October 3, 2019
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William R. Huckle, Editor
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Vascular Biology 2019 
Monterey, CA  

September 9-12, 2020
Conrad Hotel Seoul

Vascular Biology 2020
Newport, RI
October 25-29, 2020

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Congratulations to Bhama Ramkhelawon!
Bhama Ramkhelawon is Named the 2019 Springer Junior Investigator Award Recipient
The NAVBO Meritorious Awards Committee and NAVBO Council are pleased to announce that Bhama Ramkhelawon, Ph.D., is the recipient of the 2019 Springer Junior Investigator Award, for which vascular biologists within five years of their first independent investigator position are eligible. Dr. Ramkhelawon currently holds appointments as Assistant Professor of Surgery and Cell Biology and Director of Vascular Research Program, New York University School of Medicine. Her work focuses on vascular hemodynamics and innate immunity as they relate to the mechanisms underlying chronic inflammation in several burdening cardiovascular diseases. Her studies have provided new perspectives in building up our fundamental knowledge in the cardiovascular field and most recently on aortic aneurysms.
Please join us at Vascular Biology 2019 to hear Dr. Ramkhelawon's Springer Award lecture, "Lung-derived HMGB1 activates proteolytic activity of arterial macrophages and promotes pathological vascular remodeling," at 2:00pm on Wednesday, October 30, 2019 at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Monterey. Congratulations, Dr. Ramkhelawon!
This award is supported by Angiogenesis

 See all meeting details at  

Online registration for VB2019 is open through October 25, 2019.  Although discouraged, you can register onsite as well (there will be a $35 surcharge for onsite registration).

Federal Budget Countdown
President and CEO of Research!America Mary Woolley, in her   September 26 Weekly Letter, exhorts the U.S. scientific community to contact their congressional representatives and urge them to reach a bipartisan agreement on the FY2020 federal budget by the end of the current Continuing Resolution (November 21). A solid budget and the planning it enables are essential to ensure robust scientific, health, and medical research funding for all of the budget year we have just entered. Visit Research!America's action page to send an email and/or Tweet to make the case for why life-saving innovation and discovery cannot afford further delay.
Upcoming Webinars
NAVBO Continues to Bring You Exciting Webinars 
 Sathish Srinivasan
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation

Wnt/ß-catenin signaling, mechanotransduction and lymphatic vascular development 
October 10, 1:00pm EDT  

And mark your calendar:
Hyung Chun
Yale School of Medicine
November 14, 1:00pm EST  
Register for this meeting

NAVBO Webinars are free to current NAVBO Members. Non-members can attend for $25 per webinar. 

And don't forget you can watch archived webinars as well - go to  
Promote Your Presentation on the Web Site
Current NAVBO Members Can List Their Upcoming Presentations (Oral or Poster) on our Web Site
Keep members, and all who visit our web site, aware of presentations by NAVBO members.  If you are attending the meeting, be sure to attend your NAVBO colleague's presentation.  If you are also presenting at that meeting, you can attend each other's presentations and offer mutual support! It can also help make you aware when a colleague is in your town so you reach out and arrange an in-person chat. And finally, this listing can also keep you abreast of other relevant meetings and  conferences.

So check out the current listings: and add yours!
There is a form at the bottom of the page for you to add your presentation.
Lab of the Month
The Lab of Monica Hinds

This month we are highlighting the lab of Dr. Monica Hinds, a Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Oregon Health & Science University. Find out more about Dr. Hinds and her lab at  
Spotlight on Trainees
Health insurance tips for international students studying in the U.S.
U.S. universities commonly require enrolled students, including international students, to have health insurance. Policy options, costs, and requirements can vary from school to school, and requirements for international students are further dependent on their visa status. Counseling professional, Mandee Heller Adler, quoted in USNews earlier this year, notes that, even if a college does not require medical insurance, all students in the U.S. are wise to hold it, in view of high costs and the prospect of long-term financial hardship. Other experts advise international students to familiarize themselves the U.S. health care system, as it may operate significantly differently than in their home country.
Member News
Welcome to our New Members:
David Paik, Stanford University
Sai Yuan, University of California, San Francisco

If you have news to share with your colleagues, send it to
Recent Publications by NAVBO Members

Mechanoregulation of p38 activity enhances endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated inflammation by arterial endothelium
FASEB Journal 

Endothelial up-regulation of VCAM-1 at susceptible sites in arteries modulates the recruitment efficiency of inflammatory monocytes that initiates atherosclerotic lesion formation.   Read more


Extracellular RNA in a single droplet of human serum reflects physiologic and disease states

Extracellular RNAs (exRNAs) are present in human serum. It remains unclear to what extent these circulating exRNAs may reflect human physiologic and disease states.   Read more


Ubiquitin-based modifications in endothelial cell-cell contact and inflammation
Journal of Cell Science 

Endothelial cell-cell contacts are essential for vascular integrity and physiology, protecting tissues and organs from edema and uncontrolled invasion of inflammatory cells.   Read more


Epigenetic Determinants of Flow-Mediated Vascular Endothelial Gene Expression

HIV-Nef Protein Transfer to Endothelial Cells Requires Rac1 Activation and Leads to Endothelial Dysfunction: Implications for Statin Treatment in HIV Patients
Circulation Research 

RATIONALE: Even in antiretroviral therapy (ART) treated patients, HIV continues to play a pathogenic role in cardiovascular diseases. A possible cofactor may be persistence of the early HIV response gene Nef, which we have demonstrated recently to persist in the lungs of HIV+ patients on ART.   Read more
Industry News
Input sought on recommendations regarding thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
The International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) seeks comment on draft recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). A rare blood disorder, TTP is associated with a lack of activity in the ADAMTS13 metalloprotease that normally cleaves von Willebrand factor and modulates thrombosis. In TTP, blood clot formation in small blood vessels can both limit blood flow to critical organs and give rise to platelet deficiency. The ISTH welcomes comments from clinicians, researchers, allied health professionals, policy makers, industry representatives, patients, caregivers, and other members of the public.
How to assess the trustworthiness of scientific publications?
Writing in STAT , National Academy of Sciences President Marcia McNutt and Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania examine the diverse factors that lead readers to accept - or question - the trustworthiness of published scientific findings. They note that "Most of us rely on vetted experts, brand names, seals of approval, and other signals of trust to help us decide on matters ranging from how to treat a dental abscess to which automobile is most fuel efficient. The resources needed to distinguish trustworthy scientific findings from those that are biased, irreproducible, or even fabricated are more elusive." McNutt and Jamieson build a case for the use of badges , a form of "microcredentialing," to provide an objective measure of the degree of trustworthiness a particular published study might warrant.

NSF charts academic intellectual property activity across the US
As those of us who work in academic institutions have likely experienced, universities and their associated research-intensive units are increasingly viewed as drivers of economic growth. Success at the creation of patentable new products, processes, and services that originate in the academy partly reflects the resources devoted to institutional patenting offices. The National Science Foundation tracks indicators that relate the number of academic-owned utility patents to the size of the doctoral science and engineering workforce in academia. How does your state stack up? 
Job Postings
Calendar of Events
Oct 27 - 31, 2019
Vascular Biology 2019
Nov. 22, 2019
Boston Angiogenesis Meeting
Sept. 9 - 12, 2020
21st International Vascular Biology Meeting (IVBM 2020)
Oct 25 - 29, 2020
Vascular Biology 2020
Partner Network Advantage on the NAVBO Job Board
Why post your job on NAVBO's career center rather than going directly to the larger job networks?
Pricing on the mass job boards can vary, but to get a job noticed you typically have to sponsor it for $5 - $10 per day, which can add up quickly especially since you also pay for each click the job gets. When you add it all together, you could be spending up to $45 per day on your job posting. But, when posting a job on NAVBO's career center, you simply pay a flat fee! The Premium package includes our Exclusive Extended Partner Network - which means the jobs are broadcast to sites like ZipRecruiter and Jobs2Careers and more for a flat fee.
With special member pricing, you can post a job for as low as $300 with this Partner Network. You never pay for each click, just the flat fee on the NAVBO career center. In addition, the Premium package includes a 60-day job posting making it a great value. The Premium packages also offer features like having your company's logo featured on the career center homepage, having your job appear first in search results, and more.
Post your open position now at!
NAVBO Privacy Policy
Your data privacy and security are important to NAVBO. To that end, we have updated our privacy policy to reflect recent privacy and security regulation implementations and changes. Please review our policy as time permits so you have a complete understanding of the data we have, why we have it, and how we use it.
Part of the updates relate directly to the European Union's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that went into place May 25.   The GDPR seeks to improve the transparency of data usage and give end users more control over their own data. We believe these changes are important and will be compliant with the GDPR regulations.
Contact NAVBO if you have any questions or to change your communication preferences.
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North American Vascular Biology Organization | |
18501 Kingshill Road
Germantown, MD 20874-2211