June 14, 2018

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Vasculata 2018 
St. Louis, MO
July 23 - 26, 2018

Vascular Biology 
Newport, RI 
October 14-18, 2018 

Lymphatic Forum 2019
Austin, TX
May 31 - June 1, 2019
Next webinar is June 14
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VB2018 Supporters
VB2018 Exhibitors

Affiliated Journals
Career Center
Career Center
Job seekers - visit our career center, upload your CV, get email alerts when jobs are posted

Employers - post your job on the job board.  NAVBO members get a $150 discount!
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  smile.amazon.com/ch/52-1917956 and Amazon will donate to NAVBO 
NAVBO Privacy Policy
Your data privacy and security are important to NAVBO. To that end, we have updated our privacy policy to reflect recent privacy and security regulation implementations and changes. Please review our policy as time permits so you have a complete understanding of the data we have, why we have it, and how we use it.
Part of the updates relate directly to the European Union's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that went into place May 25.   The GDPR seeks to improve the transparency of data usage and give end users more control over their own data. We believe these changes are important and will be compliant with the GDPR regulations.
Contact NAVBO if you have any questions or to change your communication preferences.
 Please note, you can unsubscribe to this newsletter at anytime by clicking on the SafeUnsubscribe in the footer.
Today's Webinar
Join Dr. Juan Melero-Martin 
Today at 1:00pm EDT for his presentation, "Engraftment of Bioengineered Vascular Networks."  Dr. Melero-Martin is an Associate Professor at Boston Children's Hospital. 

To register for the webinar please go to http://www.navbo.org/events/webinars/711-webinar062018


Sign up now for our August 2 Webinar with Michael Dellinger 

Our webinar attendees requested a webinar on Lymphatics, so please join us on August 2 at 1:00pm EDT for Dr. Dellinger's presentation, "Lymphatic Vessels and Vanishing Bones: Animal Models of Lymphatic Anomalies with Bone Involvement."  Dr. Dellinger is an Assistant Professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center. 

The webinar is sponsored by the Lymphatic Malformation Institute and the Lymphangomatosis & Gorham's Disease Alliance.

To register for the webinar please go to   http://www.navbo.org/events/webinars/718-webinar082018 

Please note: we will not be holding a July webinar  
Attend Vasculata 2018 in St. Louis
Plan to attend Vasculata this summer July 23-26 in St. Louis

More Deadlines!!!
Early bird registration ends:
Vascular Biology 2018 -August 15
Abstract Submission Deadlines:
Vasculata 2018 - June 18
Vascular Biology 2018 - August 1
Nominate a colleague for a Meritorious Award: 
Nominations for the 2019 Earl P. Benditt Award and the Judah Folkman Award in Vascular Biology are due July 8.

NAVBO Travel Awards are available for the following meetings:
World Congress on Microcirculation - go to http://www.navbo.org/awards/trainee-awards/wcm2018 for information.  The deadline is July 5.

Vascular Biology 2018 - submit an abstract and apply for a trainee travel award at http://www.navbo.org/awards/trainee-awards  by  August 1
Bioinformatics at Vascular Biology 2018!!!
Watch the webinar and see how bioinformatics can enhance your research (click on the slide to start the movie)

Attend Vascular Biology 2018 and register for this special session!
Bring your lap top and you favorite gene!!
NAVBO Travel Award Recipients
ENIGMA Young Investigator Prize
The "Verein für wissenschaftliche Fachtagungen in der Biomedizin" (VWFB) wants to encourage young scientists to develop bold ideas and hypotheses in emerging fields of contemporary life science research and to discuss such ideas with a small and dedicated group of scientists.Therefore, the (VWFB) has announced the 15.000€ ENIGMA Young Investigator Prize (ENIGMA YIP) to enable a junior scientist to host a small, closed and informal think-tank meeting on a topic of his/her choice. Details of the prize are outlined in this pdf and on VWFB's website ( www.vwfb.de). The deadline for submission of applications is June 20, 2018.

Please alert your colleagues and your most promising junior scientists of this unique opportunity.
Spotlight on Trainees
When it comes to workplace challenges, there's nothing new under the sun "Congrats, 1971 Stanford grad! You're full of energy, enthusiasm-and naiveté."  So begins an imagined letter to Joann Lublin's younger self,
published recently in The Wall Street Journal.   Lublin, by now a veteran editor for the WSJ, has some hard-earned pointers on negotiating numerous workplace issues, including unbridled gender bias and unevenly applied corporate policies.  Although Lublin has pursued a profession somewhat afield from medical research, there is an abundance of wisdom in her reflections that is well worth the attention of eager trainees approaching their first independent positions. 

Applications solicited for Science and SciLifeLab's Prize for Young Scientists
For the sixth year, Science/AAAS and SciLifeLab, a coordinated effort of four universities, have joined forces to recognize outstanding recent doctoral graduates in the life sciences (Ph.D. awarded between January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2017).  This award, intended to provide encouragement to young scientists beginning their scientific careers, includes a grand prize of $30,000, as well as $10,000 to winners in each of three other subject categories (Cell and Molecular Biology; Genomics and Proteomics; Ecology and Environment; Translational Medicine).  Applications are due July 15, 2018.  Winners will have their essays prominently published and will be honored in Stockholm, Sweden, in December of this year. 
Lab of the Month
The Lab of Dr. C. Keith Ozaki
This month we are highlighting the lab of Dr. C. Keith Ozaki, a Professor in the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, at Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Find out more about Dr. Ozaki and his lab at http://www.navbo.org/membership/members-labs/720-lab062018
Member News
Welcome to our New Members:
YenChun Ho, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Cini Mathew John, University of Calgary
Olga Kashpur, Tufts University
Sukyoung Kwak, Boston Children's Hospital
Yang Lee, Boston Children's Hospital
Ryan McEnaney, University of Pittsburgh
Christopher Pattillo, LSUHSC
Ashiqur Rahman, Harvard Medical School
Kai Song, Boston Children's Hospital
Harsha Swamy, University of Rochester
Aiyun Wen, Boston Children's Hospital

If you have news to share with your colleagues, send it to [email protected].
 Recent Publications by NAVBO Members

Prolonged activation of cAMP signaling leads to endothelial barrier disruption via transcriptional repression of RRAS
FASEB Journal
The increase in cAMP levels in endothelial cells triggers cellular signaling to alter vascular permeability. It is generally considered that cAMP signaling stabilizes the endothelial barrier function and reduces permeability.  Read more

Industry News
New hypertension guidelines explored in leading AHA journal 
The America Heart Association journal Hypertension has published a "New Perspectives" series of articles in June 2018 issue, examining the science behind and rationale for formulating the "Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults," released in 2017.  The new recommendations will likely change the way high blood pressure is evaluated and managed.  Actions by the AHA and collaborating professional groups reflects priorities set in the 2011 'Million Hearts' initiative, which articulated a goal of preventing a million heart attacks and strokes over the ensuing five years in the US.

Task force calls for increased inclusion of pregnant and lactating women in clinical studies A task force, charged by the US Department of Health and Human Services with identifying gaps in research on pregnant or lactating women, has finalized its work, calling for increased inclusion and integration of women from these groups into clinical trials.  As reported by MedPage Today, the study collective, named PRGLAC (Research Specific to Pregnant Women and Lactating Women), approved 15 recommendations, including the removal of pregnant women as a vulnerable population in the common rule, and the inclusion of pregnant women and lactating women to capture and report maternal, obstetric, and neonatal outcomes, including pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia.  Panelists from multiple government agencies (NIH, NICHD, FDA, and the National Vaccine Program Office) as well as members of industry and various professional organizations participated on the task force's efforts.
Annoyance in response to noise linked to dangerous cardiovascular ourcomes
A new report published in the International Journal of Cardiology explores the relationship between environmental noise and the genesis of cardiac arrhythmias.  Already studied in vascular disease, the new findings link responses to experiencing extreme aural stimulation (e.g., noise from aircraft, road, rail, and one's neighborhood) to increased incidence of atrial fibrillation.  Atrial fibrillation, the most common type of arrhythmia, can lead to thrombosis, stroke, and heart failure. Nearly three million Americans are affected by atrial fibrillation.  Noise annoyance, defined as noise-provoked responses such as anger, sleep disruption and subsequent exhaustion, and stress.  Study participants distinguished between noise annoyances during the day and at night and recorded their responses using standardized questionnaires.  Mechanisms connecting the noise annoyance responses and cardiac dysfunction remain to be defined. 
Job Postings
Calendar of Events
July 14 - 15, 2018
Endothelial Cell Phenotypes in Health and Disease (GRS)
July 15 - 20, 2018
Endothelial Cell Phenotypes in Health and Disease (GRC)
July 16 - 17, 2018
9th Edition of International Conference on Preventive Medicine & Public Health
July 18 - 21, 2018
ISTH SSC 2018 Meeting
Aug. 5 - 11, 2018
13th User Training Workshop Developing Multi-Scale, Virtual Simulations with CompuCell3D
Sept. 9 - 13, 2018
11th World Congress of Microcirculation (WCM2018)
Sept. 16 - 19, 2018
ISACB 2018 - 16th Biennial Meeting
Sept. 22 - 25, 2018
10th Kloster Seeon Meeting Angiogenesis
North American Vascular Biology Organization | [email protected] | http://www.navbo.org
18501 Kingshill Road
Germantown, MD 20874-2211