Dear NBG Community,

It is with bittersweet feelings that I write my thirty-sixth and final newsletter as NBG President. I assumed this role in January 2020, two months before Covid abruptly changed our lives. I feel deep gratitude to the NBG Board, Advisory Council, and Members who have worked together to navigate the changing landscape of a worldwide pandemic while nurturing the goals of our Guild for the past three years. It has been a privilege and an honor to serve alongside a cadre of enthusiastic book artists whose time, effort, and creative vision continue to shape and nourish our unique organization, the farthest north book arts guild.

I am retiring from the Board, but I will take a seat on the Advisory Council and remain active on various Guild committees. Please join me in welcoming the next NBG President and Vice-President: Corlis Taylor and Laurel Herbeck. You will hear more about the 2023 calendar of events from Corlis and Laurel in the January newsletter.

Since I moved to Fairbanks, thirty-three years ago, this time of year has always been an evocative season for me. It seems especially so this year. As we move toward solstice and as we each navigate changes in our lives, I’d like to leave you with this poem: 

This Time of Year
Snow sifts into spruce boughs, 
drapes a white shawl over 
the frozen ground, over the 
tangled calligraphy of birch limbs.

Silence sheathes the Tanana.
Hoar frost and rime ice etch their
delicate diaries as daylight dissolves
and cold settles into the trees.

The moon rises early, stars glint
across December’s velvet sky and
there is just enough light to see
the shoveled path, the way home.

Raise your mittened hand
in thanks, turn toward those 
you love, make this season 
a bright room of gratitude.

With appreciation and warmest regards,
Susan Campbell
NBG President, 2020 - 2022
DIY Holiday Gift Cards
with Northwoods Letterpress

Wednesday December 14, 12-1pm
Saturday December 17, 1-4pm
(RSVP required)

Located in the NBG Studio
3550 Airport Way, Caribou Building, Suite 205 

'Tis the season to share holiday spirit with family and friends - in the form of a hand printed card! From a variety of carved linoleum blocks or Japanese vinyl images (see examples to the left), NBG members will operate one of three letterpresses and print their own limited edition of 3x5" or 4x6" holiday cards. No prior experience is necessary, but do bring your preferred folded cards or paper to print on.

Wednesday December 14th is a drop in session. RSVP to Bruce Campbell if you plan on printing Saturday, December 17th.
November-December theme:
Email a photo of your completed work and a brief description to Ashley Thayer.
Participants will be featured on the NBG website.
*** A big congrats to Chris Greenfield-Pastro for being the first member to complete all 6
challenges this year!! Way to go, Chris!!***
NBG's Art-o-Mat Machine
The NBG Art-o-Mat Machine (pictured above) has arrived! Its debut at the NBG December First Friday event was a delightful success! Don't worry if you weren't able to stop by the NBG Studio on December 2nd to browse the many wonderful artist books on display, pick up a few stocking stuffers, and see the machine in person. NBG Member Laura Williams has graciously offered to host the Art-o-Mat machine at her HoHo Holiday Shipping Expo booth December 16-18. The machine will then travel downtown to the lovely 2 Street Gallery fine art gallery for the month of January.

Venues interested in hosting the machine beyond January should email [email protected] for more information. Local artists are encouraged to submit their work to be sold nationwide through the network of Art-o-Mat machines. See for more details!

Poll: Name the Machine!
As the NBG Art-o-Mat machine begins its journey around Fairbanks, it seems appropriate to name it. Several NBG members have suggested names, so we've gathered them up and created a brief poll to allow members to choose their favorite. Click the button below to vote for your favorite machine name!
NBG Help Wanted

NBG Wants YOU!

Northwoods Book Arts Guild is seeking fun-loving volunteers to join the Board in the following positions:

Secretary - This job takes a little time, but nothing you can’t handle! Attend bimonthly Zoom Board meetings and take notes on the proceedings. You can ask members to speed up, slow down, or clarify any point you wish. After the meeting, type up your notes and submit them as Minutes to all Board and Advisory Council members. Bingo, bango, done! Term is two years.

Development Committee Chair - This job is perfect for the person with vision and the desire to impact the Fairbanks Arts community in a big way! Lead a team of willing volunteers to seek out a new location for our studio - one with full access, classroom water availability, a clean toilet, and greater meeting, workshop, gallery, and letterpress studio space. Work with other community groups to secure funding for a joint endeavor. Think BIG! Report progress to the Board on a quarterly basis, via email or attendance at Board meetings. Term can be two years or the rest of your life!

Compensation package includes camaraderie, a sense of accomplishment, and contribution to the general health of the Fairbanks arts community! Join us today!

Please contact any NBG Board Member or Mary Maisch to offer your services, at your earliest convenience.
Professional Development Series

As an awardee of the 2022 Rasmuson Foundation Project Award, NBG members are invited to participate in a Professional Development Series offered by the Rasmuson Foundation and Anchorage Museum. Future 2023 events are in the works, stay tuned!

Former IAA Panelist Panel
In this general session open to the public, hear from former IAA panelists about the application process. Panelists will reflect on what makes a strong application and discuss strategies for presenting work for panel review for IAA and similar opportunities such as funding, residences, and fellowships. While designed for those who might be applying for the 2023 awards, this session also will provide supportive strategies for composing portfolios and statements for external reviewers.
The former panelists in conversation include: 
Michael Hammond, former Director of the Agua Caliente Cultural Museum, Anne Finger, educator, writer of creative nonfiction and fiction, and an activist for the disabled community, and Sharon Van Starkenburg, visual artist.


NBG Open Studio & Boreal Book Arts Showcase Hours
Meet, Make, Shop!
Wednesdays, noon-2pm
December 21, January 18 and beyond

Horn Book Project
Ongoing through May 2023

NBG Program Meeting
Sunday, January 22, 1-3pm
NBG Studio and on Zoom
Learn about and support Northwoods Book Arts Guild!