Does your bank want to enhance the financial knowledge of young people in your community? Help promote good financial habits across Nebraska by joining the 25 NBA members that sponsor an in-school savings bank! For more than 20 years, in-school savings banks have been successfully implemented in Nebraska elementary schools. Students make weekly savings deposits at their school's branch, with the custodial account being managed by the school and audited by the partnering financial institution. Instead of interest, students earn incentives in the form of awards from the partnering bank.
The program helps engrain savings as part of a student's future plans and build positive relationships with banks. Research shows students who participate in in-school savings programs are more likely to have a bank account in high school compared to non-participants.
The Nebraska Council on Economic Education (NCEE) provides assistance to establish a program. The NCEE is currently looking for a bank in Kearney to partner with an elementary school interested in establishing an in-school savings branch.
See a list of in-school savings banks here. For additional information or to get started, please contact Kara Heideman at the NBA at or Dr. Jennifer Davidson at the NCEE at