November 10, 2016 
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In This Issue
Look inside the IVBM Virtual Conference Bag

Lymphatic Forum
in Chicago, IL
June 8-10, 2017

Vascular Biology 2017
Monterey, CA
October 15-19 

Vasculata 2017

Chicago, IL
August 7-10, 2017
Corporate Partners
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Welcome Reception Host

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Meet the Professor Breakfasts Supported by

  Event Partners

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Academic Supporter
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Academic Supporters


Bronze Level
Academic Supporters


The IVBM was a Huge Success!!
Boston Welcomes the 19th International Vascular Biology Meeting
Opening Session
William Aird welcomes
participants to the IVBM
Michael Gimbrone explains
NAVBO's roots in the IVBM
Peter Carmeliet (l) kicks off the meeting with recent findings on the role of intermediary metabolism in angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis.  Paul Ridker follows with a clinical perspective on C-reactive protein in inflammation and atherothrombosis.
Travel Awards were provided by the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization, Edwards LifeSciences Center for Cardiovascular Technology, the European Vascular Biology Organization, Nature Communications and of course NAVBO.

Our special thanks to Craig A. Sponseller, Chief Medical Officer for Kowa Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. and their support of the Welcome Reception.

Tuesday Night's Gala
The gala was held at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Closing Session - Award Lectures

Dr. Peter Libby presented a talk on
Rethinking the Thrombotic Complications of Atherosclerosis
Elisabetta Dejana received the 2016 Earl P. Benditt Award
Gabriele Bergers presents the 2016 Judah Folkman Award in Vascular Biology Lecture

Stefania Nicoli is the 2016 Springer Junior Investigator Award

Below, our three 2016 Meritorious Award Winners enjoy colleagues' presentations. 

Dr. Kari Alitalo invites attendees to visit Helsinki and attend the 20th IVBM, June 3-7, 2018.  Visit the web site at

Thank you, Boston!!!
Photos courtesy of our own NAVBO Newsletter Editor, William R. Huckle.  Images of Boston provided by NAVBO Trainee Member Kristobal Gudenschwager (both of Virginia Tech).
Job Postings
Job Title
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor - Physiology and Biophysics
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL
LSU Health Sciences Center-Shreveport
Tenure-Track Faculty Position
University of Missouri Columbia
Columbia, MO
Calendar of Events
Oct. 28 Brigham and Women's Hospital Vein Graft Symposium
Oct. 30 - Nov. 3 19th International Vascular Biology Meeting
Nov. 13-16 American Society for Matrix Biology Biennial Meeting
June 8 - 10 Lymphatic Forum 2017
Oct. 15-19 Vascular Biology 2017
Collaborating Societies at the IVBM

North American Vascular Biology Organization | |
18501 Kingshill Road
Germantown, MD 20874-2211