In This Issue:
NATCA in Washington
Registration Starts Today!
New Dates & Hotel, Same Great Conference
Brothers and Sisters,
Registration for NATCA in Washington 2020 is now open. The event will be held March 23-25 , at the Marriott Marquis, in Washington, D.C.

Click here  to register.

Our Union continually faces new legislative challenges, and this year has been no exception. NATCA in Washington gives our Union a tremendous opportunity to spend time on Capitol Hill, educating our elected officials about the vital work that we do.
Each year, we strive to put on a first-class event and create a great experience for our activists. Whether you are a veteran attendee or a first-timer, we are confident that you will learn something new, build great relationships, and help our Union make our collective voice heard on Capitol Hill.  
We know that getting leave is always a challenge. If you want to attend, but are still trying to work out leave, we encourage you to register. It is easier to drop a room from our room block than it is to try to pick one up at the last minute.
Registration will close Jan. 27. Members will be notified by their  National Legislative Committee (NLC) member  on or before Feb. 7, to confirm attendance. First priority will be given to Regional Committee Members, then NATCA members based on Congressional district. Your attendance is NOT guaranteed until you receive confirmation from your regional NLC member. 

If your local will be paying for your expenses to attend NATCA in Washington, DO NOT make any travel reservations/arrangements until you have received purchase approval from your local FacRep/E-board.

In Solidarity,

Steve Weidner, Chair
National Legislative Committee
NiW Hotel: Single Room / Roommate Requests
Please note that all hotel rooms are non-smoking. Single rooms are on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are booked in a single room, you will be responsible for 1/2 of room charges per night (half the cost is approximately $211 per night). If you do not indicate your choice of room (single or double) it will be assumed you want a roommate, and one will be assigned to you.
If you request a double room, and do not specify a roommate, your roommate will be assigned by your regional NLC member. We always attempt to room members from the same region together (unless specifically requested otherwise), but if there is an odd number of attendees, you may be required to room with someone from another region. Please make sure you have coordinated with the roommate you've requested PRIOR to registering. This will avoid confusion in the room assignment process.

Your check-in/check-out dates should be the dates you are checking in and out of the Marriott Marquis, regardless of when you get to or leave the Washington, D.C. area.
NiW Travel
NATCA in Washington attendees are expected to arrive on Sunday, March 22 (opening reception 7-10 p.m.) and depart on Wednesday afternoon, March 25. Early arrival or late departures will be at the attendee’s own expense. Return flights should be scheduled late Wednesday afternoon. Flight arrangements should not be made until attendance is confirmed by your NLC regional member and approved by your local.

Transportation expenses (airfares, train tickets, etc.) and incidental travel costs (i.e. cabs, tolls, etc.) will NOT be reimbursed from the NATCA in Washington budget.

Visit  for more information.
NATCA Represents More Than 20,000
NATCA now represents more than 20,000 bargaining unit employees (BUEs). Our new total is 20,059 as of Nov. 28, 2019, and total members number 16,038. The National Organizing Committee continues to coordinate and provide assistance for organizing efforts at the local, regional, and national levels to encourage all eligible members to officially become a part of our NATCA family.
Central and New England Regions
Host FacRep Meeting
The New England (NNE) and Central (NCE) regions joined forces last month for a two-day FacRep meeting in Hartford, Conn. The FacReps had the opportunity to hear from NATCA President Paul Rinaldi, Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert, and Chief of Staff Dean Iacopelli about many topics, including the executive orders and new OPM guidance on them. Northwest Mountain Regional Vice President (RVP) Alex Navarro III spoke to the members about utilizing their Magellan Healthcare and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefits. Other briefings during the first day were conducted on training, finances, the NATCA constitution, elections, NCEPT, the Respect campaign, and the NATCA Charitable Foundation. 

“I am glad that so many of our leaders were in attendance to hear this pertinent information,” said NCE RVP Aaron Merrick. “Knowledge is power, and them having this information to share with the members of their facilities empowers us all as a union.” 

The second day started with a legislative briefing, an Office of Worker’s Compensation Program (OWCP) briefing, and a labor relations module focused on Articles 7 and 114, along with individual performance management (IPM). The day concluded with NATCA Reloaded Committee members conducting a course called “Having a Difficult Conversation."

“Leaders of both regions were challenged with not only learning from the presenters, but also from their fellow FacReps of both regions with max participation,” said NNE RVP Mick Devine. “They left the meeting tasked to challenge the members in their facilities to begin the activism we saw during the shutdown right now.”
NATCA's National Office Honors Employee for 20 Years of Service
In October, Administrative Assistant for Public Affairs Pauline Hines reached a career milestone: 20 years of service to NATCA as a staff member in the Public Affairs Department of our Union's national office. Pauline serves in her role putting together NATCA's daily news clips journal, assisting with our Union's social media and web programs, and coordinating other special projects like the 2020 NATCA calendar distribution.  

Pauline was born in Philadelphia and moved frequently throughout her life, as both her father and husband served in the military. “My father was in the Navy, and my husband was in the Air Force. I’ve lived in Hawaii, Germany, Spain, and England.” 

Pauline worked at a credit union in 1999 when she heard about the position at NATCA from Fran Bowman, who worked in the Accounting Department at the time. 

“I came to interview, and I got hired in accounting,” she said. “I loved that because I’d been doing that kind of work for so long.” After four years, Pauline went to work in Safety and Technology, and stayed there until moving to the Public Affairs Department in 2017.

“I enjoyed working as part of putting on events with Safety and Tech. That was probably my favorite role, doing events,” she said. “I’ve also really liked having the close friends I’ve made while working at NATCA. Kendal and Lee Manson, and Bill and Denise Geoghagan, especially, have been like family to me.” 

Outside of her work for NATCA, Pauline enjoys shopping, bowling, and traveling. She also creates pottery works in her kiln at her home. Pauline prefers dogs to cats, and makes excellent macaroni and cheese. If she had to pick four people to have dinner with, dead or alive, she said she’d choose Aretha Franklin, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Steven Seagal. 

Thank you for your service to NATCA’s membership, Pauline! Stay tuned to NATCA’s social media and member communications to get to know more members of our staff.
Registration Continues for Houston 2020
Registration continues for our 18th Biennial Convention in Houston. May 27-29 will be here before you know it. Don't miss out on all the activities we have planned just for you!

Click here   to register. Have convention registration questions? Email .

For more information, please visit .
Proposed Amendments for 18th Biennial Convention Due by January 28, 2020
Preparations are underway for NATCA’s 18th Biennial Convention to be held in Houston on May 27-29, 2020. Pursuant to Article XIV, Section 1 of the NATCA Constitution, “[a]ll proposed amendments to the National Constitution shall be submitted to the National Constitution Committee through the Executive Vice President one-hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the Convention.”  The deadline for submitting proposed amendments for the upcoming convention, therefore, is 11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2020.  Proposed amendments should be submitted to Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert at .
Amendments may be proposed to make changes to Articles I through XV of the Constitution and/or to add new articles. All proposed amendments submitted to the Constitution Committee are reported out of committee and will be submitted to the membership as part of a constitutional amendment package that will be mailed on or before March 28, 2020. 

Members may also submit proposed resolutions to the Executive Vice President in advance of Convention. As defined in Article VIII, Section 7 of the Constitution, “[r]esolutions approved by the National Convention shall form the Standing Rules and Policy/Position Statements of the Association.” Any resolution submitted to the Executive Vice President  on or before Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2020,  shall be published along with the proposed amendments. Pursuant to Standing Rule C-1, no resolutions will be accepted between Jan. 28, 2020, and the beginning of Convention. Resolutions may be submitted at the Convention in accordance with Convention Rules.

NATCA encourages any member who would like to submit a proposed amendment to do so in a timely fashion by  11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2020 , in order for the amendment to be considered by Constitution Committee. Anyone with questions or concerns regarding the proposed amendment process should contact a member of the Constitution Committee or NATCA General Counsel Marguerite L. Graf.
NATCA News and Notes
Page Field FCT Hosts Aviation Day
Pictured left to right: Bernie Campau (FMY), Ross Costa (RSW), Ryan Weyer (RSW), and Frank Asaro (RSW).
Page Field Federal Contract Tower (FMY), a NATCA-represented facility, recently hosted an Aviation Day for local pilot groups and the general public. “We were able to educate those that came out about our profession, NATCA, and the work we do with many different industry groups,” said Fort Myers ATCT (RSW) FacRep Ross Costa, who also volunteered at the event. “As a result of this event, we have scheduled several tours with local flight schools, opened up a discussion with local law enforcement about cross training, and have some great ideas to discuss to more efficiently operate within our airspace. Thank you to the members that came out and volunteered their time from FMY, RSW, and retired members.”

Click here to read more and view the news story about the event.
Connecticut Members Host Solidarity Event
Connecticut NATCA members recently hosted a solidarity event, open to all members and their families in the surrounding area. Members from Bradley ATCT (BDL), Bradley TRACON (Y90), and Providence ATCT (PVD) all joined together for a friendly competition of bowling at Spare Time Entertainment Center. 

The members were joined by New England Region leaders as well as NATCA Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert who talked about the importance of both getting involved in NATCA and the upcoming election.
Houston Center Hosts Solidarity Event
At the end of November, members from Tomball D. W. Hooks ATCT (DWH), Houston Hobby ATCT (HOU), Houston Intercontinental ATCT (IAH), Houston TRACON (I90), and Houston Center (ZHU) came together for a solidarity event and to hear from NATCA's regional and national leadership. 

NATCA President Paul Rinaldi, Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert, Southwest (NSW) Regional Vice President Andrew LeBovidge, NSW Legislative Rep Corey Soignet, and National Organizing Committee Chair John Bratcher attended the event with nearly 75 members and guests. ZHU FacRep Chris Parris introduced the distinguished guests and thanked the members for attending. Then all in attendance surprised Gilbert with a cake for her birthday and sang to her. Afterwards, Gilbert shared that a short-term funding measure had been passed, and that all she really wanted for her birthday was to never see NATCA's membership go through another shutdown. “It was a great time had by all,” said Parris. “We really appreciate our leaders taking time to come and speak to us about issues that concern us.”
Monroe ATCT Celebrates 100% Union Membership Status
Monroe ATCT (MLU) recently hosted a solidarity event for members and their families, celebrating their 100% union membership status. NATCA President Paul Rinaldi and Southwest Regional Vice President Andrew LeBovidge also attended to congratulate the members on their achievements. “I couldn’t be prouder of our members,” said MLU FacRep Morris Carter. “The confidence our newest members have entrusted in NATCA will not be overlooked. I know they will take advantage of all NATCA has to offer and find their niche within the Union.”
NATCA Employee Displays Work for His Union
NATCA Terminal Technology Coordinator and retired Savannah ATCT (SAV) controller Bill Geoghagan recently completed a woodworking project that is proudly displayed at the NATCA National Office within the Organized NATCA Employees Union (ONEU) office. 

“The wooden replica of the ONEU logo is carved from a single piece of American white holly,” Geoghagan said. “The two hands supporting the logo are carved from basswood, with one stained with a walnut finish to represent ONEU’s commitment to celebrating diversity.”

Geoghagan, who has been woodworking since he was 10 years old, used both hand and power tools to carve the holly wood, which was logged in Fairfax, Va., not far from Washington, D.C. 

“The work was made on pieces of equipment that belonged to my father and my wife Denise’s father,” Geoghagan said. Denise and Bill are frequent volunteers with the NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF), and have previously donated his woodworking projects to NCF auctions. 

ONEU currently represents 27 bargaining unit employees who work as part of NATCA’s National Office staff. 
Why Every Day Is A Training Day
Five questions with Tom Adcock, who became NATCA's Director of Safety and Technology on Nov. 30.

Q: What is the purpose behind Every Day is a Training Day?  

Adcock: The purpose is to raise the membership’s awareness of the importance of training in our profession. We should be looking at it as the need for continual improvement in our profession. It is a process that should not stop throughout our entire careers. From the time we start training in our first facility to the time we hang up our headsets, we should look at training as a way to ensure we are at the top of our game whenever we work traffic.  

Q: This initiative seems to resemble the goals of the Professional Standards effort in that it promotes the importance of continually looking for ways to improve our performance as a workforce. Is that accurate?  

Adcock: Absolutely, part of being a professional is understanding the importance that training plays in improving our performance on a continuous basis. Training needs to be a part of our everyday routine.

Q: With the pilots undertaking their own training initiative, called “Train For Life,” what similarities do you see between the two efforts and how important is it that controllers and pilots are sharing this mindset at the same time?   

Adcock: Because we are on the front lines of the aviation industry, we understand the importance of being on the same page as we deploy new technologies and procedures. Both professions require certification, but we understand that learning does not stop at the point of certification. It is a process that must continue throughout our entire careers.  

Q: What is planned for the weeks and months ahead to keep the momentum going regarding training?   

Adcock: Great question! On Oct. 1st, we began Instructor-Led and Web-Based Recurrent Training and have modules that focus on “Why Training Matters.” Following on the heels of that delivery is the implementation of the new national training order. The order changes the focus on how we conduct training at the facility level. It ensures NATCA’s involvement in improving the training processes at the facility level.  

Another area we are working with the FAA on is the development of micro-learning modules that refresh core critical tasks that we rarely have the opportunity to use in a normal workday. These modules will take just a couple of minutes to complete, but allow us to refresh us more frequently on these seldom used tasks.

Q: What is most important for our members to know as we move forward and raise the awareness and implementation of Every Day is a Training Day?   

Adcock: We want to see the members that have attended CFS this year take what they learned at the conference and act as leaders in their facilities, fostering the culture change that ensures that we de-stigmatize how we view training and its importance in the continued development of Certified Professional Controllers.
Store Item of the Week: Holiday Ornament
Features of this product:  This elegant silver snowflake ornament will provide a beautiful touch of NATCA joy to any holiday package, tree, or mantel.

The NATCA logo is engraved on one side, and Happy Holidays is engraved on the other side. It has a simple yet beautiful design with a silver string with a red bead attached. A velvet pouch is provided to keep your ornament safe. Perfect for end-of-year gifts. Union-made in the United States.

Price:  $15.

To view and purchase the item, click here

Select USPS or UPS as your shipping preference on your orders. To check on stock availability or for further assistance, call 800-266-0895 or email .
Year-End Clearance Sale:  Make sure to check out the NATCA Store year-end clearance sale for deals up to 50% off!  Click here  to shop clearance or email  with any questions or inquires.
Benefits Spotlight:
Consumer Credit and Budget Counseling
Sometimes life doesn’t go the way we planned. Life throws us all kinds of curve balls, and we don’t always hit them out of the park. If life has put your finances in a strain, then let your union membership go to work for you through the Union Plus Consumer Credit Counseling Service.

Members receive a free budget analysis session, which can be done over the phone or online. If you need a debt management plan (DMP), there are no set up fees, and your first year of DMP monthly fees are reimbursed after completing 12 months of the plan. You will also receive a written action plan summarizing your financial picture and providing a budget and timeline for reaching your consumer credit goals and, if appropriate, a referral to a social service organization in your area or to Union Plus legal services. If bankruptcy is an option, the service fee is waived.  

All credit counselors are certified, experienced advisors working through Money Management International (MMI) to provide you with the tools you need to get control of your financial life. Request a confidential budget analysis session online today by visiting , or call 877-833-1745 to speak with an experienced credit counselor. Phones are staffed 24/7. Please have your NATCA membership number ready when calling.