We are asking for your donations now. Here are some essential details of the effort that are important to know.
Q: Will my donation goes directly to those who have suffered?
A: Yes, to the extent possible. NBEA will be working with its state business education contacts in the hardest-hit areas to identify those business educators affected most by the disaster.
Q: What will the donations be used for?
A: Donations will be used to provide limited grants to help victims with related expenses while being displaced. This could be for lodging, fuel, grocery expenses, or other related purposes.
Q: Will there be any requirements for grant recipients?
A: Yes, recipients will have to document need and their association to business education through their state organization. NBEA membership is not required to receive a grant.
Q: How much will NBEA give to victims and is NBEA membership required to receive grants?
A: How much is distributed depends on how much is raised and the number of claims? NBEA seeks to assist business educators regardless of membership status.
Q: Who will decide who gets grants from the fund?
A: NBEA's president will appoint a task force to oversee the distribution of grants.
Q: What will be done with the funds leftover, if there are any?
A: NBEA will work to donate directly to victims. Any funds left over by a date to be determined by the task force will be sent to a fully accountable non-profit organization providing disaster relief, such as the American Red Cross.
Q: Is my donation tax-deductible.
A: Yes, The National Business Education Association is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to the National Business Education Association are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. NBEA's tax identification number is 52-0886073.