The Governor’s STEM Advisory Council at the Iowa Department of Education is accepting applications for the STEM BEST® (Business Engaging Students and Teachers) Program, which is aimed at launching or expanding models specifically focused on creating project-based learning opportunities.
The goal of the awards is to enable students to develop future-focused, high-demand skills to ensure success in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) pathways.
Iowa public and nonpublic school districts and buildings serving students in grades K-12 may apply for the competitive grant opportunity, which offers awards up to $40,000.
The STEM BEST Program encourages teachers and industry professionals to design project-based learning models that combine STEM subjects with hands-on learning. These experiences highlight the essential skills needed in the workplace and give students the opportunity to learn about different industries and businesses and explore potential career paths in high-demand sectors.
Award may be used for many things, including facility upgrades, the purchase of industry-grade equipment, acquiring additional space, travel needs for exploration, and costs associated with planning with partners and integrating curriculum into existing courses.
In addition to acquiring high-demand skills, the projects should help students hone key 21st century skills, such as innovative thinking, problem solving, and complex communication and collaboration.
An applicant is required to provide a 2:1 match. For instance, if a school is seeking the full $40,000, it would need to have $20,000 to invest in the project, as well. The match may be either cash and/or in-kind support and the match may be contributed by the applicant or a community partner. To be eligible as a match, the cash and/or in-kind contribution must be provided during the funding period of the STEM BEST® Program award.
· October 2 - Application opens
· December 13 - Application deadline
· February 2024 - Awards announced
· February 2024 - May 2025 - Implementation
Read more about the STEM BEST Program and learn how to apply.