Monthly Update

October 2024

Upcoming Important Dates:

  • Oct. 26: Atlantic Alliance Sale
  • Nov. 8-9: Maritime Beef Conference
  • Nov. 9: NBCP District Meeting (at Maritime Beef Conference)
  • Nov. 29: Farm Transition Workshop

Scroll down to Upcoming Events for more information on any of the above events!

If you have a beef show coming up and would like the event information listed in a future NBCP electronic newsletter, please email with details.

The New Brunswick Cattle Producers (NBCP) issue a monthly update to all members each month. This is comprised of industry news and updates, upcoming events, upcoming sales and relevant articles.

If you have industry-related content to potentially be added, such as an upcoming cattle event, please contact

Any payments, such as levy remittance, to the NBCP via e-transfer shall be made to:

NBCP Producer Registration

A friendly reminder that your annual producer registration must be kept up to date to be considered compliant and in good standing with NBCP. You are considered in good standing if you complete and send the form back each year. 

NBCP Producer Registration Form

Weekly Price Report

The NBCP website has a Weekly Market Price Report based on cattle sale pricing from the previous week within the Eastern Region, including such sales as the Atlantic Stockyards Ltd., Carvell's Livestock Auction Barn, Quebec (St. Isidore) and Ontario. The current ABP price is also listed. All prices listed are live, except ABP and QC Fed Steers (Carcass). All pricing (other than bob calves) is based on $/lb.

The Weekly Price Report is updated every Monday morning and can be found here.

Feature Program of the Month

Agri-Land Accessibility and Enhancement

Support the development of farmland for agriculture in New Brunswick including bringing lands formerly used for agriculture back into active production, enhancing the development and productivity of new production fields and improving existing farmland. Any increase in acreage will support:

  • more sustainable farming practices with reduced environmental impacts,
  • improved crop rotations resulting in healthier soils,
  • increased land base for the production of crops and livestock feed, and
  • increased self-sufficiency levels of food and livestock feed crops which will reduce transportation costs and associated environmental impacts.

Program Guidelines and Application form can be found here.

Applicants should discuss applications with Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries staff (Business Growth Officer, Development Officer or Specialist) before applying. Click here for a list of departmental contacts.

**Please note: The NBCP offer no guarantee as to if this funding has been exhausted prior to highlighting this Program for the month.

Producer Profile: Donald Bettle

Click on the image below to download the full-sized PDF.

Industry News

NBCP District Meetings

This year, the New Brunswick Cattle Producers will hold just one District Meeting, in conjunction with the Maritime Beef Conference in Moncton, NB. The conference will run November 8-9, 2024, at the Delta Beausejour, with the District Meeting occurring during the morning break on Saturday, November 9 from 9:45-10:30am.


Please note at this year's District Meeting there will be a vote on a proposed regulation change which will add two Directors at Large to the existing NBCP Board. There are no proposed changes to the current districts or representation from those districts.


This is also an election year for the below Districts:

  • 1 (Carleton County),
  • 3 (Drummond Parish in Victoria Madawaska & Restigouche Counties),
  • 5 (Westmorland & Albert Counties), and
  • 8 (Kings and Saint John Counties) 

Message from the Canadian Cattle Association

Canadian Beef Producer Advisory - September 13, 2024

Emerging Animal Health Issue: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Dairy Cattle

Guidance and precautions for beef and dairy cattle participating in United States agricultural exhibitions to mitigate the risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Canadian cattle

ATTENTION: Producers considering travelling with cattle (beef & dairy) to US and producers returning to Canada following short term stay (<60 days)

To protect your cattle—dairy or beef—from HPAI, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) does not recommend showing them at exhibitions in the U.S. This particularly applies if there are cattle or poultry participating from states or regions where HPAI in cattle has been detected. Find out where HPAI has been detected in livestock on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s website.

Due to the ongoing HPAI outbreak in dairy cattle in the US, cattle – dairy or beef - returning from the US after a stay <60 days now have additional requirements, as indicated by the CFIA.

Full Document Available Here

REMINDER: EARLY-BIRD PRICING ENDS OCTOBER 8! Beef producers and students get 50% off with codes BEEF or STUDENT.

The reduced-rate room block at the Delta Beausejour also closes October 8. Book your conference stay NOW to pay just $184/night!

Maritime Beef Conference - Agenda and Registration
New Brunswick Young Farmers

Education Course and Conference Bursary

Through the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) agrologists, certified crop advisors and farmers (with a Registered Professional Agricultural Producers number) residing in New Brunswick are eligible to receive 70% up to $5,000 of eligible expenses for the purpose of attending an educational conference or course outside of New Brunswick. Education bursary funds are included in the maximum eligible OFCAF funding for a farmer recipient.

To be eligible to receive this funding, a significant portion of the conference or course agenda must be in alignment with one or more of the three OFCAF program elements, namely Improved Nitrogen Management, Cover Cropping or Rotational Grazing.  

 There is a limited amount of funding, and applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Eligible applicants must be professional agrologists or certified crop advisors practicing in New Brunswick or Registered Professional Agricultural Producers farming in New Brunswick. Successful applicants will be required to participate in one knowledge transfer activity (KTT), sharing what they have learned with producers at an event sponsored by NBSCIA. Education Course and Conference Bursary application available here.

The deadline to apply is January 31, 2025. Eligible courses or conferences may occur from November 1, 2024, through March 15, 2025. The bursary can only be used to reimburse successful applicants for conference/course registration, hotel accommodations and airfare or public transit costs. To make a claim, successful applicants must provide receipts and proof of payment for all claimed expenses [conference/course registration (mandatory), hotel, airfare, train, ferry or bus costs]. Please note: food and hospitality are ineligible expenses. Claims for reimbursement must be received by March 20, 2025.

You will be notified in 8 business days if your application has been approved, and funding will be set aside to support your professional development.

If you have any questions, please contact NBSCIA OFCAF Program Administrator by email or phone 506-392-0408.

Sign up here to begin receiving the regular Livestock Price Insurance (LPI) updates, or contact Amy Higgins directly for the subscriber agreement or with questions, at (902) 957-2606 or

VBP+ Calving Book/Pocket Book

Are you in need of calving books? Verified Beef Production Plus is offering cattle producers calving books/pocket books for FREE by completing this order form.

Options for Purchasing Cattle Ear Tags in New Brunswick:



  1. Directly from the CCIA website (to learn how to activate your webstore account, click here)
  2. From a CCIA Approved Dealer (see list below):

**the above list can be viewed larger on the NBCP website

Forage U-Pick

Forage U-Pick

AgriWorkplace Skills Training Program

More information available HERE.

Beef Cattle Research Council Webinars & NEW Podcast

Upcoming webinars have been updated on the BCRC website HERE!

The BCRC launched a podcast! The Canadian Beef Cattle Podcast will feature the most popular content from in a new audio format. Each week you’ll hear valuable information on topics ranging from animal health and productivity to feed and forage management, and much more. Subscribe on your favourite podcast platform or find new weekly episodes on BCRC's podcasts page.

Atlantic Beef Products

Sign up for Atlantic Beef Products price updates by contacting Bruce Andrews. to be added to his distribution list:

Workforce Development - AgriNB

We encourage you to use the Job Bank to advertise your vacancies. To access the site, click here. The site allows job seekers to register and be notified of job postings.  

With the launch of the Seasonal Workforce Program in the Fredericton region this summer, we are exploring expansion to other parts of the province in 2024.  The program matches farm operators with workers to address workforce requirements throughout the production cycle.  Should you be interested in learning more about the program, contact Jimmy Alam, Shared Workforce Program Manager.


Please get in touch with any questions or support at:

Kim Lipsett – Workforce Development Coordinator                                         



Jimmy Alam – Shared Workforce Program Manager                        


AgriNB Job Bank

Dates of Interest

REMINDER: EARLY-BIRD PRICING ENDS OCTOBER 8! Beef producers and students get 50% off with codes BEEF or STUDENT.

The reduced-rate room block at the Delta Beausejour also closes October 8. Book your conference stay NOW to pay just $184/night!

Maritime Beef Conference - Agenda & Registration
Click Here to Learn More

New Brunswick Cattle Producer Programs

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership 

New Brunswick programming for the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership have launched!

*As stated in the SCAP Administrative Guidelines, the Canada / New Brunswick Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable-CAP) policy framework is a five-year federal, provincial, and territorial Initiative which will operate from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2028, unless otherwise announced. Program applications are welcome on an ongoing basis until funding is exhausted. Please check your desired program's administrative guidelines for full details.

Full List of Programs, Program Guidelines and Applications

Beef specific programs include:

Application Deadline: January 31, 2025

To assist beef producers to adopt or improve rotational pasture management on their farms. Proper adoption and use of rotational pasture practices will improve quantity and quality of pasture productivity, improve pasture carrying capacity, extend the grazing season, improve soil health and carbon sequestration, improved root growth, improve animal productivity, improve pasture biodiversity and improve drought resistance of pastures.

Application Deadline: January 31, 2025

To grow, renew and improve the New Brunswick beef cow herd.

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

To enhance the New Brunswick beef industry with genetically superior animals capable of producing the highest quality beef, competitively and consistently for the benefit of all the beef sectors. This element is made up of the Beef Elite Sire, Beef Elite Female and Beef Elite Embryo Components, and the Beef Genetic Testing Component.

The New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Fisheries through its Veterinary Service is supporting Producers and CFIA in the on-going survelliance of Bovine Spongioform Encephalopathy. Eligible samples can receive reimbursement up to $150.00.

Additional programs you may be interested in:

Support the development of farmland for agriculture in New Brunswick, including bringing lands formerly used for agriculture back into active production, enhancing the development and productivity of new production fields and improving existing farmland. Any increase in acreage will support more sustainable farming practices with reduced environmental impacts, improved crop rotations resulting in healthier soils, increased land base for the production of crops and livestock feed, and increased self-sufficiency levels of food and livestock feed crops which will reduce transportation costs and associated environmental impacts.

Assist producers in taking concrete steps to improve the environmental performance of their operations including activities to conserve and enhance the natural resources utilized by the New Brunswick agriculture industry, minimize the environmental impact of agricultural activities, and mitigate and adapt to climate change.

To support business planning, skills development and awareness in the New Brunswick agriculture sector.

To support crop and livestock development opportunities including economic development programming for sectors with growth opportunities, regional economic development opportunities, and establishing agricultural machinery usage cooperatives.

Encourage the growth, profitability, sustainability and self-sufficiency of New Brunswick’s agriculture, agri-food, agri-product, and agri-science sectors including adapting to climate change. Applicants are eligible for funding assistance for approved activities intended to encourage the growth, profitability, sustainability and self-sufficiency of New Brunswick’s agriculture, agri-food, agri-product, and agri-science sectors through innovative research and development projects; onfarm demonstration trials; pre-commercialization development activities; on-farm innovation; and adoption of new technologies that have a regional or local impact; and adoption of practices and technologies that will support climate change adaptation and mitigation, including reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improving carbon sequestration, and related technology transfer activities.

New Brunswick’s rich microclimates are ideal for farmers, fishers, producers, and processors to grow, catch and make the foods the world loves. The Market Development and Access program elements aim to increase the sales of New Brunswick’s food basket by supporting industry efforts to access and take advantage of new, existing, and emerging market opportunities, from local farmers’ markets to international markets.

The program provides financial assistance to help cover the cost of transporting quarried dolomitic and calcitic limestone (e.g., Aglime) and is calculated based on the distance from the source of origin, that has the correct type of lime available, to the delivery destination.

Links of Interest

NBCP Weekly Market Price Reports

Upcoming Sales & Auctions

Carvell’s Livestock Auction Barn

Contact Carvell Crandlemire at 391-6188 or email for auction dates and times.

Carvell’s Livestock Auction Barn

111 Wilmot Road, Wilmot, NB

Atlantic Stockyards Ltd.

Upcoming Feeder Sales (10AM):

  • Oct. 8
  • Oct. 22
  • Nov. 5
  • Nov. 19
  • Dec. 3

Producers are encouraged to pre-register all feeder cattle as early as possible. Atlantic Stockyards Limited (ASL) will be listing pre-registered cattle on their website.

Vaccinated cattle will be uniquely identified; all cattle will be sold by order of arrival.

Click Here to visit the ASL website!

A Breeding Stock Sale will also occur Saturday, October 26, beginning at 12:00pm.

Atlantic Alliance Sale: October 26

Maritime Beef Testing Station

Nappan, NS

The Atlantic Alliance sale combines the Angus in Action, Maritime Hereford, Autumn Classic Shorthorn and Salt Water Simmental to create one production sale. Held every fall it is a great exchange of cutting edge genetics in the Maritimes.

Click here to learn more!

Check This Out!

Simply Verified Beef - The Podcast

Join VBP+ Coordinators, producers, auditors and other special guests each month as they discuss topics relevant and timely for beef producers all across Canada.

Simply Verified Beef- The Podcast episodes will be released monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. 

Click Here for more information!

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