
March 2024

Hello Book Artists,

We have more sunshine, the days are longer, and the temperatures are warmer as we say goodbye to February and hello to March! I hope everyone is beginning to think about our upcoming projects and the books you are planning to make. In our February Program Meeting an announcement was made about our upcoming ABC Book Project. I hope the presentations by Ashley, Margo, and Laurel along with the many images filled you with ideas on where to begin with your own ABC Book. Current NBG Members can access the February Program Meeting recording by emailing a request.

The book artists involved with the Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum collaboration are finishing up their books and this will be a very exciting show. Please stay tuned for more information about the show opening and the show catalog. Also, remember that NBG is the Featured Artist at 2 Street Gallery for the month of October 2024. Now is the time to think about the artist book(s) or related items you will make and sell. We would like a variety of books available to share with the public. 

Open studio is a great place to come and share your ideas and get feedback on any book you are working on; the studio is open on Wednesday from noon until 2:00pm. We will now be open an additional day – Sunday for two hours in April. Read the announcement in the newsletter for details.

Please remember to renew your membership for 2024. Your membership dues provide a benefit to both you and the Guild. You can visit our website to renew your membership online.

Corlis Taylor

NBG President

NBG Workshop

Traditional Cased-in Bookbinding

Instructor: Tyson Rinio

Saturday & Sunday, March 2 & 3

12 - 3pm

UAF Rasmuson Library, Book Repair Lab

Workshop Fees: Members $120, Guests $150

Materials Fee: $20

This workshop will focus on creating a traditionally bound book using vintage bindery equipment. Signatures will be assembled by cutting, folding, and trimming parent sheets of paper. The text block will be sewn on linen tapes, then cased into a cloth-bound cover with a rounded and backed spine. A title will be added using a hot foil stamping machine.

The class will take place in the book repair lab of UAF’s Rasmuson Library where students will be introduced to the equipment and practices of a classically trained book binder. Due to limited table space the class will be limited to to 4 participants; this will also allow for ample one-on-one attention. The cased-in codex created in class will serve as a model for future projects.

A list of materials and tools will be emailed to registered participants.

Workshop is Full, Waitlist Registration Only

Registration and Information

Instructor Bio

Tyson Rinio is the Off-Campus Services librarian at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, where he has worked since 2011. He studied book binding with Mark Andersson at Panther Peak Bindery in Tucson Arizona in 2015. He has also studied repair work with Artemis Bona Dea who established Alaska's first Conservation Book Repair Program at the Alaska State Library, and with Juliayn Coleman of Book Island Bindery.

NBG Workshop

Coptic Cross-stitch

Instructor: Laurel Roos Herbeck

March 23 & 24

Saturday 10am-4:30pm

Sunday 12-4:30pm

Members $165, Guests $220

Materials fee: $ 10

Workshop limited to 8 participants

Intermediate level: Coptic binding experience required.

Early registration is appreciated.

Do you love an eye-catching book spine? This class will teach you a structure that combines Coptic stitch and Cross-stitch in an elegant and stunning binding. Students should have experience with two-needle Coptic Binding and come to class with 8 folded sections (paper chosen for the purpose of the journal) to fit 7” tall x 5.5” wide covers, guards, end papers and book cloth of your choice. Also bring standard book arts tools and 6 to 9 bookbinders needles (teacher will have some extra). Teacher will provide book boards and thread.

Make Class payment at the NBG Studio with cash or check written to the Northwoods Book Arts Guild. Materials fee is paid directly to Instructor as cash (preferred) or by check.

Registration and Information

NBG Workshop

Introduction to Coptic Stitch

Instructor: Oralee Nudson

Saturday May 25th


NBG Studio

Workshop Fees: Members $120, Guests $150

Materials Fee: $25

Workshop Limited to 6 participants 

This workshop will introduce beginning Book Artists to the versatile 2-needle Coptic Stitch sewing technique found in Keith Smith's Exposed Spine Sewings, Non-Adhesive Binding Vol III. Students will learn how to prepare and attach cover boards to a text block using the Lark Spur board attachment technique, wrangle a half dozen or more dangling needles into a Coptic Stitch binding, and gain the confidence necessary to tackle any and all Coptic Stitch bindings in the future!

Prerequisites: Willingness to accept imperfection, work through frustration, and persevere!

As Bob Ross once said, "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents."

Financial assistance is available for NBG workshop or membership fees. Apply by completing and returning the Marilyn Askelin Memorial Workshop Financial Assistance Form at least one week prior to class.

Please RSVP early!

Registration and Information
open studio by vanessa

NBG Studio Update

Open Studio April Special

Sundays 3-5pm

Many of our members have asked for the NBG studio to be open additional hours – especially for those who work during the day. We are planning a test run during the month of April to open the studio on Sundays from 3 to 5pm. Beginning Sunday April 7th, the studio will be open to shop Paper Birches, browse the library, develop ideas and work on projects.

We also now have Wi-Fi at the Studio!

We know that Sunday may not be the best time for our members so we are asking you to complete a survey (click the button below) to help us meet your needs.

NBG Open Studio Survey

NBG Exhibition

2 Street Gallery Featured Artist

for the Month of October

Call for Participation!

2 Street Gallery in downtown Fairbanks has invited the Northwoods Book Arts Guild to be their Featured Artist for the month of October 2024! All current NBG members are invited to display and sell new and original artist books or artist book related items at the gallery for the duration of the show. Work includes but is not limited to handmade books, journals, cards, letterpress creations, or handmade tools associated with artist book making. All artwork must be for sale (with 40% of the sale going to 2 Street Gallery as a consignment fee). Submissions will be collected in September, however we will need several pieces completed in May-July to photograph for advertising the event. Please email Oralee Nudson if you have questions about the exhibit or have finished work ready for photographing.

Newport Paper & Book Arts Festival

April 11 - 13, 2024

Newport, Oregon 

This annual conference for paper and book artists takes place on Oregon’s coastal town of Newport and nearby communities. One and two-day workshops will be offered by the 2024 roster of instructors: Casey Newman, Chris Bentley, Connie Stricks, Glenda Goodrich, Iris Sullivan Daire, Margo Klass, Pietro Accardi, Randi Parkhurst, Rose James, and Sandi Reinke.


Focus on Book Arts

June 26 - 30, 2024

Monmouth, Oregon

Focus on Book Arts is a conference of book and paper arts in Monmouth, Oregon. FOBA offers five days of workshops, along with a Trade Show, Artists’ Fair, Faculty-Staff Exhibition, and several evening events. Workshops are taught by professional instructors in bookbinding, printing, decorative papers, paper making, book art, and more.


More Information



NBG Open Studio &

Boreal Book Arts Showcase Hours

Wednesdays, 12-2pm

Sundays, 3-5pm in April

NBG Workshop

Traditional Cased-In Bindings

Saturday & Sunday, March 2 & 3, 12-3pm

NBG Activity

Coptic Club

March 7, 2-4pm

NBG Workshop

Coptic Cross-Stitch

Saturday, March 23, 10am-4:30pm

Sunday, March 24, 12-4:30pm

NBG Activity

Coptic Club

April 4, 2-4pm

NBG Program Meeting

Zines! Zines! Zines!

on Zoom

Sunday, April 21, 2-4pm

NBG Activity

Coptic Club

May 2, 2-4pm

NBG Special Event

Tiny Book Party

May 19, 1-3pm

NBG Workshop

Introduction to Coptic Stitch

Saturday, May 25, 10am-4pm

Learn about and support Northwoods Book Arts Guild!