Bergen County Executive

James J. Tedesco III

and the

Bergen County Board of Commissioners

Germaine M. Ortiz, Chairwoman — Mary J. Amoroso, Vice Chairwoman — Dr. Joan M. Voss, Chair Pro Tempore

Rafael Marte —Thomas J. Sullivan--- Steven A. Tanelli — Tracy Silna Zur


Housing Wait Lists

Navigator Notes is a service of the Bergen County Department of Human Services, Division of Senior Services.


All of the information contained in this document is provided as a courtesy to those seeking an affordable home. The County of Bergen is not responsible for any offers or errors contained herein. 

At the end of this email are LINKS to websites of agencies that administer some affordable housing units. Applicants can sign up themselves for newsletters and/or any future notifications of wait list openings.

There are links to several websites where you can search for apartments or rooms to rent in Bergen County, or any county in NJ. You can create your own criteria, including location, amount of rent you can afford, etc. These are at the end of this email, under HELPFUL LINKS FOR AFFORDABLE APARTMENT SEARCH.

If you missed your email copy of the monthly Housing Navigator Notes, you can visit our website for the latest issue:

Looking for more ways to save money? The Bergen County Senior HelpLine helps seniors find and apply for assistance programs to save money on expenses such as health care, prescriptions, food, utilities, transportation, and more. Call the Senior HelpLine at 201-366-7400, or email

The Bergen County Division of Senior Services publishes a resource directory with information on a range of programs in Bergen County. Call the Senior HelpLine at 201-336-7400 to request your copy, or view the Key Services Guide for Older Adults and Caregivers on our website

State Housing Assistance Programs

NEW State Rental Assistance Program (SRAP)

The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is pleased to announce the statewide open enrollment SRAP waitlist, a state funded program that provides housing subsidies on behalf of very low-income New Jersey residents, for decent, safe and sanitary housing. A total of 6,000 households will be selected through a lottery system to be placed on the State Rental Assistance Program waiting list. For more information go to: NJ Department of Community Affairs SRAP

Coronavirus Emergency Rescue Mortgage Assistance Program (ERMA):

Click here for more information. Call (855) 647-7700 to be put in touch with a housing counselor who can offer guidance on options and the application process

NJ Department of Community Affairs: Emergency Rental Relief Program is closed, however, the program continues to accept "pre-applications" in the event it receives future funding. Click here for more information

The Housing and Community Development Network of NJ: has a housing resource hotline and website with latest updates on eviction protections currently available. Call 888-691-3002 or visit

NJ Office of Eviction Protection: Provides legal counsel, help with access to financial assistance and guidance in navigating the court system for eligible low-income persons. Call 609-376-0810, or email

Click here for their website

Click here to find out about DCA's Housing Resource Navigators Program, which works with its Office of Eviction Protection

NJ Property Tax Relief programs

The 2024 deadlines for the NJ Senior Freeze and ANCHOR programs have passed. Information on 2025 deadlines will be posted when available.

Current Housing Waiting Lists:

Click here for the Bergen County listings

Click here for listings of properties in other NJ Counties

Affordable Housing: Agency Contact List

For info on how to get on waiting lists for all their properties, FAQs, and application requirements:

Affordable Homes NJ—CGP&H

**Note: while this company encourages the use of email and on-line applications for the best results, they do provide a phone number to call if someone does not have email. It is 609-664-2769 Ext. 5. Leave a detailed message with name, phone number, address and reason for the call. They warn that they have a very high daily call volume, and may not get back quickly.

101 Interchange Plaza, Suite 301

Cranbury, NJ 08512


Check out their page for rentals with short or no wait lists:

See their FAQ:


To sign up for their newsletter, look at their lists of properties or download applications:

Piazza & Associates

Princeton Forrestal Village

201 Rockingham Row

Princeton, NJ 08540



Check out their page of Quick Rentals, News and Newsletter sign up:


To sign up to be notified of future available properties (stay connected), and for info on tenant selection process:

Bergen County’s United Way/Madeline Corp

6 Forest Ave., Suite 220

Paramus, NJ 07652


Phone: 201-291-4050

For information about obtaining rental or other financial assistance through the United Way’s Compassion fund,

dial 2-1-1.


To look at list of their properties:


One Brewery Park

1301 N. 31st St, Philadelphia, PA


Pennrose Foundation recently created a COVID-19 Resident Relief Fund to help with food insecurity and household bills/basic needs:


To look at a list of their properties:


Regan Development Corp.

1055 Saw Mill River Rd

Ardsley, NY 10502

(914) 693-6613


The Alpert Group

 One Parker Plaza

Fort Lee, NJ 07024



To look at their properties, subscribe to their newsletter:

The Walters Group Apartments

500 Barnegat Boulevard, Building 100

Barnegat, NJ 08005

Affordable Family and Senior apartments throughout NJ


Triad Incorporated

Affordable Housing:

Susan DiBiasio, Associate  

1301 W. Forest Grove Rd, Bldg 3, Vineland, NJ 08360       856-481-7036

309 W. Glenside Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038                     



Affordable Housing opportunities:

Greater Bergen Community Action

Headquarters: 392 State St., Hackensack, NJ 07601


Community Housing in Partnership (CHIP): 316 State St., Hackensack, NJ 07601


This organization also provides financial counseling:

Housing Authorities located in Bergen County:
Housing Authority of Bergen County
One Bergen County Plaza, 2nd floor
Hackensack 07601

Cliffside Park Housing Authority
500 A Gorge Rd. 07010

Edgewater Housing Authority
300 Undercliff Ave  07020

Englewood Housing Authority
111 West St.    07631

Fort Lee Housing Authority
1403 Teresa Dr. Suite FLHA 07605

Garfield Housing Authority
71 Daniel P. Conte Ct 07026

Hackensack Housing Authority
65 First St.  07601

Lodi Housing Authority
50 Brookside Ave   07644
Helpful Links for Affordable Apartment Search (or Rooms to Rent in Homes)

The following are links to websites where you can input your own search criteria to look for available apartments/rooms in your price range and location of your choice. NOTE: some of these sites may require a fee—be aware and make sure you read the instructions on the websites carefully before proceeding.

New Jersey Housing Resource Center


Check out this website for affordable, temporary and accessible housing opportunities.

Women's Rights and Information Center

Shared Housing Program

Internet Housing Search

The following sites include market rate rentals. Input your criteria to see any available apartments in each database:

To search low income apartment wait lists around the country, click on this link:

Affordable Housing Online - Low-Income Rent and Waiting Lists

Click here to search low income apartment wait lists around the country

Click here to search for Section 8 Wait Lists around the country

Sign up at these sites for email notifications of apartment and Section 8 wait list openings 


The Navigator asks
Do you know about housing applications?....
Affordable Housing applications differ widely, but the following are sample questions that may (or may not) appear on any of them. Take a look so you have an idea what might be asked, and be prepared to answer these questions for YOURSELF and EVERY MEMBER OF THE HOUSEHOLD who will be living in the rental unit. Gather all supporting paperwork related to these questions so you have them on hand to quickly refer to them as you complete applications and answer truthfully and to the best of your ability:
Name, address, phone, date of birth, social security number. Other questions could include citizenship status, gender, language, ethnic/racial information for statistical purposes.

Email for “head of household”—if you don’t have an email, it may be a good idea to set one up for yourself, or use the email of a trusted friend or relative, especially if future communications with this property is through email.

Gross Income—Dollar amount, source of the income and how often you receive it. Examples: Social security, Wages, Pensions, Public Assistance, Child Support, Alimony, rental and any other income.

Tax returns for past years, pension statements, social security award letters, child support order, etc. may be helpful documents to keep on file.

Wages (if you or household member work) ---total wages and hours of work (per week/month), how often (weeks per year), what position do you hold, how many years at the job, employer’s name and address. Paystubs for a certain amount of time may be requested as proof.

Bank Assets—Type of bank account (savings/checking/other), account number, name and address of bank and name of bank contact. List total dollars in each account at time of application.

Other assets—Stocks, bonds, savings bonds, IRA/other retirement account. Other sources of income (home, Trust, CD, Life Insurance), the identifying account numbers, the dollar value in each account, the contact person for each account and the address of the account.
Some applications give selection preferences to households that meet certain conditions. Make sure you answer these questions (samples below) truthfully, as they may allow you to qualify for, or move up on, a waiting list:

Is applicant, spouse or co-applicant a US veteran? Is applicant a senior citizen? Is applicant homeless, precariously housed (living in car, living in homeless shelter, couch-surfing, or in unsafe or unhealthy conditions), or in danger of becoming homeless. Is applicant, spouse or co-applicant disabled? Does applicant require supportive services, or require wheelchair, crutches, cane, walker, live-in aide? Some applications give preference to residents of Bergen County, or other counties depending on the property.

The following questions MAY appear on an application, so be prepared:
  • Will there be a change in the number of persons in your household for any reason in the future?
  • Does anyone outside your household pay for and/or assist you with any bills or expenses, and if yes, explain.
  • Names, addresses and phone of people who are references or emergency contacts for you.
  •  Do you have pets, with description of pet.
  • Information about your current home: own or rent; how long you lived there.
  • If you are a current renter: contact information for your current and former landlords, how long you lived at each home/address in the last three or four years.
  • Have you or a household member ever lived in subsidized housing—give name, address, phone, name on lease, and the time you lived at each particular Public Housing, or information about possessing a Housing Choice (Section 8) Voucher, if the question appears.
  •  Have you ever been evicted and why.
  • Is any household member subject to a sex offender registration program—give details such as which member and in what state.
  • Have you or any household member been arrested and/or convicted of a criminal activity, or drug-related activity. List the crime, when and where it was committed.
  • Other types of questions could appear on an application, but these are a general listing of some of the more common.

Older Americans Housing Guide Articles

presented by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Making housing decisions after losing a spouse or partner

Making housing decisions when your health changes

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