CRGC News Broadcast NB-2022-014
October 19, 2022
Tumor Registrars Association of
Connecticut Fall Annual Education Meeting

CRGC is happy to share educational opportunities such as the upcoming Tumor Registrars Association of Connecticut Fall Annual Education meeting to be held virtually. The meeting date is November 9, 2022. The time is very early: 4:45am-12:00pm Pacific Time. This event has been approved for 6 CE hours of which 2 meet the Category A requirements. This online event is $35 for Non-TRAC members and free for TRAC members. Pre-registration is required. Link for registration form:

Please contact should you have any questions.
If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the content of this CRGC News Broadcast please contact me.

Mignon Dryden, CTR
Director, E-Reporting
Cancer Registry of Greater California