News about NCA and Costuming
Oct 29, 2020

Halloween Worth $8 Billion in 2020  

Despite the ongoing difficulties faced by the Halloween and party industry as a result of the continuing Covid-19 restrictions, Halloween is estimated to be worth around $8 billion within the US market this year. Read More
Digital Back Issues of Costumer Online       

Have you missed an issue of Costumer? Or is there an article from a previous edition you'd like to read again? Then check out the digital editions of Costumer from 2019 and 2020, available in the "Resources" tab on the left hand side of the Member Center. Click here to log into the Member Center.
Welcome to this edition of the NCA e-contact newsletter! This newsletter is published every other Thursday. You'll notice that the articles that start here link back to the full text of the articles on our website. Please share your thoughts about these topics in the comments that follow each article.
NCA Members: HQ Has Your Back!                                  
Dear NCA Members: I know it's been a crazy, scary, gut-wrenching year so far. Between COVID shutdowns, protests and looting, hurricanes in the Southeast and forest fires in the West, it seems like the body blows keep coming. Now we are on the eve of Halloween - which was supposed to be the best Halloween in years - and I know many NCA members are wondering: "Is my business going to make it to the end of the year?" Read More 
No Disappearing Act: Stoner's Funstore Keeps the Magic Alive 
As we were researching an article about selling magic tricks and supplies in costume shops, the first few people we spoke to said that the internet has severely cut into their sales of those items. We were starting to lose hope for the topic until we spoke with Dick Stoner, founder of Stoner's Funstore in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Read More
Costuming Product and Business News   
NCA Member Bonnie Johnsen on TV News about Rentals