JULY 2022
Dear NBG Community,

We just passed Solstice, an important benchmark in the north country, and we would be basking in the midnight sun if it weren’t for the all the smoke saturating the Interior. I’ve been in Wisconsin for a few weeks helping family and have been hearing how dense the smoke has been in Fairbanks. I hope you are all finding places of respite and staying as healthy as possible.

I’m excited about NBG’s involvement in this summer’s Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival. Partnering with FSAF gives NBG a chance to extend our reach and share the fascinating world of book arts with a broader community. Special thanks to Linda Adamson, Laurel Herbeck, Connie Stricks, and Corlis Taylor for stepping up to teach at the Festival. Scroll down for details about the classes they are teaching and how to sign up. 

As you peruse this newsletter, you’ll also find information about Katie Sanders’ Gelli printing class and Bruce Campbell’s Letterpress printing opportunity offered in the NBG studio in July. If you have a keen interest in historical bindings, there is one spot remaining in Ashley Thayer’s Nag Hammadi Workshop in early August. 

Our next Program Meeting will be this Sunday, July 10, 1-3pm on Zoom. NBG Vice President, Corlis Taylor, will host the meeting and teach us how to create a Turkish Fold Structure. Check out the details below.

As the bounty of summer blossoms around us (in spite of smoke), it’s the perfect time to find inspiration for the July/August NBG Book Challenge Theme: Garden. (View Tiny books made for the May/June Challenge on our website via the link below.) If you would like new inspiration, stop by the studio during Open Studio hours, Wednesdays 12-2pm, and check out a book from the growing collection in the NBG Library. 

With warmest regards,
Susan Campbell
NBG President
June-July theme:

Email a photo of your completed work and a brief description to Ashley Thayer.
Participants will be featured on our website. Below is Stephanie Strandberg's "Teeny Tome" created for the April/May Challenge theme "Tiny".
Boreal Book Arts Showcase
Call for Participating Artists

Just a reminder! The Boreal Book Arts Showcase, our Guild’s cooperative location for members to sell their handcrafted work, is seeking new items. Handmade books, cards, boxes, broadsides, letterpress items, and book arts accessories are welcome. Please bring your work for the Showcase to any July Open Studio session (July 6, 13, 20 & 27). Pieces will be displayed for three months. Beginning in September, we hope to feature the work of 1-2 Showcase artists each month in our Newsletter.
Program Meeting
Sunday July 10, 1-3pm

On Zoom
Look for Zoom link on Friday, July 8th

Turkish Map Fold Book
with Corlis Taylor

The Turkish Map Fold is a unique way to use a square sheet of paper to make a foldable book. The “Map” unfolds so that you can see the entire sheet of paper. This foldable can be used on its own or joined with other folded sheets to form a book, greeting card or as part of a pop-up in an accordion book. Paper that is suitable for this fold includes copy paper, origami paper, old maps, magazine paper and a variety of papers from light to medium weight paper. 

Materials needed for this book:
4-6 pieces of paper (5”x5” or 6”x6”)
Bone Folder
Heavier paper for covers if desired
Glue stick
Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival
NBG is partnering with the Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival to offer three Book Arts classes in July. Click the "FSAF Registration" button below to visit the FSAF website for more information and registration.
Book Arts: Basics - July 25 & 26
Instructors: Linda Adamson and Connie Stricks

This two-day workshop is designed for the beginning student. You will learn about the tools and materials used to make books and various techniques required such as how to measure, cut, score, fold, glue, and stitch paper. All tools and materials will be supplied. A variety of books will be made--some by cutting and folding a single sheet of paper, others by folding several sheets and connecting them in various ways. We'll begin with a simple pamphlet stitched book, then make models of the Dos-a-dos, French Fold, Origami Pocket Fold, and Lotus Fold books and a small box in which to store them. We finish with 2-section and 3-section stitched books.
Book Arts: Surface Design on Paper - July 27
Instructors: Corlis Taylor and Laurel Herbeck

Create beautiful one-of-a-kind hand printed papers using a variety of techniques. Gelli plate printing, stencils, acrylic paint color blocking, marking making – these are just a few of the ways you will embellish paper to use in book making, art journals or just frame it as art. Paper, paints and all supplies provided.
Book Arts: Panorama Book - July 29
Instructor: Connie Stricks

The Panorama Book is a freestanding accordion with six broad, flat, hinged panels on which to create a visual gallery. The structure is not difficult, but requires careful folding and measuring, and lends itself to fascinating variations. It can stand by itself or be used as a flat book with covers where 'pages' turn in a traditional way. We will first make a model and then a final embellished book with wrapper. (This is a great opportunity to use some of paper made in the FSAF "Surface Design on Paper" workshop, although decorated, patterned paper will be supplied.) Materials and tools required will be supplied.
Gelli Printing with Fluid Acrylics
with an Emphasis on Botanicals
with Katie Sanders

Friday, July 29 - 12pm to 4pm

Members $90, Guests $100
Materials fee: $15
Workshop limited to 6 participants

Gelli printing utilizing fluid acrylics facilitates complex, multi layered pieces, which may be utilized in collage and book making or for stand-alone prints. Techniques learned originally from collage artist Elizabeth St.Hilaire will be shared and a variety of papers, paint colors and tools for creating designs and textures provided to allow students to experiment with the vast array of beautiful source material for future projects.
A variety of papers to print on, new and recycled 
A variety of colors of Golden fluid acrylics
A selection of stencils and masking materials
A selection of stamps and texture making tools
A variety of fresh leaves

Face mask (to be used by consensus)
A gel printing plate, ideally 8” x10” or 9” x 12” but 5” x 7” will work 
A rubber brayer
Any recycled papers you’d like to experiment with – maps,
letters, book pages, etc.
Any favorite stencils 
Scrap paper for cleaning brayer – old phone book paper is ideal but most 
any recycle paper will suffice- at least 6 sheets

This workshop is FULL
A WAIT LIST is in progress for a second session,
to be scheduled in September

NOTE: Please email the instructor to indicate your preference regarding the wearing of masks by class participants. If one person feels more comfortable with masks on, all will wear masks. To allow plenty of personal space, this class is limited to six participants.
Letterpress Workshop:
Print your Own Name and Address Cards
with Bruce Campbell

Saturday, July 30 - 1 to 4pm,
with extra time as needed

Members $30, Guests $40

This is a letterpress learning opportunity for those who want to continue their adventure in Letterpress printing. You will set type, manage it into a chase, ink the press, and print a number of cards for your own use. Then return the type to the job case. The goal is for everyone to print their own cards to their own design, within the limits of the letterpress equipment on hand.
We have "@" signs and "#" signs so you can print email addresses and social media handles.
Yes, you can mix typefaces and type sizes, provided you fill out a job card so we can get it put away correctly! You are limited by the size of the card, our available typefaces and type sizes, and the time you need to set type and proof your card.
We can print on all three presses, in any color we agree to use on each press.  
Please bring your own apron. Bring any special paper you wish to use. Or use the paper we have cut and ready.
The Nag Hammadi Codex III
with Ashley Thayer

Sunday, August 7 - 10am to 5pm

Members $90 Guests $105
Materials fee: $40
Workshop limited to 6 participants

One slot remains open!

Dating back to the 3/4th century Egypt, the Nag Hammadi Codices are the earliest surviving Codex binding structures. In our model, we’ll be using authentic papyrus, handmade paste, and ethically sourced goat skin to replicate the traditional skills and materials originally used. This workshop is designed for those with a keen interest in and curiosity of this special book structure.
NBG Foldables Display
Installed at Noel Wien Library 
A new display of book art was recently installed in the glass case opposite the check-out desk at the Noel Wien Library. Featured in the display are the foldable structures highlighted in NBG program meetings of 2020-2021 and in the Foldables section of Books As Art 3 at the Bear Gallery. Models of each structure are placed alongside finished examples of artist books using the illustrated structure. Instructions and diagrams are published in the Compendium of Foldables, available for purchase at the NBG studio. Thank you to artists Linda Adamson, Susan Campbell, Margo Klass, Mary Maisch, Sherrill Peterson, and Connie Stricks for sharing their work.
Cabinet of Curiosities, with photographs by Massimo Listri, is a new book that features some of the most wondrous and bizarre collections of artifacts from the Renaissance to modern-day.

NBG Open Studio & Boreal Book Arts Showcase Hours
Wednesdays, noon-2pm

NBG Program Meeting
Sunday, July 10, 1-3pm

Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival
Book Arts: Basics
July 25 - 26, 9am-4pm
Book Arts: Surface Design on Paper
Wednesday, July 27, 9am-4pm
Book Arts: Panorama Book
Friday, July 29, 10am-4pm

Gelli Printing with Fluid Acrylics
July 29, 12-4pm

Letterpress: Print Your Own Name and Address Cards
July 30, 1-4pm

Nag Hammadi Codex III
August 7, 10am-5pm

August 20, 10am-4pm

Chinese Thread Book
September 10-11, 10am-4pm

NBG Program Meeting
Sunday, September 18, 1-3pm

Learn about and support Northwoods Book Arts Guild!