CRGC News Broadcast NB-2023-005
May 16, 2023

Follow this link to a listing of SEER SINQ's that have been finalized during the months of March and April 2023.

Highlights of this listing include:

  • 20230016 instructs how to properly code histology for an anaplastic glioneuronal tumor, BRAF p.V600E mutant, WHO Grade III.

  • 20230014 advises whether a case with thyroid FNA cytology of nodule 1 Bethesda Category 5 and nodule 2 Bethesda Category 6 would be reportable.

  • 20230009 informs how many primaries are to be accessioned when a 2023 diagnosis of keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma (8071/3) of the vulva follows a previous diagnosis of nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma (8072/3) of the vulva and the time rule (M12) does not apply.

Click here to access the SEER SINQ Website.
If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the content of this CRGC News Broadcast please contact me.

Mignon Dryden, CTR
Director, E-Reporting
Cancer Registry of Greater California