e-Newsletter - December 2015
Advancing the Prevention, Early Diagnosis, and
Treatment of Life-Threatening Blood Clots
With the Longest Night Comes a Renewed  Commitment  to You 

The Winter Solstice, since ancient times, marks a celebration of new beginnings and renewal, and also signals the occasion of assorted holidays -- such as Hanukkah, Christmas, and others -- on or around this astronomical event. Diverse cultures around the globe observe Winter Solstice in different ways, as they recognize the rebirth of sunlight after what is the darkest and longest period of time, or the "longest night," which this year occurs on December 22.  

Just as the passing of winter promises the coming arrival of spring , the Winter Solstice promises renewal of commitment and hope for the year ahead.
With the coming of this year's Solstice, the National Blood Clot Alliance is renewing its commitment to you and the community of individuals affected by blood clots and clotting disorders that we serve. In the upcoming year, we will expand the programs and services we provide, and also the crucial information we share about blood clots.  

As we enter year two of our Stop the Clot, Spread the Word  awareness campaign, and as part of our five-year cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we will be unveiling new and important resources throughout the year to help raise awareness about major risk factors for blood clots -- including hospitalization, pregnancy, and cancer.

We are equally committed to growing our partnership with T he Rowan Foundation  and expanding work with our Women & Blood Clots program. In the coming months, we will focus on delivering this crucial information directly into the hands of the young women who need it most, by narrowing our focus to distribute materials about blood clot risks associated with estrogen-based birth control methods, including the pill, patch and ring, through university-based health centers. In addition, we hope to enhance our ever-expanding Stop the Clot® Online Support Community  and continue providing people affected by blood clots a safe and supportive place to discuss and share their stories, information, and thoughts.
As we head into the New Year, we at NBCA -- our Board of Directors, our Medical and Scientific Advisory Board members, and our staff -- renew our commitment to provide you with the tools, resources, and information you need to live your healthiest life. We value our connections to the community, and we wish you and your family a very healthy and happy Holiday Season and a peaceful New Year. 

A the months on the calendar advance, so too do the tools and technologies available to us through social media. We are more connected than ever before, due to our ever growing ability to share and relate to others on social media channels, websites, blogs, and more. 
Along with our renewed commitment to public awareness and information distribution in the upcoming year, we also are committed to expanding our social media efforts to reach an increasingly greater number of people with life-saving information about blood clots.  I n 2016, we will be adding new social media platforms to our already existing Facebook , Twitter and YouTube channels. If you're not already, please connect with us today and make sure to be a part of this important expansion. 
Keeping connected and informed is particularly important for newly diagnosed blood clot patients, many of whom have countless questions early on. A comment or question we frequently hear is, "I was just diagnosed with a blood clot, now what?" The information needs that surround this question will serve as the centerpiece of two new programs NBCA will be involved with in 2016, including one that we are working on with the American Academy of Emergency Physicians. 
Blood clot survivors and caregivers alike need access to a variety of tools and information to manage the often challenging lifestyle issues that can occur subsequent to  experiencing a blood clot. NBCA will be working in 2016 to provide new and useful resources to help people navigate life after the diagnosis of a blood clot. 

All of us at NBCA wish you a wonderful holiday season, filled with joy and love, and the Happiest of New Years. 

The end of the year offers a chance for reflection on the months that have passed, an opportunity to resolve to do better in the next year, and many reasons to celebrate with family and friends. 

At NBCA we look back at 2015 with pride in new achievements but with a recognition that more must still be done to reduce the death (at least 100,000 every year) and disability that blood clots cause in the United States. We resolve to do more and do better in 2016 and hope that you will join with us in that effort.

One important way we can do better together is for you to participate in our 274 Campaign, so named because that is how many people die each day in this country from a blood clot.   To those who have already contributed, thank you very much.  If you are still on the fence, please consider how much good your donation can achieve by supporting and expanding our efforts to Stop the Clot®. Your generosity strengthens our programs of public awareness and patient education, and helps us encourage those who need support as they recover from their own experience with blood clots.

Please go to our website at www.stoptheclot.org. On the homepage, just click on "Donate Now" and you will land on our 274 campaign site.  A few clicks and you can make a real difference.  Thank you in advance for caring enough to help.

Resolve to Get Involved with the NBCA

In the spirit of the New Year, many people resolve to get involved in causes near and dear to them - often those very causes that have made a difference in their own life, or in the life of a loved one. As a national, yet very leanly staffed organization, we rely greatly on volunteers wishing to help raise funds and awareness and bring our mission to the local level across the country. 
Chances are if you're reading this, you already know first-hand about the perils of blood clots, and the promise of bringin g attention to the risks, signs and symptoms. Simply put, awareness and attention will save lives. And you can help make it happen.
Whether it's a walk in your community, a house party, a golf tournament at your club - or anything else you or your company might envision - we're here to help you along the way. When hosting an event to benefit NBCA, our  CrowdRise partners make it easy for you to get the word out while having donations come straight to us.
Throughout the process, you'll meet blood clot survivors, and families of those who have lost friends and loved one, who'll offer their support along the way. And, when it's all over, you'll feel good knowing your efforts have likely helped to save at least one life. 

Resolve to feel good in 2016 by joining us in our ongoing efforts to save lives. Questions?  We're here to help         

Community Connection
A Mostly Positive Impact - Cam McIntyre's Story
Cam was on break from a tour as a military musician when he received an urgent message from his doctor saying, "Go to the ER as soon as you get this," after being evaluated for a nagging pain in his calf. Later that day, Cam learned he had a blood clot behind his knee. Although he travels a lot for work, at just 29 years old Cam had no prior medical or family history of blood clots. While his journey has brought about some changes in his life, Cam is resolute in his positive outlook on the future. Read Cam's story here.

Surviving PE at Seventy Something - Joan Allen's Story
Earlier in the year, Joan's  breathing became labored, and she grew so weak that she fell to the floor when just trying to roll over in bed. In her seventies, Joan was diagnosed with a blood clot in her lung that left her weak, on oxygen, and unable to completely care for herself when she returned home. Throughout her healing, Joan has struggled with anxiety and setbacks, but she continues to persevere and now wants to share her experiences with others who are also faced with a difficult road to recovery. Read more about Joan's experience here.

Join Campaign 274
E very day 274 people die in this country due to blood clots.  NBCA envisions a future in which the number of people suffering and dying from blood clots in the United States is reduced significantly. Thank you for your support in bringing us closer to the future.

ICYMI: All the News That's Fit to Link

We hope you enjoy receiving news from NBCA. 

Please join us on  Twitter and Facebook for timely news and medical posts, 

as well as the latest information about lifestyle trends for people and 

their friends and families affected by blood clots and blood clotting disorders.  


Your continued support ensures that together we can Stop the Clot® and save lives through improved education and awareness about the risk factors and signs and symptoms of blood clots. 

Every contribution adds value to the work we do, which means that every 
contribution --  large or small -- is valuable to our mission.



National Blood Clot Alliance 

110 North Washington Street | Suite 328 | Rockville | MD | 20850



(877) 466-2568


NBCA Corporate Roundtable