Dear NBG Community,
As I write to you, more snow is falling onto the wintery landscape outside my window, a birch forest sheathed in white. There is a difference now though, light is returning to our northern latitude and on clear days I am energized by the brilliant blue skies and afternoon sunshine. I imagine you are, too.
Coinciding with the dynamic changes we all feel during this transition from winter to spring, I am excited to announce a new addition to our NBG studio: Boreal Book Arts Shop. A large cabinet in our studio will be home for this consignment shop, a venue for NBG members to sell their hand-crafted artist books and related book arts items. Guild members are encouraged to consign books, boxes, cards, broadsides, bookmarks, Letterpress items, and book arts accessories such as tool bags and ceramic brush holders. Shoppers can select from a range of curated items, and each purchase helps advance the Guild’s work as well as providing direct support to artists. If you are interested in having your work featured in the shop, please see the attached Consignment Information Sheet (below). You may bring work to one of our March “Open Studios” between Noon-2:00 on Wednesday, March 16, 23, and 30. The Grand Opening for Boreal Book Arts Shop will be April 6th, 12-3pm. After that, the shop will be open to both members and the general public during our Open Studio hours, each Wednesday from Noon-2:00pm. While our hours will be limited initially, we hope to extend them by adding some hours on weekends, during the holidays, or in association with special events.
I hope to see you at our next Program Meeting on Zoom, Sunday, March 20, 1-3pm (see the announcement below).
With warmest regards,
Susan Campbell
NBG President
Updated March 10, 2022
As we’ve all learned over the past two years, COVID-19 is a dynamic entity. Based on current CDC data, as of March 10, the COVID-19 community level for the Fairbanks North Star Borough is classified as low. Your 12-member NBG Board had a thoughtful discussion about the new CDC recommendations and our Guild’s COVID-19 masking/vaccination policy. As a result of that discussion, the Board voted to revise the masking policy for classes and meetings. As an organization, we believe NBG needs to do our best to make decisions based on scientific data while acting, with intention, from a place of compassionate consideration for our members and the community in which we live.
We have not changed our stance on vaccinations and still require that all participants in NBG classes be vaccinated. We have revised our masking requirement. As of March 10, the decision to be masked in a class or meeting in the NBG studio will be decided by the participants at each gathering. Instructors and meeting coordinators will contact students and meeting participants before a class or gathering and ask their preference. If everyone is comfortable being unmasked, then the group will unmask. Masks will be required if anyone prefers masking. We want to do this thoughtfully and we absolutely do not want to put pressure on anyone to work in an unmasked environment if that is not comfortable. By giving members the opportunity to privately express their desires, we think we can meet the needs of our membership as we all continue to navigate the changing terrain of COVID-19. Your private expression of your preference will be kept confidential.
For now, if you stop by during Open Studio (12-2pm every Wednesday) to purchase materials from Paper Birches, to shop at the new Boreal Books Consignment Shop, or to get advice on a project, please wear a mask. Since folks come and go from the studio during those 2 hours, we think it is easiest for everyone to stay masked and then no one will feel hesitant to drop by for those short visits.
It has been exactly two years since COVID began to alter our lives in profound ways. It is difficult to make sudden changes, especially when there are so many facets to decision-making. We want to do our best to adapt to changes while always looking out for each others’ well-being. Thank you for your understanding. We will continue to revisit this issue as it unfolds in our community. As always, the NBG Board welcomes your input. If you would like to share your thoughts, questions, and concerns, please send a message via the Contact button.
Program Meeting
Sunday, March 20, 1-3pm
On Zoom
Look for Zoom link on Friday, March 18
The Panorama Book
with Susan Campbell
Join us as we expand our ‘toolbox’ of structures by creating a model for a Panorama Book, a continuation of our Guild’s exploration of Fabulous Foldables.
Created by Hedi Kyle and described in her wonderful book, The Art of the Fold, panorama books lend themselves well to fascinating variations that can incorporate images and text. Made from a single sheet of paper, this foldable is a freestanding accordion with broad, flat, hinged panels on which to create a visual gallery. The structure is not difficult, but requires careful folding and measuring. Please print out the instructions, linked below.
For our program activity, Susan will teach you how to fold a 6-panel panorama, measuring 8" x 4" when closed. You’ll need some basic tools and paper (listed below). If you need paper, the NBG studio is open on Wednesday, March 16, 12-2pm. There will be some donated papers available for you to use for models. A variety of other papers are available for purchase.
Tools and Supplies:
Cutting Mat
scrap of foam core or mat board as protection when piercing
Knife with extra blades
Scoring tool
Bone folder
Metal Edges (optional)
Pencil and eraser
Adhesive, double-sided tape or MacTac to attach covers
(1) Template: 8” x 4” cardstock
(1) Accordion: 8" x 25½” ⏤ text-weight paper for the model
(e.g., Canson or Elephant Hide work well)
(2) Covers: 8" x 8"
For future reference:
Other papers that work well for artist books based on this model:
St. Armand’s Colored or Canal (~330 gsm)
Khadi Cotton Rag (~210 gsm)
Cave Paper
Decorative elements for panels - lightweight to text weight paper, photographs, painted or eco-dyed papers
The theme for March - April is playing cards. How you interpret the theme and structure is up to you. Anytime within the two-month period, email a photo of your completed work and a brief description to Ashley Thayer. Participants will be featured on our website. The goal is for as many members as possible to participate in making at least ONE challenge book this year.
*If you need help or inspiration,
utilizing NBG Open Studio time on Wednesdays is a great option*
2022 Theme for March-April
Playing Cards
Gelli Printing & Panorama Foldable
with Mary Baarlaer Maisch
Saturday & Sunday, March 26-27 - 10am to 3pm
Members $150 Guests $200
Workshop limited to 6 participants
Play with your own Gelli plates, stencils, stamps, string, leaves, and other pattern-making materials as you cover papers with layers of acrylic painted monoprints. As a follow on to the previous week’s Program Meeting, we will make two Panorama foldable structures utilizing your printed papers. Your remaining papers can be used later to make one of a kind artist books, folios, notecards, collages, or gift boxes. This workshop is suitable for beginning to advanced level book artists and printmakers.
Instructor will provide a limited amount of mixed media and watercolor papers, deli papers, fresh plant materials, and film for cutting custom stencils, at no extra charge.
PARTICIPANTS SUPPLY ALL MATERIALS, including a Gelli plate. A detailed list will be sent upon registration.
The Nag Hammadi Codex II
with Ashley Thayer
Saturday, April 9 - 10am to 5pm
Members $90 Guests $105
Materials fee: $40
Workshop limited to 6 participants
1 space left in this session
A WAIT LIST is in progress for a third session,
to be scheduled in the near future
Dating back to the 3/4th century Egypt, the Nag Hammadi Codices are the earliest surviving Codex binding structures. In our model, we’ll be using authentic papyrus, handmade paste, and ethically sourced goat skin to replicate the traditional skills and materials originally used.
This workshop is designed for those with a keen interest in and curiosity of this special book structure.
Paste Papers:
A St. Louis University Libraries Special Collection
Historically, paste papers are found in eighteenth-century bindings. Such papers — some boasting bright shocks of color, others dull or faded — are scattered throughout the covers, end papers, and edges of SLU’s rare book collection. After marbled and printed papers, they are the most prevalent type of decorative paper in our stacks. Read all about this fabulous collection!
Newport Paper Book Arts Festival 2022
April 21-24, 2022
Registration for this year's festival has been open since January 29.
For availability of classes and more information, click on link below.
FOBA 2022
Friday - Tuesday, July 15 - 19, 2022
The 15th Focus on Book Arts conference offers five full days of workshops for beginning as well as advanced book artists. You can come for just one workshop or for the entire conference; a range of class lengths lets you tailor an experience just for you.
Registration begins Monday, April 4, 2022 at 8:00am
All registration will be online!
NBG Open Studio Hours
Wednesdays, noon-2pm
NBG Program Meeting
on Zoom
Sunday, March 20, 1-3pm
Gelli Printing and Panorama Foldable
Saturday & Sunday, March 26-27 - 10am to 3pm
Grand Opening
Boreal Book Arts Consignment Shop
NBG Studio
Wednesday, April 6, 12-3pm
Nag Hammadi Codex II
Saturday, April 9, 10am - 5pm
Information coming in April Newsletter!
Letterpress Basics Workshop
April 16, 30, and May 7
Learn about and support Northwoods Book Arts Guild!