North Central STEM Region
April 6, 2023
Advisory Board Visits BCLUW
In March, the North Central STEM Advisory Board visited BCLUW Middle School STEM classrooms to see what they have been up to this school year. The board was able to see many wonderful authentic learning projects the students have worked on and learned about upcoming projects to come! While visiting, the board watched students develop computer games through a coding platform. In addition, they were able to speak with 7th and 8th grade students who participate in robotics. It was very evident that the STEM classrooms at BCLUW Middle School accomplish projects throughout the school year that truly encompass a wide variety of STEM areas.
Regional STEM Festivals
Osage STEAM Festival
The Osage STEAM Festival was held on March 23rd with over 600 in attendance.

Students had the opportunity to explore hands on STEM booths from 30 different area organizations. Not only was there a great turnout, but youth were truly excited to try all of the hands-on activities!
Boone Family STEM Festival
The Boone Family STEM Festival was held on April 1st with over 600 youth and their families attending.

There were over 50 different exhibitors who brought engaging STEM activities for youth to try. Youth were able to move booth by booth and explore the STEM in many different careers.
Interested in holding your own STEM Festival? Let us know and we'd be happy to talk about how to get started. Mauree Haage, our regional manager is happy to help with planning and hopes to grow the number of festivals in the region! These festivals are a great way to bring businesses, schools, libraries, and other community partners together to create a meaningful and fun STEM event!
Scale-Ups to be Announced Soon!
Final scale up decisions will be announced soon. Applicants can expect an email from to be sent out on April 7th. Inside of that email will have whether or not you were awarded the Scale-Up as well as any action items. Please reach out to us if you do not receive an email on April 7 and you applied for a Scale-Up award.

We had a record number of applicants in the North Central region and our advisory board did an outstanding job of reviewing those and deciding awards based on anticipated state appropriations. We look forward to bringing high quality STEM materials and professional development to many of those applicants this summer!

If you have any questions, please contact Mauree Haage at
STEM Checkout Library
Storytime STEM-Packs and several former STEM Scale-Up kits are now available for checkout. These packs are a great hands on, creative way for students to learn more about various STEM concepts.

Learn more about available kits here:

Request a kit here: Check-Out Form
Join us for a great week of learning and collaboration with other educators throughout Iowa! Not only is it FREE to attend, you will EARN a stipend for engaging in professional development!
It’s official!! Iowa’s Computer Science Professional Development Week will begin with a kickoff event on the evening of Sunday, June 11th with professional development happening throughout the week of June 12 - 16, 2023. All professional development will be held in-person on the University of Northern Iowa campus in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Now is the time to register for this amazing opportunity sponsored by the Iowa Department of Education, the Iowa AEAs, UNI, CSTA, and NewBoCo.
WHEN: June 12 - 16, 2023, Kickoff evening of Sunday, June 11th
WHERE: University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls (High School Cybersecurity at Waterloo Career Center)
WHO:  All PreK-12 Educators, Counselors, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators who will be providing or supporting CS instruction in accredited public and non-public schools that have created a computer science plan
WHY: Support state and K-12 district CS plans and provide equitable access to high-quality CS professional development throughout the state 
WHAT: PK-12 Computer Science professional development opportunities ranging from 1 to 5 days in duration from 8:30 - 4:30 each day
What is covered?
  • Stipends: $150/day Monday - Friday (Sunday not included)
  • Lodging: UNI dorm suites available Sunday - Thursday night
  • Food: Breakfast & Lunch provided
Expenses not covered:
  • Mileage/Travel expenses
  • Evening meals
  • Cost of licensure renewal or graduate credit if desired

Register for all PD by May 5: links on AEA CS website or go to the registration system and search for CSPD week
  • Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis with limited capacity so register soon! If your section is full, please register and you will be put on the waitlist. Registration after the deadline will not guarantee a spot or materials.
Need to get support from your administration?  View admin letter template
More information can be found from the Curriculum Director update.
Not able to attend this summer? Iowa’s CS PD Week will move each summer. In 2022, CS PD week was in Ames and in 2023 will be in Cedar Falls. We are working to schedule 2024 on the west side of Iowa and will share details once finalized.
Questions? Contact
Upcoming STEM Events!
April 7 - STEM Scale-Up Awardees Announced
April 20 - Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory Board Meeting
May 11 - NC STEM Advisory Board Meeting

Know of other STEM events in North Central Iowa? Email us at:
NC Regional Manager:
Mauree Haage

Phone: 515-294-0645


Extension 4-H Building
1259 Stange Road
Ames, IA 50011