January 2020
"Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day." - Michael Josephson
The holiday time has officially passed. So....What now?  Norman Wesley Brooks wrote: "Christmas is forever, not just for one day; for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. The good you do for others is good you do yourself." 

Imagine if we could keep the attitude of thankfulness that permeates November throughout the entire year? And what if we could maintain the spirit of December giving - our love, time, and service to others - the next 12 months? As you open the blank pages on your planners, let us pledge to keep the holiday spirit alive throughout the year.
Whether you are a seasoned Board Member or only recently took on the role of sitting on a community action board, you will find this 2-day training engaging and informative.
The 2020 Board Summit agenda will be released soon.
Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with other board members from across the state and hear from industry leaders on everything from board roles and responsibilities to assessing and understanding your agency’s finances. This year we will be joined by leading experts in the field like CAPLAW Executive Director and General Counsel, Allison Ma’luf. We will also have a special dinner session to discuss the relationship between the Board and Head Start Policy Council.
Click the link to visit our 2020 conference webpage for the latest updates and to view the agenda when it becomes available.
"2020 Vision" for the 2020 NCCAA Conference
Where there is no vision, there is no hope. - George Washington Carver
The 2020 NCCAA annual conference will offer clarity and insight for "2020 Vision" in the new year. Keep up with the latest updates and the developing agenda on the conference website here.

The room block at the Embassy Suites Hotel is full but look for overflow hotel options there, too.
“What an impressive opportunity to be able to share the most vital resources aimed at improving the social determinants of health,” said Bruce Robistow, Health Director of the Halifax County Health Department. “Being able to close the loop, follow up on progress, and track outcomes are integral to providing the best of whole-person care.”

For more information about NCCARE360 or any of its partner organizations, please send an email to connect@nccare360.org.
Now serving a total of 50 North Carolina counties, NCCARE360 is on target to connect health and human service resources in every county and reach full statewide implementation by the end of 2020. 
January 2, 2020 – NCCARE360, the statewide coordinated care network connecting individuals to local services and resources, has officially launched in 29 additional North Carolina counties. This sixth regional rollout has launched with health care and community-based organizations, including the Chatham Health Alliance, Halifax County Health Department, MANNA FoodBank, United Way of Davidson County, and Mountain Projects Community Action Agency.  
Are you among the millions of Americans who ring in the New Year with lofty intentions to lose weight and exercise more? So why is it that by March, most New Year’s resolutions have fizzled like stale champagne? No worries - you're not alone, but do you ever wonder why? Do you start our with unrealistic goals? Is it too hard to break bad habits? Does your lack of willpower undermine your ability to keep your New Year’s resolutions?
Use these tips to make a realistic resolution that you can achieve this year.

Urgent Repair Program - Notice of Funds Available
The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency proposes to make a total of $4.5 million available for the 2020 Urgent Repair Program (URP20). Program funding enables recipient organizations to provide deferred, forgiven loans of up to $10,000 for emergency home repairs and modifications to very low-income owner-occupied homes.

SERCAP has been approved to USDA 502 and 504 loans/grant to assist very low income homeowners in NC with septic system, as well as plumbing repairs and a number of other home repair issues. Read more
"Artificial Intelligence: We’re betting that 2020 will bring some transformative changes to the healthcare market through artificial intelligence...." - C. Bain
Spencer Platt / Getty
New research supports the idea that economic distress led to an increase in opioid abuse. But some say the origins of the epidemic are far more complicated. Researchers working on the ground say opioid addiction looks like the result of a perfect storm of poverty, trauma, availability, and......Read more
Chef Craig shares the Recipe for a Quinoa Super Bowl dish which he created especially for this event for you to try.
Let us know what you think @ info@nccaa.net
December's HEALTH=WEALTH topic was healthy eating. To dispel myths about healthy, unfamiliar foods, NCCAA invited Chef Craig from Cateriffic! Chef Craig conducted a food demonstration, answered questions, offered alternative ingredients, and gave valuable health benefits to ingredients used in the dish. His presentation engaged the crowd so that they felt like part of the whole cooking process..
A special note of thanks to AmeriHealth Caritas for their sponsorship of this event.
McKimmon Center, Raleigh, NC

2020 Kids is a one-day policy summit for child advocates. 
Participate in the discussion to
  • Better understand how organizations that default to white norms can get in the way of children meeting their full potential in North Carolina; 
  • Learn from peers who are changing the odds for children in their communities by leading with racial justice; and 
  • Connect and build power to advance racially equitable public policies.  

Who Should Attend:  Anyone who advocates for children and their families in North Carolina!  Advocates for early childhood, juvenile justice, education, health, immigration reform, mental health, foster care, child abuse prevention, and more are invited to attend.   
Tickets are just $10 and include lunch. Help build a more equitable North Carolina for every child!
Learn more and register  here    
Email Adam Sotak, Public Engagement Director, NC Child if you have any questions: adam@ncchild.org .  
NASCSP's 2020 Winter Training Conference offers valuable opportunities for professionals from around the country to come together and discuss strategies for meeting new challenges.
February 24-28, 2020, in Arlington, Virginia.
Click here to learn more and register.
National CAP
In Focus - Vol. 31- Being Trauma- Informed also means taking care of yourself and your staff.
Check out this organizational readiness guide , also from OVC, as well as this practice guide from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. - John Quincy Adams
A SHOUT OUT showcases the awesome work of NC's CAA Agencies, Staff, and Partners
Keep the Shout-Outs coming - send to info@nccaa.net
happy new grounds coffee
Remember to add NCCAA's NEW GROUNDS COFFEE to the list of happy's - treat a friend, family members or stock up the office break room and create "happy new chances" for returning citizens in the NCCAA Reentry Program.

1 / New Year
8-10/ CAP Management and Leadership Conference , San Juan, Puerto Rico
16-17/ NECAP 2020 Presidential Forum , Manchester, New Hampshire




Got thoughts, articles, ideas, suggestions for OUR newsletter? We'd love to hear them. Please take a minute to share - send to info@nccaa.net . Thank you!