Snowball Express flight strip from NATCA member Jenn Pierce
All over the country, NATCA members came together, to welcome kids and their families and get them safely to and from the most magical place on earth. These NATCA members helped make Snowball Express a huge success.
This year, 1,722 children of fallen heroes and their surviving parent or guardian were able to travel to Orlando, Fla., for several days of fun and fellowship at the 13th annual Snowball Express, a program of the Gary Sinise Foundation. This therapeutic getaway offered inspirational programs and encouraging and critical peer-to-peer support for these families.
The children who attended Snowball Express received NATCA window clings, coloring books, and balsa wood gliders on Snowball Express flights to spark their interest in aviation and air traffic control as they traversed the skies towards Disney World.
Our NATCA family was thrilled to brighten the lives of these deserving families as they gathered for an eventful week. Controllers and their family members were at the departing and arriving airports to give a fun and hearty welcome.
Seattle Tacoma ATCT (SEA)
Dallas/Fort Worth ATCT (DFW)
Colorado Springs ATCT (COS)
Las Vegas ATCT (LAS)
Washington National ATCT (DCA)
Fayetteville Grannis ATCT (FAY)
The next few days were filled with parties with Mickey Mouse and his friends, private shows, learning sessions, and lots and lots of fun.
On the final day of Snowball Express, NATCA members presented the Gary Sinise Foundation with a check for $10,000 dollars, on behalf of the NATCA Charitable Foundation.
Again, enough
thanks cannot be given to all of the NATCA members who helped make this spectacular event what it was. The time, dedication, and sacrifice that was given was evident from beginning to the end.
Click here to see more pictures from events throughout the week.
"Twas the season of Snowball and up before dawn,
Gold Star Families and volunteers woke with a yawn.
Smiles at the ready and joined hand in hand,
the kids strode behind Disney's flashy brass band.
It's an honor to high-five and a privilege to cheer,
the children who deserve joy at this time of year.
Snowball Express thanks the families to whom,
we owe so much! So with one voice we'll boom:
You're not forgotten. America will always be indebted,
because freedom doesn't come free."
We are already looking ahead to next year's event, which begins on Dec. 7, 2019. If you would like to help with fundraising, at the event in Orlando, or at any of the departure and arrival airports,
sign up here to volunteer and for future updates.
 PATCO Rehire Mike Jones (TWF) Reaches the End of a Rewarding Career
When President Clinton announced in 1993 he was lifting the ban on hiring air traffic controllers fired by President Reagan in 1981, Mike Jones already was seven years into his second stint in the U.S. Air Force as a controller. The road to getting back into an air traffic control facility after he and his fellow Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) members at Cheyenne were fired, was very long, arduous, and challenging.
Jones took a variety of jobs for the next five years doing whatever he could to help make ends meet for his family, including managing a couple of restaurants and working in a Goodyear tire store. One job he took on was particularly grueling - roofing. "In the middle of a Wyoming winter, that was a tough job," he said. "My fingers would go numb pretty quick."
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 Asheville Fusion Still Rocks
The very ingredient that makes Asheville a magnet for vacationers and retirees - mountains - also can make the western North Carolina city more challenging for those arriving by aircraft. Advanced radar and ADS-B technology are helping remove blind spots in the mountains near Asheville, easing the workload for controllers and boosting efficiency and safety for the airline, military, and general aviation pilots who use the airport and airspace.
Watch the video
 NATCA News and Notes
NATCA Members Visit OKC FAA Academy
Students from the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City recently attended a dinner with NATCA leadership. They heard remarks from Professional Standards co-lead Garth Koleszar, Benefits and National Organizing Committee Chair John Bratcher, SkyOne representative Dina Earl, Eastern Region Reloaded representative Cynthia Lowther, Northwest Mountain Alternate Regional Vice President (ARVP) Josh Waggener, Southern RVP Jim Marinitti, Eastern RVP Rich Santa, and President Paul Rinaldi. NATCA members Jonathan Eagle (Van Nuys Tower) and Jason Doss (Jacksonville Center) also attended and spoke with the students. The leaders discussed many topics including training tips, the funding process, NATCA's representational role, and the pride and responsibility that comes with their chosen profession.
General Lloyd "Fig" Newton Honored for His Lifetime Achievements
Hosted by the Aero Club of Washington, members of the aviation community gathered to honor General Lloyd "Fig" Newton (center, seated), the 2018 recipient of the National Aeronautic Association Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy. Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert was on the Planning Committee for the 2018 Wright Memorial Dinner.
Daytona Beach Members Recognized by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for Save
Earlier this year, Daytona Beach (DAB) controllers Ruben Lopez and Tim Martin
guided a student pilot from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) safely to the ground after oil covered his windshield and fumes began to fill his cockpit.
Recently, those controllers were honored at a ceremony by the President of ERAU for making significant contributions to workplace safety.
Prospect ATCOs' Branch Hosts Digital Towers Panel
NATCA National Program Management Organization (PMO) Representative Jeff Woods participated on a panel about remote digital towers at a recent meeting of Prospect ATCOs' Branch, the union for air traffic controllers and ATM specialists in the United Kingdom. The panel discussed how human factors will play a vital role in these operations.
Members Participate in Career Day
NATCA members Jordan Stein (Livermore ATCT), Amanda Richardson (Oakland Center), Kristin Simms (Oakland ATCT), and Juan Serna-Spuler (San Francisco ATCT) participated in Career Day at Castro Valley High School. They talked to students about what it's like to be an air traffic controller and handed out NATCA material.
ILG Controllers Donate to Local Food Bank
Wilmington ATCT (ILG) members Tony Cobb and Cynthia Lowther delivered 22 pounds of food, donated by members of ILG, to the Food Bank of Delaware.
Additionally, they provided the food bank with a check on behalf of the NATCA Charitable Foundation.
DAB Members Organize Beach Cleanup
Members from Daytona Beach ATCT (DAB) and the local flight schools participated in a joint beach cleanup. They used this community service experience to get to know one another and build relationships between the controllers of DAB and the users of the airspace.
NCF Donates to the Wright to Read Campaign
Left to right are
Dr. Tammy Mann, President and CEO, The Campagna Center; Bill Geoghagan, NATCA and NCF; and Luisa Reyes, Director, Wright to Read, The Campagna Center.
For the past three years, the NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF) has been donating to the Campagna Center Wright to Read campaign, and this year is no different. In addition to donating hats, scarves, and gloves for 100 children, NATCA Terminal Technology Coordinator and NCF Volunteer Bill Geoghagan presented the organization with a check on behalf of NCF. The Campagna Center offers a range of programs that foster a dedication to learning among children, youth, and adults.
Care Packages for U.S. Troops
Indianapolis Center (ZID) members recently helped in assembling care packages for U.S. troops overseas. Hosted by the Instructors and Apprentices of Plumbers, Steamfitters, and Service Technicians Local 440, union members came together and packaged 440 boxes to send out, just in time for the holidays.
NCF Gives Backpacks to Homeless Vets
The NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF), National Organizing Committee members, NATCA's corporate partners, and NATCA staff helped collect, stuff, and transport 188 backpacks with supplies and snacks for homeless veterans in the Washington, D.C. area. The backpacks were donated to the United Soldiers and Sailors of America.
NCT and SMF Provide Blankets and Toys to
Youth Center
Northern California TRACON (NCT) and Sacramento ATCT (SMF) members worked together to collect blanket and toy donations for the River Oak Center for Children in Sacramento, Calif. In all they donated 281 blankets, 55 stuffed animals, and 149 individual toys.
Dayton Tower Celebrates the Holidays
ATC facilities also get in the holiday spirit! NATCA member Chris Hayth (DAY) snapped a picture of his facility, all dressed up in holiday cheer.
Denver Center Members Wear Ugly Sweaters
Denver Center (ZDV) members got together and had a holiday party with an ugly sweater theme. They used a green screen and fun signs to add to the festive mood and celebration.
Nearly 200 Fort Worth Center (ZFW) members, along with their families, were in attendance at the holiday party at Delaney Vineyards in Grapevine, Texas. Along with the attendance of President Paul Rinaldi, Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert, Southwest Regional Vice President Andrew LeBovidge, and some fellow members from Dallas / Fort Worth tower, there was a surprise appearance from Santa Claus.
It was truly an evening filled with camaraderie and celebration.
LCH Celebrates 100 Percent Membership
Lake Charles ATCT (LCH) members had a holiday party attended by Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert and Southwest Regional Vice President Andrew LeBovidge. What made this event extra special was that LCH was also celebrating 100 percent NATCA membership in its facility. Congratulations on being all in!
CMH Meeting and Holiday Party
Columbus ATCT (CMH) members gathered for their local membership meeting with Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert and Great Lakes Regional Vice President Drew MacQueen to discuss many topics pertaining to their facility and the FAA.
After the meeting, they celebrated with their annual holiday party at the Columbus, Ohio TopGolf location.
ZMP's Chili Cook-Off Competition
Members of Minneapolis Center (ZMP) gathered for a friendly competition of the best chili cooks. First, second, and third place prizes were awarded for the tastiest chilis.
Don't get left out in the cold! Abilene (ABI) member Jeff Randall built this snowman and took his picture outside his facility after a recent snowfall.
 Archie League Medal of Safety Award
The deadline is approaching to nominate aviation safety professionals for the Archie League Medal of Safety Award.
The award
was named for the first air traffic controller and highlights a variety of aviation "saves" - some which involve a team of professionals working together, while others are the result of just one's efforts. Any NATCA member can nominate another member in good standing. Submit the names of deserving aviation safety professionals by April 30, 2019.
Click here for more information.
 NATCA Trainings
Advanced Legislative Activism Training
Members gathered in Washington, D.C. at the NATCA National Office for the ever-popular Advanced Legislative Activism Training course. The course was presented by NATCA Academy and taught by Richard Kennington (Portland ATCT) and Jason Arnold (Memphis Center). Attendees gained insight from legislative subject matter experts and were educated on various aspects of NATCA's legislative agenda.
Representative Training I
Members met in Las Vegas for the Representative Training I course. The course was presented by NATCA Academy and taught by Bob Aitken (Region X), John Bratcher (Fort Smith ATCT), Nick Daniels (Fort Worth Center), Eddie DeLisle (Northwest Regional Vice President), and Aaron Katz (Phoenix TRACON). Attendees were taught NATCA's history and core principles, so they are better prepared and equipped for
their daily roles and responsibilities as a union representatives and local leaders.
NATCA Academy Courses for All!
You too can participate in NATCA Academy courses. The 2019 NATCA Academy schedule is now available and offers a variety of options. Visit
NATCA Membership Portal
for course dates and descriptions.
Questions? Please contact NATCA's Training Coordinator, Carolyn Kamara, at
 Make Preparations for the Winter Season
In the wake of an emergency event, volunteer members of the NATCA Disaster Response Committee respond, providing much needed supplies and relief to the affected NATCA members and their families. By supplying water, food, construction supplies, toiletries, portable generators, heaters, dehumidifiers, and more, we can help expedite NATCA families in their return to their normal lives.
Since 1992, the NATCA Disaster Relief Fund has been completely driven by your donations and provides direct assistance and supplies to NATCA families. The best way to donate to the Disaster Relief Fund is through automatic payroll deduction, this method has no overhead fees, and all of your donations go directly to the fund. For more information and to donate today, go to
 NATCA Store Item of the Week:
Tie Bar
NATCA's 2-inch tie bar is a quintessential menswear accessory used to clip a tie to the underlying shirt front and prevents it from swinging. This helps ensure the tie hangs straight, resulting in a neat, uniformed appearance. Available for immediate shipment in silver or gold with a NATCA emblem on the right. Union-made in USA.
Price: $8
To see the item and how to order:
Click here. Select USPS or UPS as your shipping preference on your orders. To check on stock availability or for further assistance, call 800-266-0895 or email
 NATCA Benefits: Union Plus Credit Card
If you're in the market for a credit card that has competitive rates, no annual fees, zero percent fraud liability, great customer service available 24/7, and multiple options of credit cards that are tailored to suit your situation, then Union Plus has what you are looking for in a credit card.
Thousands of your union brothers and sisters carry the Union Plus credit card. Backed by Mastercard, it's the only credit card built for union members and backed by union members. Not only are there cash back and balance transfer programs, they also offer hardship programs to cover events such as disability, hospitalization, and job loss.
The Union Plus credit card is one more way to show your union pride! For more information, click here.
 FAA Employee Assistance Program: What to do After a Natural Disaster
Managing your Insurance and Finances after a Natural Disaster
If you have property damage to your home or car due to a natural disaster, the following information may provide some tips on how to effectively work with your insurance company to file any necessary claims:
Read more.