North Central STEM Region

August 2023

STEM Day At The Fair!

Externship Spotlight!

Allison Walders has been hard at work at her externship this summer! Here is what she had to say about her experience:

Describe the research/work you are taking part in during your externship.

I have been tasked with updating the Standard Work Instructions (SWI or some companies call them SOP) for various machines on their plant floor. These are important documents to help new workers learn how to run a particular machine. We are also working to translate them into Spanish since there are workers that don't speak English as their first language. 

What is your favorite experience or memory?

My favorite time has been spent on the shop floor observing and asking questions. The workers are all very good at explaining their processes and have been patient with me to show me how things are done. 

What would be your advice to teachers thinking about partaking in the externship program?

My advice would be that if you can find the time, do it! It can be scary to take a step outside your comfort zone, but we need to sometimes! It is an amazing growing and learning experience. It can also help give a personal perspective to students and their futures. 

STEM Checkout Library

Storytime STEM-Packs and several former STEM Scale-Up kits are now available for checkout. These packs are a great hands on, creative way for students to learn more about various STEM concepts.

Learn more about available kits here:

Stem Pack Checkout Information

Request a kit here: Check-Out Form

STEM Challenge Cards

In addition to our checkout library, we have STEM Challenge Cards available by request. Each card has an easy to prepare STEM challenge for when you're looking for an activity to either supplement content or for students to do during transitional times in the classroom. In addition to the cards, some materials can be requested as well, though many are found easily at home. 

To look at the challenge options and request any, click here:

STEM Challenge Card Checkout

kit here: Check-Out Form

NC Iowa Teachers Participate in Scale-Up Training

Over the past three weeks, hundreds of educators throughout the north central region have been getting hands-on instruction and guidance for their Scale-Up awards. From aquaponics to computer science to drones and many more, thousands of students throughout the region will love the programs their educators are ready to implement this school year! And don't forget, if you received a Scale Up award this year, make sure to share how its going or even invite our region manager, Mauree Haage, out to see STEM in action!

Calling All STEM Program Providers!

If your organization offers a STEM program that could be scaled to educators across Iowa, please consider applying! Starting this month, Iowa STEM will be seeking program proposals for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Important Dates

August 15: Request for Proposals Opens

September 19: Deadline to submit a Proposal

Organizations eligible to Present a Proposal:

  • County Government
  • For-Profit Organization (Other than Small Business)
  • Nonprofit with 501C3 status
  • Nonprofit without 501C3 status
  • Private Institution of Higher Education
  • Public/State Controlled Institution of Higher Education
  • Small Business
  • State Government
  • Others that provide a PreK-12 STEM program.

The Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council selects some of the state and nation’s high-quality programs and offers their professional development/training and materials to Iowa educators through the STEM Scale-Up Program. The legislature supports the Scale-Up Program with just over $3 million for fiscal year 2025. Typically, funds are distributed across ten to twelve programs that are selected for scaling across Iowa and equipping thousands of educators with STEM programs that inspire nearly 100,000 Iowa youth each year.

If you are interested in providing STEM programming in Iowa for the 24-25 academic year as part of the STEM Scale-Up Program, please click here!

Upcoming Events!

August 14 - NC STEM Advisory Board Meeting

August 20 - STEM Day at the Iowa State Fair

September 15 - NC STEM Advisory Board Meeting

October 13 - NC STEM Advisory Board Meeting

November 2 - STEAMfest at ICCC

November 10 - NC STEM Advisory Board Meeting

Know of other STEM events in North Central Iowa? Email us at:

Connect with us!

NC Regional Manager:

Mauree Haage



Phone: 515-294-0645



Extension 4-H Building

1259 Stange Road

Ames, IA 50011

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