Vascular Biology
Monterey, CA
Lymphatic Forum 2019 Austin, TX May 31 - June 1, 2019
Vasculata 2019 Medical College of Wisconsin July 13 - 18, 2019
UT Southwestern
Medical Center
Partner Network Advantage - New Job Board Feature
Why post your job on NAVBO's career center rather than going directly to the larger job networks?
Pricing on the mass job boards can vary, but to get a job noticed you typically have to sponsor it for $5 - $10 per day, which can add up quickly especially since you also pay for each click the job gets. When you add it all together, you could be spending up to $45 per day on your job posting. But, when posting a job on NAVBO's career center, you simply pay a flat fee! The Premium package includes our Exclusive Extended Partner Network - which means the jobs are broadcast to sites like ZipRecruiter and Jobs2Careers and more for a flat fee.
With special member pricing, you can post a job for as low as $300 with this Partner Network. You never pay for each click, just the flat fee on the NAVBO career center. In addition, the Premium package includes a 60-day job posting making it a great value. The Premium packages also offer features like having your company's logo featured on the career center homepage, having your job appear first in search results, and more.
Your data privacy and security are important to NAVBO. To that end, we have updated our privacy policy to reflect recent privacy and security regulation implementations and changes.
Please review our policy as time permits so you have a complete understanding of the data we have, why we have it, and how we use it.
Part of the updates relate directly to the European Union's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that went into place May 25. The GDPR seeks to improve the transparency of data usage and give end users more control over their own data. We believe these changes are important and will be compliant with the GDPR regulations.
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Rakesh Jain's Earl P. Benditt Lecture
Rakesh Jain Delivers 2018 Benditt Award Lecture at VB2018
Dr. Rakesh Jain, recipient of NAVBO's
2018 Earl P. Benditt Award
, presented the annual Benditt Lecture at Vascular Biology 2018 in Newport, Rhode Island, on October 17. Following an introduction by Bill Muller of Northwestern University, Dr. Jain treated VB2018 attendees to a lively and fascinating account of his "engineer-becomes-tumor biologist" career, under the rubric of "Reengineering the tumor microenvironment to improve cancer treatment: Bench to bedside."
A feature of the tumor microenvironment of particular interest to Dr. Jain and his collaborators has been elevated hydrostatic pressure in the tumor interstitium, promoted by tendencies toward aberrant vessel architecture and VEGF-driven vascular leakiness upstream and insufficient lymphatic drainage downstream of solid tumors. This combination of inefficient vascular supply and reduced gradients of luminal versus interstitial hydrostatic pressures affects treatment responses, as the reductions in blood flow impair delivery of both conventional chemotherapeutics and novel cellular anti-tumor agents. In 2001, Dr. Jain advanced the idea that the anti-tumor benefit derived from chemotherapeutics could be enhanced when accompanied by anti-angiogenic agents, such as the anti-VEGF monoclonal Avastin, for treatment of human cancers, owing to a process of "vascular normalization" that restores perfusion efficiency and drug delivery. Dr. Jain highlighted several subsequent trials that have provided support for the vascular normalization hypothesis, for example from studies of human glioblastoma treated by chemoradiation therapy supplemented with VEGFR2 tyrosine kinase inhibition. He pointed out further that vascular normalization could in principle improve therapies that target immune checkpoint molecules, by improving vascular access of host immune cells to tumor tissue. Moreover, leukocyte infiltration into tumor requires ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, which he postulated as new functional markers for normalized tumor vessels. Accordingly, Dr. Jain's most recent published work includes development of modified T cells that home with enhanced efficiency to brain tumor vascular endothelium.
Dr. Jain went on to describe other mechanistic approaches by which physical properties of tumors could be modified therapeutically to increase tumor blood flow. One promising avenue is the inhibition of collagen synthesis by the Angiotensin II receptor antagonist Losartan, a widely-used, well-tolerated, and inexpensive antihypertensive drug. The rationale underlying this strategy is that dense networks of
collagen in tumors can impair chemotherapeutic penetration
. Relief of physical stress imposed by these fibrous deposits on tumor vessels may then potentiate efficacy of chemotherapy, an idea
being tested in pancreatic cancer
Be sure to check upcoming issues of the NewsBEAT for synopses of award lectures delivered by Folkman Award winner Christiana Ruhrberg and Springer Award winner Yi Fan.
Sphingosine 1-phosphate signaling: From the receptor, signaling
mechanisms to novel therapeutics
Tim Hla, Boston Children's Hospital, will present this webinar on December 20 at 1:00pm EST. This webinar will feature the history, background and current research on sphingosine 1-phosphate biology.
Click here to read more and to register.
Cardiovascular mechanics and extracellular vesicles Joshua Hutcheson, Florida International University, will present this webinar on January 10 at 1:00pm EST. The study presented will discuss the role of vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) mechanics and mechanotransduction in the formation of calcifying extracellular vesicles (EVs), which nucleate mineral in the vascular wall. Click here to read more and to register.
Click here to read more and to register.
Both webinars are being sponsored by the University of Toronto and the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research
Call for Postdocs and Graduate Students
We are seeking volunteers for our Membership Committee.
NAVBO strives to serve its members, especially those at the training level. How better to serve than to include the insights, perceptions and needs of these junior investigators.
If you would like to get more involved in NAVBO by participating in the Membership Committee, please contact Dr. Luke Brewster, Membership Committee Chair at and include your CV.
The Membership Committee seeks ways to engage and support members throughout their career. If networking with a broader scope of colleagues interests you, please reach out to Dr. Brewster by November 15.
Current committee members will review the applications and select candidates by December 14.
Call for Volunteers!
NAVBO was incorporated in December 1994 and we are about to celebrate our 25th Anniversary!!
Everything is still in the planning stages. If you would like to join the 25th Anniversary Committee, led by Drs. Cleaver and Galis, and help us initiate ways to celebrate and recognize our members, contact
We'd love to hear your ideas!
Lessons Learned
(from the November 1 issue)
Dr. John C. Chappell
Maintain a work-life balance- Many careers can consume you, and a career in academic science can certainly tip the work-life balance towards working almost continuously. What started out as a passion and a curiosity to discover new things about the vascular system can quickly turn into seemingly endless grant writing, manuscript preparation, e-mail replies, and so on. I would urge new independent investigators to work hard on their science, but to also find the aspects of life that provide rest and reinvigoration outside of their science and the workplace. Striving for and maintaining that work-life balance seems to be a critical skill to help avoid burnout and sustain you through the highs and lows of grant/paper reviews and all of the other challenges you will face.
Read more from Dr. Chappell on finding your place of Zen, staying curious, aiming for clarity, seeking out mentoring, and daring to be provocative.
The Lab of Dr. John C. Chappell
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3) Make a year-end tax deductible contribution - NAVBO is a designated as a 501(c)3 charity by the IRS and therefore, your contribution to NAVBO is tax deductible. Please donate here: You can stipulate how you want your donation used.
Thank you!
Funding Opportunities from NHLBI
NHLBI Funding Opportunity - Deadline Approaching
The Vascular Biology and Hypertension Branch of NHLBI is seeking applications to the following funding opportunity:
RFA-HL-17-22: Maximizing the Scientific Value of the NHLBI Biorepository: Scientific Opportunities for exploratory Research (R21).
This funding opportunity is to support meritorious exploratory research relevant to the NHLBI mission using the biospecimen collections that are stored in the NHLBI Biorepository and that are available through BioLINCC.
The due date for AIDS applications is January 7, 2019. Requests must be submitted to BioLINCC no later than December 17, 2018 in order to be eligible to receive a Letter of Availability by this due date.
For more information on RFA-HL-17-022 please visit:
To view available biospecimen collections and initiate a request, please visit:
Spotlight on Trainees
(from the November 1 issue)
Quality mentoring of PhD scientists crucial for success in career launch
Andrea M. Zimmerman from the Office of Continuing Medical Education at the University of Virginia has published "Navigating the path to a biomedical science career" in PLoS One (9/7/18), examining the multifactorial nature of PhD trainees' experiences in the biomedical sciences and how they approach their career choices. It is well known that the number of newly-minted life science PhDs exceeds the number of opportunities in academe. Using social cognitive career theory and data gleaned from case studies, the author concludes that mentoring relationships with faculty are key to successful navigation of career paths in a challenging employment marketplace.
Welcome to our New Members:
Sila Appak-Baskoy, Ryerson University
Shahram Eisa-Beygi, Medical College of Wisconsin
Satu Paavonsalo, University of Helsinki
Recent Publications by NAVBO Members
Association of Somatic GNAQ Mutation With Capillary Malformations in a Case of Choroidal Hemangioma JAMA Ophthalmology Choroidal hemangiomas are defined by a thickened choroid owing to vessel overgrowth, which may increase the intraocular pressure and lead to glaucoma. Choroidal hemangioma and glaucoma often co-occur in patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome, a rare neurocutaneous disorder characterized by capillary malformations. Read more A xenograft model for venous malformation Angiogenesis Vascular malformations are defects caused by the abnormal growth of the vasculature. Among them, venous malformation (VM) is an anomaly characterized by slow-flow vascular lesions with abnormally shaped veins, typically in sponge-like configuration. Read more Rap1 binding to the talin 1 F0 domain makes a minimal contribution to murine platelet GPIIb-IIIa activation Blood Advances Activation of platelet glycoprotein IIb-IIIa (GPIIb-IIIa; integrin aIIbß3) leads to high-affinity fibrinogen binding and platelet aggregation during hemostasis. Read more Cerebral cavernous malformations form an anticoagulant vascular domain Blood Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) are common brain vascular dysplasias prone to acute and chronic hemorrhage with significant clinical sequelae. Read more Phenotypic characterization of murine models of cerebral cavernous malformations Laboratory Investigation Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) are clusters of dilated capillaries that affect around 0.5% of the population. CCMs exist in two forms, sporadic and familial. Read more Nanoparticles targeting extra domain B of fibronectin-specific to the atherosclerotic lesion types III, IV, and V-enhance plaque detection and cargo delivery Theranostics Extra domain B of fibronectin (FN-EDB) is upregulated in the extracellular matrix during tissue remodeling and has been postulated as a potential biomarker for atherosclerosis, yet no systematic test for FN-EDB in plaques has been reported. Read more Rationale and design of the Pemafibrate to Reduce Cardiovascular Outcomes by Reducing Triglycerides in Patients with Diabetes (PROMINENT) study American Heart Journal Observational, genetic, and experimental data indicate that triglyceride rich lipoproteins (TRLs) likely participate causally in atherothrombosis. Read more Jak-ing Up the Plaque's Lipid Core...and Even More Circulation Research Until recently, many viewed atherosclerosis as a lipid storage disease or a bland accumulation of proliferated smooth muscle cells. Read more Inflammation, immunity, and infection in atherothrombosis Journal of the American College of Cardiology Observations on human and experimental atherosclerosis, biomarker studies, and now a large-scale clinical trial support the operation of immune and inflammatory pathways in this disease. Read more |
Industry News (from the November 1 issue)
"Million Hearts 2022" seeks to reduce mortality in cardiovascular disease
The profound advances in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart and peripheral vascular diseases over the last half century resulted in a celebrated drop in rates of death owing to cardiovascular disorders. Now, this drop has abated and even changed course in adults aged 35 to 64, where deaths attributable to heart disease are on the increase. In view of this shift in medical fortunes, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has launched Million Hearts 2022, emphasizing adoption of, and adherence to, those measures already proven to improve and sustain cardiovascular health. Janet Wright, MD, and her CDC colleagues
note in JAMA that persistence of multiple behaviors and other factors stand in the way of progress, notably physical inactivity, smoking, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and hypercholesterolemia.
What makes science 'hard' in an era when the very value and nature of evidence is questioned?
French philosopher Bruno Latour created a stir in the late 20th century by positing that scientific facts were "social constructions," that is, created by scientific research rather than standing freely and objectively apart from the investigation that reveals said facts. The "realists" who countered this view feared that constructionists would undermine scientific progress, legitimizing creationism and encouraging the anti-vaccine movement. The debate produced memorable salvos, including an invitation from physicist Alan Sokal that Latour step out his 21st-floor window if the laws of physics were nothing more than social conventions. In the New York Times Magazine, Ava Kofman explores the implications of Latour's legacy for the present post-fact era.
Cardiovascular aspects of endocrine disorders highlighted
The Endocrine Society has joined forces with the medical information system MedPage Today and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) to create an online resource that brings to the foreground leading research exploring important connections between cardiovascular and endocrine diseases. Dubbed the Cardio-Endo Connection, the web presence aims to inform both primary care physicians and endocrine and CV specialists about important mutual concerns. The site's inaugural offerings probe cardiovascular benefits of modified metformin therapy in Type 2 diabetes as well as management of primary aldosteronism.
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