.

During the student loan debt payment pause, which began on March 13, 2020, and ends on December 31, 2022, student loan borrowers with Direct Federal Student Loans do not have to pay their student loan debt and will not accrue interest during that time. If you have made payments on your Direct Federal Student Loans, you can request a refund for those payments.

READ ON for more information and other student debt relief updates.
Call for Presenters

Are you interested in presenting a workshop for NASW-WA? We have an open call for presenters (live, virtual, or recorded). Click here for more information about what we're looking forhttps://www.nasw-wa.org/request-for-proposals.
Chapter Classifieds

NASW-WA offers a space on our website for text-only classified ads. Go to: https://www.nasw-wa.org/classifieds.

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