In This Issue:
NATCA Joins Fellow Aviation Unions in
Urging Lawmakers to Sign Letter
Asking Leadership to Extend Payroll
Support Program for Airline Workers
NATCA is standing in strong solidarity with its fellow aviation unions supporting aviation workers facing extreme consequences if Congress does not act before Sept. 30.

The central airline worker relief component of the CARES Act, the Payroll Support Program (PSP), allocated $32 billion in payroll grants to commercial airlines and airline contractors exclusively “for the continuation of employee wages, salaries, and benefits.” The program has kept hundreds of thousands of airline workers employed and with benefits during the pandemic, helped the economy, and preserved the safe movement of people and supplies across the nation and throughout the globe by preventing airline recipients from any layoffs or involuntary furloughs while ensuring the continuation of payroll and benefits until Sept. 30, 2020. But the clock is ticking. Federal aid is needed to prevent a wave of layoffs starting in October.

A new effort is underway to urge Congressional leadership to include an extension of the airline PSP in the next COVID-19 response legislation that will be passed by Congress. NATCA and a coalition of other aviation unions are urging members of Congress to sign a bipartisan letter to congressional leadership calling for them to pass a clean extension of the PSP through March 31, 2021. This effort is being led by Reps. Peter DeFazio (Ore. - 04), Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa. - 01), Rick Larsen (Wash. - 02), John Katko (N.Y. - 24), Sharice Davids (Kan. - 03), Karen Bass (Calif. - 37), and Rodney Davis (Ill. - 13).

Other union leaders who joined NATCA President Paul Rinaldi in urging members of Congress to sign this letter were:

Joe DePete , President, Air Line Pilots Association
Eric Ferguson , President, Allied Pilots Association
Julie Hedrick , National President, Association of Professional Flight Attendants
James P. Hoffa , General President, International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Pedro Leroux , President, NetJets Association of Shared Aircraft Pilots
Sara Nelson , International President, Association of Flight Attendants-CWA
Sito Pantoja , General Vice President for Transportation, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
Mike Perrone , National President, Professional Aviation Safety Specialists
John Samuelsen , International President, Transport Workers Union
Christopher M. Shelton , President, Communications Workers of America
Jonathan L. Weaks , President, Southwest Airlines Pilots Association
Larry I. Willis , President, Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO

These union leaders stated, "Only through an extension of PSP grants can Congress ensure that airline workers will continue to stay on payroll and ready to turn the industry around, prevent mass unemployment in October, and keep aviation workers ready to lift off as travel picks back up."
More Aviation Labor News
POLITICO : 25,000 American Airlines employees to get furlough warnings - American Airlines is alerting about 25,000 employees that they may be furloughed or laid off later this year, days after United Airlines made a similar announcement. Among those American Airlines employees who will receive notices are 9,950 flight attendants and 2,500 pilots, according to an internal message on July 15 from the carrier's CEO, Doug Parker, and president, Robert Isom. The executives said they “hope to reduce the actual number of furloughs significantly through enhanced leave and early-out programs for represented workgroups.” Read more, from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram
THE HILL : Southwest warns passenger numbers must triple to prevent layoffs - Southwest Airlines warned employees that passenger numbers need to triple by the end of the year to avoid layoffs. The airline has never had involuntary job cuts but passenger numbers are down 73 percent from 2019,  Bloomberg News reported . It gave employees until July 15 to apply for voluntary separation or to take extended time off because the company is overstaffed for the existing amount of flights. Read more
REUTERS : Delta may avoid furloughs thanks to early exits - A source close to the matter says that's because 15,000 Delta employees have expressed interest in early buyout packages. Watch story
LABOR NOTES : Flight Attendants Tell Airlines: Don't Even Think About Concessions - Sara Nelson writes, " We know cuts to our contracts at any one airline set up a downward spiral for our careers. Instead, we’re getting ahead of any attempts by management. Flight attendants across the industry are united against concessions. Together, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA), the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, and the Transport Workers Union—representing 80 percent of all U.S. flight attendants—signed an  open letter  making clear: “Concessions cannot and will not resolve the crisis in the industry. We are putting management on notice: don’t even think about it.” Read more
Highlighting Other Unions: CWA
NATCA continues to highlight our union sisters and brothers who are also essential workers during the COVID-19 national emergency. Today we thank the Communications Workers of America (CWA) , which represents 700,000 members in private and public sector employment. They work in telecommunications and information technology, the airline industry, news media, broadcast and cable television, education, health care, public service and education, law enforcement, manufacturing and other fields.

CWA has advocated for its members, frontline workers, and essential employees throughout the pandemic. CWA leaders are engaging with employers to ensure they are providing its members with comprehensive safety and prevention measures in an environment that encourages open and free communication without fear of reprisal or negative impacts on pay or continued employment. Learn more
Remembering an Inspiring Aviation Pioneer: Emily Hanrahan Howell Warner
The aviation community was saddened with the passing earlier this month of Emily Hanrahan Howell Warner, the first woman hired as a pilot by a U.S. commercial airline and the first female commercial captain. She was 80.

To NATCA member Jamie Sanders (Vice President at Denver Centennial ATCT, APA), Warner was more than just a pioneer, mentor, and inspiration. She was her aunt.

“My Aunt Emily paved the way for many of us female aviators,” said Sanders, who before starting her air traffic controller career in 2012, was a pilot for Allegiant Air and Great Lakes Airlines. “I started flying when I was 15 years old, having no clue that being a female pilot was not the norm. Every job I’ve had since then has been in aviation. I’ve made so many lifelong friends and have so many incredible memories, all because of my aunt and many others that fought so hard to get us to this point.”

Warner was the first woman member of the Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA), the largest pilots union in the world, and the leader of the first all-female commercial flight crew. She is an inducted member of the National Aviation Hall of Fame in Dayton, Ohio, the Women in Aviation International Pioneer Hall of Fame, and the National Women’s Hall of Fame. She also is included in the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, where her first uniform is on display.

After graduating from high school, Warner took a trip on a Frontier Airlines DC-3 from Gunnison, Colo., to Denver. She knew right then that she wanted to be a pilot and started flying lessons the next week.

“I looked out that front window and it just hit me,”  Warner told The Denver Post  in 2014, the year of her aviation hall of fame induction. “It’s so beautiful looking out of the front window instead of looking out of the sides.”

She made her first solo flight in 1958 and later worked as a full-time flight instructor. But it wasn’t until 1973 that she was able to join the pilot corps at Frontier. She later flew for Continental and United Parcel Service before working for the Federal Aviation Administration as an air carrier inspector.

“She was told no over and over again. Patiently and gracefully she’d come back with a smile on her face and wait for her chance,” Sanders said. “It was not only her amazing strength and persistence, but her positive attitude and demeanor that finally got her through that door to prove her skills at last. She was always very humble, positive, and had a grace about her.”

A New Twist on EAA's Annual
Spirit of Aviation Week: 'Simventure'
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) canceled what would have been this week's 2020 AirVenture Oshkosh, the marquee event of the year in aviation. But EAA has worked to come up with a very robust Plan B and is maintaining what it calls the "Spirit of Aviation Week" starting tomorrow (July 21) and running through this Saturday, July 25. NATCA is playing a key role, both as a sponsor and as a participant.

EAA, through PilotEdge , which offers professional air traffic control for flight simulators, has set up what it calls "Simventure." It is a virtual fly-in for pilots to give them the experience of flying into Oshkosh, complete with live air traffic control provided by eight NATCA members who have volunteered their time and talents. The event will simulate the Fisk Arrival route. Upon landing, pilots can taxi to the ramp to watch the other arrivals or depart OSH and head back out over Green Lake to fly it again.
The NATCA members participating will be Kyle Franklin (Kalamazoo ATCT, AZO), Jeff Gross (Austin ATCT, AUS), David Kaupp (retired member), Brian Kelly (Dallas Love Field ATCT, DAL), Brian LaFleur (New Orleans ATCT, MSY), Christine Sobczyk (Chicago DuPage ATCT, DPA), Renee Spencer (Fort Wayne ATCT, FWA), and Greg Williams (Cleveland ATCT, CLE).

Keith Smith of PilotEdge says they typically see about 70 concurrent pilots for their monthly fly-ins but has no idea what to expect this week.

"A virtual version of AirVenture has been a long-time coming, but with the unique circumstances of 2020, we knew it was more important than ever to make it happen," Smith said. "While it certainly wasn't surprising, the cancellation of the real world event was a blow to the pilot and controlling community alike. As excited as we were to host this under our own steam, the backing of EAA and NATCA takes it to a whole new level. This is such a great opportunity to enjoy the unique experience of AirVenture from your own home! We're thankful for NATCA's support and involvement and can't wait to see how this unfolds. If all goes well, we would be happy to run this again and consider expanding the scope to include the Warbird/Turbine arrivals and IFR operations, too."

With more than 170 scheduled events, the five-day online aviation fest includes streamed and on-demand content, encompassing nearly every facet of aviation, with a focus on educational, informational, and entertaining moments. EAA’s special interest groups will also be heavily involved, bringing highlights that include homebuilts, warbirds, vintage, aerobatics, ultralights, and much more.

Observers will be able to follow along on the PilotEdge online map , and Smith believes they'll likely have a live stream of a tower view, and/or FISK for the event as well.
Operation Traffic Counts Across the U.S.
NATCA Academy Virtual Learning:
Upcoming Class Schedule
We are very grateful for the work each of our dedicated members and staff have put into quickly and effectively transitioning our valuable Union training curriculum from in-person classes to an online version that remains educational and stimulating. We have a few more classes scheduled through the end of this month. We hope that you will take this opportunity to learn more about your Union, your rights, and how you can become more active in the areas that interest you.

Below is the schedule of upcoming classes in the next few days.
Register here today!
National Office Staff Employee Spotlight:
IT Administrator Matt Heer
NATCA salutes our amazing National Office staff members who work each day, currently from home, committed to providing our members with the very best service and representation in organized labor. Our featured employee this month is Information Technology Administrator Matt Heer. (Pictured at left with his wife Stefani Heer.)

Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Texas. When my parents’ jobs changed, we moved to Pennsylvania, where my parents previously lived before moving to Texas. To my knowledge, my twin sister and I are the only members of our family from Texas, and I’ve also lived in Maryland and Virginia. 
Where did you go to school, or what other education do you have?
I went to Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Not to be confused or associated with Indiana University. This school is located in Indiana, Pa., the Christmas Tree Capital and hometown of Jimmy Stewart.

How did you come to work at NATCA?
A college friend and now co-worker, NATCA Website Administrator Dan Whall, reached out to me and let me know that NATCA was looking for an information technology administrator. 
What's the most rewarding part of being a member of NATCA’s staff? What's the most challenging?
I would have to say that the most rewarding part of being a member of the NATCA staff has been working in collaboration with the NATCA family of members on various projects. The biggest of which are events such as Communicating For Safety in Las Vegas every fall. Every NATCA staff member, including myself, working those events puts forth an incredible amount of work to make things happen as smoothly as they do. To me, it is very rewarding to be a part of the process that makes that happen, specifically the live stream coverage, and seeing it go as smoothly as possible, despite whatever last minute challenges present themselves.

Do you have any hobbies or any other activities you enjoy outside of your work for NATCA?
My biggest hobby outside of work is paintball. Whether it is just a recreational play day on a weekend, or a game with over 5,000 players in the Pocono Mountains, I love to get out and play. As part of those big player games in the Poconos, I am also part of the command staff for the Allied side during the scenario games and usually I am the Mission Director. In this role, I coordinate with all levels of command and the non-command players to direct players to certain areas of the field for missions throughout the day, and help maintain high morale with new players.  

My other hobby is playing video games. Whether it is a fast-paced looter shooter game, or building epic worlds or creations in Minecraft, I like to sit down and relax with video games.  
Has there been a favorite moment for you while at NATCA?
I would have to say my favorite moment while at NATCA was at CFS and getting to listen to Brian Shul while backstage working the live streaming of the event.  
20 Years of the Krasner Building
NATCA HISTORY THIS MONTH : NATCA dedicated its own seven-story building on the northern edge of downtown Washington, D.C., on July 12, 2000. FAA Administrator Jane Garvey, numerous other Agency and Union dignitaries, and rank-and-file members attended a celebration to dedicate the new headquarters as the Barry Krasner Building in honor of NATCA’s second president (1991-97). Today, NATCA occupies four of the building’s seven floors and leases the other floors to several tenants.
Retirement Webinars Scheduled for August
Upcoming retirement seminars have been merged and reformatted to be webinars due to the COVID-19 national emergency. They are open to any member nationwide. The webinars in August are as follows:  
Aug. 19 : 9 a.m.-3 p.m. PDT
Aug. 27 : 9 a.m.-3 p.m. EDT

An additional webinar, called NATCA Edge, open to any member nationwide, is scheduled for Aug. 27 at 10 a.m. CDT.

IMPORTANT: If you had previously signed up for these seminars and are unable to attend virtually, please consider canceling your reservation as space is limited for virtual classes as well.

To register for both the seminars and the webinars: use the NATCA Portal, . Click on the “events” tab in the main menu at the top of the screen. 

For questions or any problems with registration, please contact Lisa Head at the National Office: 202-628-5451 or  [email protected] .
Celebrating Pride 2020: Masks on
Sale, to Benefit The Trevor Project
NATCA is celebrating Pride Month by offering NATCA logo Pride masks in the NATCA Store . Proceeds will benefit The Trevor Project, a national nonprofit that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ young people. One out of six students nationwide seriously considered suicide in the past year. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among young people ages 10 to 24, and LGBTQ+ youth contemplate suicide at three times the rate of heterosexual youth. Trevor aims to always be there for youth in crisis with a clear message: they should be proud of who they are, and they are not alone.

The 2020 Pride masks are constructed from 5.0 oz 100% moisture-wicking polyester, and come with five charcoal filter inserts. They’re union-made in the U.S. and union-printed. The $15 cost includes shipping.

The NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF) will match the dollars raised with an additional $2,000 donation to The Trevor Project. In 2019, with NATCA members participating in local Pride events in Washington, D.C., Indianapolis, Chicago, and San Francisco, NATCA distributed and raised $6,700 for Trevor. 

NATCA Influence Felt at New
Oregon Aviation Museum
Newly-opened Melincko’s Museum in Wallowa, Ore. (northeastern corner of the state) teaches kids about the science of flight, including the four forces of flight, the three axes of flight, and Bernoulli’s Principle. In addition, the museum helps kids learn about the history of aviation and the many aviation career options available. 

Laureano Mier runs the museum. He has known NATCA member Richard Kennington (Portland, Ore., ATCT, PDX) for several years. Mier works to create aviation youth camps and does a lot to emphasize air traffic control to the kids as well. Kennington sent him many of NATCA's materials including activity books. Above, 13-year-old Isabel McGuire from East Helena, Mont., holds several NATCA items.

NATCA Member Resources
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) MOU

On May 8, NATCA and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) regarding Human Resource Policy Manual (HRPM) Policy Bulletin 115, Paid Leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Policy Bulletin 115 and the MOU specifically address the FAA’s implementation of FFCRA, which was signed into law on March 18. FFCRA provides expanded paid leave options for NATCA bargaining unit employees (BUEs) who have been affected by COVID-19. FFCRA provides two forms of paid leave: Emergency Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which can be utilized for the employee’s own health needs or to care for family members.

Emergency Paid Sick Leave quick reference guide  here .

Expanded FMLA Leave quick reference guide  here .

FFCRA Frequently Asked Questions can be viewed here .

Download the full MOU  here .

Download only the FFCRA leave request form attachment  here .
Comparison of the Emergency Paid Sick Leave and Expanded FMLA Leave  here .
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)

In recent months, we all have faced a steady stream of challenges. If you want to talk with someone during these tough times, please know the  CISM team  is here to help you. CISM is a peer-to-peer service designed to help you post-accident or during a personal crisis. You can call us 24/7, 265 at 202-505-CISM (2476). If you reach our voicemail please leave your contact info, and someone will call you back. Keep in mind, we are aviation safety professionals and may be actively working at the time of your call. Messages are kept strictly confidential. You also can reach us via email at  [email protected]   or check out our website at
July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month . The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, one of the charities to benefit from NATCA's 18th Biennial Convention next spring, uses its research, education and advocacy work to help elevate voices, to listen and better understand, and to support the unique needs and range of experiences of underrepresented racial and ethnic groups.
“In many communities of color, there exists mental health stigma. And in the black community, I think it’s important to change the conversation around mental health,” says Tandra Rutledge, an AFSP prevention volunteer . “In many cases, we just don’t talk about it.” Listen to Rutledge and others and find more resources here .