Solid Tumor Rules: 2023 Update
The Solid Tumor Rules have been updated and are now available on the SEER Registrar website. Updates are based on 5th Edition WHO Classification of Tumors books and review of questions and feedback from registrars.
Important changes to reportable neoplasms in malignant CNS and non-malignant CNS sites have been included in this update. Rules in some sites have been re-written for clarification purposes. It is important to review the 2023 change log to see what revisions have been made.
The 2023 Update includes changes that apply to cases diagnosed January 1, 2023, and after. The editors recommend that until these changes are implemented, registrars continue using the current Solid Tumor Rules, updated September 2021, for cases diagnosed from January 1, 2018, through 12/31/2022.
The 2023 Other Sites Rules have undergone comprehensive revisions and are in the final formatting process. They will be posted December 2022, for use beginning with cases diagnosed 1/1/2023 forward. Notification will be sent when they are available on the SEER website.