Key Dates
June 20 - 23
NCAC & Sub-Committee Meetings
Louisville, KY
June 27 - August 14
$5 & $20 Fillups Promotion Featuring Extra Crispy Chicken
Watch for a new Colonel!
Since this is our first newsletter, we want to make sure we are meeting your needs. Please follow the link below to give us feedback and ideas for what more you would like to see.
Sub-Committee Who's Who
ffective July 1, 2015, - June 30, 2016:
Marketing: Pete Wasilevich (Chair), Tom Broome (R4), Brian Denman (R6), Pushpak Patel (R10), Todd Stewart (R12); Ad Hoc -- Anthony Gianino (KBP Foods), Jody Luihn, Jim Olson
Operations: Mike Kulp (Chair),
Chris Fowler (AKFCF), Tony Frazier (R11), Marcus Shelton (R3), Larry Starkey (R1); Ad Hoc -- Jim Beglin, Bryan Robinson, Justin Stewart
Contract & Facilities: Pete Wasilevich (Chair), Tom Broome (R4), Chris Fowler (AKFCF), Todd Stewart (R12); Ad Hoc -- Jim Olson; NCAC and AKFCF Legal Counsel -- Ben Johnson, Ron Gardner
Beverages: Jody Luihn (Chair), Jim Liguori (R2); Ad Hoc -- Kevin Schlutz, Anthony Gianino (KBP Foods)
Technology: Marcus Shelton (Chair); Ad Hoc -- Inman Hodges, Mike Kohlman, Brandon Robertson
1-800 Squad: Bryan Robinson (Past OEC Chair), John Pankratz (R5), Cynthia Koplos (Executive Director)
Watch this space next time for competitive & industry news!
In an effort to keep the system better informed of NCAC Committee and Sub-Committee activities, we will begin sending a monthly newsletter. The committees do a tremendous amount of work between NCAC meetings, generally working via conference calls but sometimes including meetings as well. While being sensitive to confidentiality, we will also try to keep you informed of test markets and other news relative to our business. However, I think it's equally important to state what this newsletter is NOT intended to do. That is, we do not want to replace TeamKFC with details around marketing promotions or operations initiatives. Over time, I expect this to evolve, but would certainly appreciate any feedback you have on how to make this a more useful tool for you. Please feel free to do so via the attached link. My next update will be late June/early July (after the NCAC meeting). At that time, I will provide more information around decisions coming out of the meeting, as well as test market plans for the back part of the year.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
NCAC Attends YUM! Global Franchisee Meeting
For the first time ever, the NCAC was invited to participate in the YUM! Global KFC & Pizza Hut Franchisee meeting the first week of June. Every NCAC region was represented, as well as AKFCF President Chris Fowler. With over 1100 people attending from 125 countries, the Board was able to learn what's working around the world and how it might apply to us. Additionally, KFC President Jason Marker addressed the convention and shared with them the results to date of the KFC US Turnaround.
New Operations Excellence Committee Named!
As you may recall, the NCAC Bylaws were recently amended to make changes to the Operations Excellence Committee (OEC) structure and to define specific accountabilities separate from other NCAC Operations Committees.
Eight franchisees will serve on the Committee, and were selected from among nominations and applications sent in from within the system.
Vice Chair Tom Slater, working with the franchisee Executive Board members, has appointed the following franchisees to serve on this important committee: Chair (Tom Broome), Shawn Brady, Steve Dean, Matt Hansen, Teresa Kelly,
Jim McKenzie, Bryan Robinson, and Justin Stewart. The first meeting of this newly formed Committee will be held Tuesday, June 21, in Louisville in conjunction with the NCAC Meeting.
Marketing Sub-Committee planning balance of year calendar
Members of the Marketing Sub-Committee (and some additional NCAC representatives met with CMO Kevin Hochman and his team to review and provide feedback on the proposed marketing calendar for the balance of year.
Coming out of this meeting, the marketing team will refine the plans for discussion and alignment at the June NCAC meeting.
Promotions under consideration include a relaunch of Chicken Littles and a rehit on the successful Nashville Hot Chicken promotion.
More details will be provided after the June meeting.
Contract & Facilities Committee working on ASAP Program
The C&F Committee held a conference call to review the status of the ASAP. Nearly 50 restaurants have been completed, and construction has begun on about 60 more. Finally, there are over 2100 restaurants in process. KFC is working with LendLease to add staffing to ensure franchisees are taken care of as soon as possible. The big win for the committee is that the cooler obligation will be deferred until 12/31/17. There will be a Town Hall Call on June 9, 3pm ET to review details with the system. Call in # is 877-360-1804. At the upcoming NCAC meeting, the committee will be discussing KFC's vision for new unit development, and defining "growth ready" for existing franchisees.
Technology Committee
The Technology Committee held a face-to-face meeting in Louisville during May and covered a lot of ground. MERIT improvements include 20 upgrades in the past 9 months (vs 5 in the prior 9 months), decrease in the End of Day process by 50 minutes, and several dashboard enhancements. The Committee has noted significant improvements in the Help Desk, as well as successfully rolling Menu 2.0 to over 16,000 registers. They are currently working on Phase II of this based on system feedback. Next areas of focus include improvement in network speed and reliability at the restaurants, "hot schedules" (a mobile friendly labor scheduling software and more currently in test), an RGM simplification and tablet strategy, and of course IT Security. A more detailed update will be provided to the full NCAC at the June meeting.
Drink Up!
The Beverage Sub-Committee has been working to develop and implement programs that will grow beverage sales to increase restaurant level profitability. Two key areas of focus this month have been to leverage our relationship with Dole to secure additional funding for a co-promotion later this summer, as well as a unified system brewed iced tea program. Jody is also serving on the interbrand group reviewing the Pepsi contract. More information on all of these topics will be coming out after the June NCAC meeting.
Call Me...
Before the changes to the OEC, the Committee formed a task force to work with KFC to evaluate options for service providers for the 1-800 CALL KFC program. Bryan Robinson and John Pankratz have been actively involved in the process of working with KFC to identify needs as well as sending Requests for Proposals to 3 new providers and our current supplier, Service Check. Reviews are in progress and the Squad will be making a recommendation to the NCAC at the June meeting.